Shefali Shah

Shefali Shah

Рождение : 1972-07-20, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Shefali Shah nee Shetty (born 20 July 1972), is an Indian actress who works in Bollywood films. After making her film debut with a minor role in the 1995 drama Rangeela, she played a supporting role in the crime film Satya. Her performance in Satya received critical praise and won her the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Actress and a Best Supporting Actress nomination at the 44th Filmfare Awards. She was later nominated for Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the family drama Waqt: The Race Against Time (2005). In 2007, she received critical acclaim and won the National Film Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in The Last Lear. She starred in the 2015 dramedy Dil Dhadakne Do, receiving several nominations for Best Supporting Actress. She, along with the main cast won the Screen Award for Best Ensemble Cast for the film. Shah was married to television actor Harsh Chhaya. After their divorce, she married director Vipul Amrutlal Shah. She has two sons with Shah.


Shefali Shah
Shefali Shah
Shefali Shah
Shefali Shah
Shefali Shah


Three of Us
Shailaja Desai
While grappling with early symptoms of dementia, Shailaja finds herself at the cusp of her past, present, and future. She decides to go on a trip to revisit her childhood before her memories ebb away. She embarks on a confrontational journey that makes her deal with questions related to a traumatic event in her childhood, the mundanity of her marriage, and the complexity of her future as she travels through the coastline of Konkan with her husband and childhood love.
Доктор Г
Dr. Nandini Srivastava
Удай Гупта мечтает стать успешным ортопедом, как и его старший кузен Ашок. Только парню не везёт, и все места в ортопедическом отделении заняты, и ему ничего не остаётся, как поступить в отделение гинекологии, чтобы не потерять место. Тут-то он и познаёт все прелести женского доктора...
Kachha Baniyan Gang: The Real Story Behind Delhi Crime Season 2
A look behind the horrifying true story of Delhi Crime Season 2.
Shamshunissa Ansari
Badru hopes her volatile husband will reform if he stops drinking. But when his rage goes too far, she and her mom boldly, albeit clumsily, seek revenge.
Ruksana Mohammad
A hit and run of an 18-year-old girl becomes the hub of a wheel that sets into motion many a spoke - a journalist, a raging mother, a cop and a system all caught in an ethical dilemma. Questions are raised only to realize that the truth is rarely pure and never simple.
If the disease doesn't kill us, the distance will. An unprecedented situation has forced us to question our being. What if we have no togetherness? And worst yet, no memories to revisit? Is this distance related to the present situation or has it somewhere seeped into our realm? SOMEDAY is a story of Vidhi, a frontline warrior consumed by the medical situation tormenting us. After 15 days on duty, she comes home to a 7-day quarantine. But is her home a comfort zone when there's the only distance between the one she loves. Her mom is separated from her by a door. She is gradually turning into a relic of herself due to Alzheimer's.
Необычные истории
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Once Again
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Картик звонит Картику
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Черное и белое
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Gandhi, My Father
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15 Park Avenue
Lakshmi J. Roy
An exploration of the impact of schizophrenia on a young woman and her family in today's Calcutta. The narrative pivots around the relationship of two sisters, older sister Anjali is a successful professor with a powerful personality. She is the anchoring rock for her family and carer for her sister Meethi whose progression into schizophrenia has been speed ed up by traumatic experiences. Anjali has always dominated the life of her attractive younger sister, and jealously warded off Meethi's handsome fiancé Jojo with fear of Meethi's impending illness. Years later when Meethi and Anjali are on holiday in the Hills there is a chance meeting with Jojo, now with his new wife and children. He is shocked to discover that Meethi does not now recognize him, but lives in a world visited by an imaginary husband and children of her own.
Наперегонки со временем
Sumitra Thakur
Любовь Ишвара Шаравата, владельца компании по производству игрушек, к сыну Адитьи настолько велика, что он долгое время прощает ему все прегрешения, как бы серьезны они не были. Но однажды и его терпению приходит конец и он выселяет Адитью в пристройку к дому. Тот воспринимает это за шутку, а когда же окончательно осознает, что отлучен от родного дома, кажется, что примирение уже не наступит никогда.
Свадьба в сезон дождей
Ria Verma
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Pyaari Mhatre
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Gulbadan (special appearance)
Мили танцует в группе, но это не было ее мечтой. Ее мечта снятся в настоящем кино. Видимо судьба услышала ее и сделала ей подарок. Однажды танцуя на берегу моря, она и не заметила, что за ней наблюдает известный актер Раджкамал. Он устраивает так, что Мили будут снимать в кино. Кроме того, сам Раджкамал не равнодушен к красивой танцовщице. Теперь все складывается в жизни Мили так как она мечтала: съемки в кино, в ухажерах известный актер, но… Но все равно ей чего-то не хватает, она грустит. Наверное, тоска в ее сердце появляется от того, что в ее душе до сих пор живут чувства к весельчаку Мунне.