Carla Bolito

Carla Bolito


Carla Bolito


Um Filme em Forma de Assim
Organized like a dream, structured like a musical and with texts, both spoken and sung, that lead us to unexpected, chaotic and exciting situations, which try to grasp part of what the unattainable Alexandre O'Neill left us.
Поначалу никто им не верит, но весть об этом разносится по всей стране, что становится толчком для масштабного паломничества в Фатиму. Десятки тысяч религиозных паломников начинают стекаться к этому месту в надежде стать свидетелями чуда. То, что они испытают, навсегда изменит их жизнь.
Marias da Sé
A typical day in Porto's Cathedral, between tourists and the local community. A peculiar group of women grabs our attention...
Acts of Cinema
Cinema and affections from life in images and what goes on outside the frame. 'Snapshots' of shootings and the present-day memory of directors, actors and technicians.
Francisca, a beautiful 50-year-old widow (played by Maria de Medeiros), prepared a peaceful future for herself. In an unexpected outburst, she grabs an opportunity for change and embarks on a sailboat called ‘Hovering Over the Water’.
В Лиссабоне Марсело пишет роман, используя жизнь своей жены Беатрис в качестве главного источника вдохновения для повествования. Творческий процесс книги идет по опасному пути, в конечном итоге ставя под угрозу любовь, которую они испытывают друг к другу..
Short Portuguese film about history.
Boa Alma
Luís Mário Lopes wrote the solo A Boa Alma for Mónica Calle in 2015, based on the works of Bertolt Brecht marking the departure of Casa Conveniente from Cais do Sodré and their arrival in the new venue in zona J, Chelas. The original score is by JP Simões.
Alto Bairro
Mad Prostitute
In Lisbon 1950, John, 13, decides to invade the neighborhood of prostitutes, nobility and sailors, starting a new stage in his life. Today this neighborhood is reflected in a scattered public debate centered on its night life.
My Name Is Bernadette
Between February and July 1858, in the Massabielle cave, the Virgin appeared eighteen times to Bernadette Soubirous, a miserable little girl from Lourdes. A true revolution in the heart of the Second Empire that shakes the established order by his universal message of love and prayer.
Оптические иллюзии
Порой жизнь подкидывает такие ситуации, что больше не веришь своим глазам. К слепому лыжнику возвращается зрение. Сотрудник службы безопасности влюбляется в воровку. Лучший работник — на грани увольнения. Все трое оказываются в пучине обстоятельств и желаний, которые сами с трудом распознают — Ilusiones Opticas, оптические иллюзии…
Лиссабон 1972. Молодая женщина-мулатка, которая, несмотря на то, что она богата, красива и умна, чувствует себя дискриминированной из-за цвета её кожи...
Ворчание острова
a woman
В конце 1960-х Эвита приезжает в Мозамбик, чтобы выйти замуж за Луиша, студента-математика, который там исполняет воинскую службу
És a Nossa Fé
Short documentary about football (soccer) supporters in Portugal
Nuno, a boy of nine, runs away from home on the night of the 24th of April 1974. He hides in a mysterious building that is being abandoned in great haste. People are running down the stairs, cars are leaving, finally Nuno and a dog are the only ones left. They become friends and fall asleep together. In the morning they wake up with screams from the street. Nuno thinks that it is his mother calling for him and runs to the window. The street its full of people, tanks and soldiers. It’s the 25th of April. And Nuno believes that it was his mother who made the revolution just to find him.
A 14-year-old kid, addicted to videogames, goes with his parents to a shopping mall and separates from them to go to a game store called UTOPYA. He doesn't come back. His parents get in despair, and his father tries everything he can to bring him back.
Light Drops
Rui was raised in Mozambique in a small village at the frontier of a mysterious river. Son of Portuguese colonists, his best friend is Ana, a black girl godchild of his mother. At fourteen he is confronted with the tragic destruction of his childhood and has to learn to recognize two distinct realities - the European and the African.
Water and Salt
Ana lives in a little village by the sea, with her husband and daughter. He decides to leave for a few days. That seems to be the ideal solution, because Ana needs to finish a work she has been doing for a long time. But her concentration seems threatened when she starts doing her daily walks by the village and the beach: she saves a stranger from death in the sea, meets young Alexandre and Emilia, and her friend Vera turns up in her house. And then, everything changes…
Facas e Anjos
In 1983, little João Amaral Severo asks his father to go to the circus. His father, and army captain who had been recently widowed, refuses to take him under the pretext that the circus would draw his attention away from his studies. Ten years later João is a student in the Military College, and is tired of the harsh discipline imposed by his father and decides to join a travelling circus that stops in his hometown, Alcochete. From then on João, alone and free to live his life the way he wants, finds a world of magic, the love of Dolores (a young trapeze artist) and the family he never really had. Until a twist of fate turns João into a father...
Maria Rita Branco Raposo
The film is set in Lisbon, and tells the story of a day in the life of Rita and Paulo, a Portuguese young couple of the 90's. The fast changing city around them makes them wish to break with all traditions and live the day the get married (only civil marriage) like it is an ordinary day.