Sara Graça


The story of Lucas, a 13 year-old kid who swears vengeance to the man that abuses his mother in exchange for a miserable life.
Until Tomorrow, Comrades
Portugal, 1944. In a country oppressed by a brutal dictatorship, there are those who resist and mobilize the people to fight for bread and freedom, even if it cost them prison, torture or their lives.
Libanesa Loira
Elisa imitates her friend's feelings and moods. She is not aware of her behaviour but her aunt that knows Elisa too well, offers her a trip to Brazil to spend some time alone and work on her project about Brazilian popular myths. In Brazil and all alone, she experiences her first true feelings only to find out that everything she does, a mysterious Lebanese woman has done before.
Two girls, Cândida and Serena, with different expectations about their relationship. Serena, unable to deal with Cândida's lightness, decides to take a stand and face the ghost that haunts her. The ghost hides in the closet ....
Другой берег
Рикарду — трансвестит в баре, его парень покончил жизнь самоубийством. Рикарду пытается вскоре после этого совершить суицид. Именно эта неудачная попытка самоубийства позволяет ему возобновить контакт с сестрой Марией и узнать своего племянника Вашку, который имеет синдром Дауна. Он также пытается ужиться и со своим отцом Жозе, а с Марией, и в основном с Вашку, Рикарду должен заново научиться жить.
Fin de curso
There are two months to the end of High School Spanish classes in Lisbon and it's time to decide the destination for the end of year trip. That decision will cause a real "Civil War" between two irreconcilable groups: the "class nerd", who propose the typical cultural trip to Paris, and "freeloaders" who prefer to enjoy the week in Benidorm, the "New York's Costa Blanca ".
Лицо, которое ты заслуживаешь
Франциско, веди себя прилично! Я знаю, что это твой день рождения, тебе уже тридцать, это карнавал, ты одет как ковбой для школьной вечеринки, и тебя окружают дети, которых ты ненавидишь. Но это не повод быть таким раздражительным ... Франциско, повторяй за мной: «До 30 лет у тебя есть лицо, которое дал Бог. После этого ты получишь лицо, которое заслуживаешь».
Nunca Estou Onde Pensas Que Estou
Christmas Night. A man, a serial killer gets out in order to search another victim. The thoughts could be our own but the end is unpredictable.
Fair Day
Dawn is breaking into day. Fair day. As in every year. But this is a year of mourning. "It doesn't look right!" Vera says to her sister. And her mother-in-law looks at her and remembers the dead son. Remembrance is a silence between the two of them. Children's voices come from outside. Lucia wants to go to the fair with her uncle and cousin. "You promised!" claims the daughter. Vera consents in letting her go. Lucia waves her hand as the tractor drives away. Chance, once again. An accident. Death, always so close, so alive.