David Tao

David Tao

Рождение : 1943-08-23, Shanghai, China

Смерть : 2012-09-12


David Tao


The Young Heroes
Old coach
The Kung Fu Kids IV
A young martial arts kid travels by accident from another dimension to our world in search of a magical swordsman.
Funny Family
Lan's grandfather
The history begins in a small small village. The son lives with the father, and the daughter with mother, their parents constantly are at enmity and clash, bringing the matter to fights. Young people love each other, but their parents aren't happy with it and suggest them to go to the city to find to itself soulmates and it isn't simple to find halves, but also to be enriched with a money, and together with it to find the run-away parents. Searches are vain, they only find adventures on the fifth point and are got involved in fight with local бандюгами then them put in a monkey house. By accident they are found by the run-away parents, but problems becomes even more. Any yaposhka snub sporting goods store of their parents, causing them on any foolish competitions which also win and thus doing of their parents of full suckers...
Книга героев
Группа бандитов именуемая как «Пять крыс» прячет тонны золота. Крутой японский мафиози Ямашита (Ясуаки Курата) решает присвоить себе эти богатства и убивает «крыс», но так и не узнаёт местонахождение золота. Единственная оставшаяся у него зацепка — сестра одного из «крыс», у которой есть карта, указывающая где спрятаны эти сокровища, и она вместе с муженьком уже отправилась на их поиски. Но Ямашита внезапно вмешивается в их планы. А по следам и тех и других идут коп и его подружка, желающая работать в полиции.
Seven Foxes
Billionaire Suen falls seriously ill, he hopes to find his only son who has been missing for twenty years to inherit his fortune. Meanwhile, he tells his butlers to find a killer, to kill him when he is joyful, so that he won’t suffer too much from his illness. Suen meets a woman and asks her to move in, in return he promises to pass his fortune to her. Thief Yee, Scammer Tao, and Single Fong all flood in and assert that they are the son of Suen.
Ghost Bustin
陶博士(Dr. David Tao)
Dr. Tao, who has supernatural power, misses his wife a lot, whom disappeared on the day of their marriage. One day, an eagle flies into Dr. Tao's house and solicit his assistance to turn him back into a human. Dr. Tao finds out that his wife is locked up by a wicked witch-doctor, Black Cloud Master. Dr. Tao is on his way to the castle
The Time You Need a Friend
John Woo's melodramatic tragicomedy The Time You Need a Friend (1985) stands at the crucial crossroads in the director's career. Woo had been churning out innocuous comedies for more than a few years, and after establishing the "heroic bloodshed" genre, he'd never look back. But this tale of two comedians - estranged former pals who bury the hatchet for one last show together - blends the pathos and male-bonding of Woo's later dramas with the silliness and pratfalls that marked his early works. At their peak, Ku Ren and Shem Bien were an unstoppable screen comedy team, the undisputed stars of the silent era. But a major falling out has kept the duo offstage for decades. Despite the urgings of family and friends, Ku and Shem refuse to reconcile. As both men approach their twilight years, one last chance for a reunion presents itself in the form of a televised charity benefit. Ku Ren and Shem Bien struggle to come to terms with years of bitterness, and bring the house down once again.
The Four Sheepish Dummies
Taiwanese comedy.
Особое задание
Отряду коммандос, собранному из отпетых мошенников и авантюристов, поставлена боевая задача освободить из плена генералов союзных войск. Демонстрируя мастерское владение рукопашным боем, отряд продвигается к поставленной цели, не зная, что выжить суждено только непревзойденному Сэми.
Особое задание
Отряду коммандос, собранному из отпетых мошенников и авантюристов, поставлена боевая задача освободить из плена генералов союзных войск. Демонстрируя мастерское владение рукопашным боем, отряд продвигается к поставленной цели, не зная, что выжить суждено только непревзойденному Сэми.
Can't Stop the War
Miyamoto Simpleton
In 1945, Japan had surrendered but the news did not reach a small village in China. The local guerrilla force still put up a hilarious fight with the Japanese command.
Spooky Kookies
Wild Cat
Early ghost comedy from Cinema City.
The Women Soldiers
Four girls graduate from high school with the hope of joining the army, even though that may clash with their parents' wishes...
The Song of Love
Two orphans who grew up together become friends after a long struggle. But the boy falls in love with another girl leaving his childhood sweetheart shattered.
The Old House
Taiwanese horror film.