Hiroki Miyake

Hiroki Miyake


Hiroki Miyake
Hiroki Miyake


Taiga Dorama ga Umareta Hi
Commemorating the 70th anniversary of TV broadcasting in Japan, and the 60th anniversary of the Taiga drama, this special depicts the struggles of creating the first Taiga drama.
Thirty-year-old Yoshizumi Sohata (Toruko Miura) has never had any feelings for anyone and does not know what love is. After failing in her aspired career in music, she returns home to work at a call center, where she is busy with her daily duties. With her younger sister married and pregnant, and her mother pressuring her to get a girlfriend, her mother sets up a blind date without her permission. Reluctantly, she heads to the blind date, but there she meets a man who wants to establish a relationship with her as a friend rather than marriage.
The Nighthawk's First Love
Graduate student Aiko has always had low self-esteem because of the birthmark on her face. When her story is cinematized, she falls for the director who accepts her as she is.
Рыбная история
"Meebo" is an elementary school student and loves fish. His life is indeed "fish-a-holic". Meebo stares at the fish, draws the fish and eat the fish every day. His father worries that he is a little different from other children but his mother always encourages and supports him warmly rather than worrying. After entering a high school, Meebo is still obsessed with the fish as usual. For some reason, Meebo is getting along with rogues like a protagonist of a tale. Eventually, Meebo starts to live alone. With encounters and re-encounters, he is still loved by the people around him and pushes forward straight to his only way.
Последний из волков
Satoru Nakagami
После смерти Сего Огами в Хиросиме детектив Шуичи Хиока успешно осуществил план Сего Огами, который состоял в том, чтобы контролировать якудзу, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшие бандитские войны и спасти невинных людей от причинения вреда. Шуичи Хиока управляет преступными организациями, но из-за одного злого человека, которого выпускают из тюрьмы, ситуация резко меняется.
Kurara: The Dazzling Life of Hokusai's Daughter
Oei, later known as Katsushika Oi, was born the third daughter of Edo’s talented painter Katsushika Hokusai and his second wife Koto. Although Oei became the wife of a town painter for a time, her love of the paintbrush more than her husband spelt disaster and she comes back home to Hokusai from the family she had married into. This is how Oei starts to help her father out in his painting of the “insurmountable high wall”. Meanwhile, Oei can only talk to the painter Ikeda Zenjiro, who is her father’s student, about her pain and worries. Zenjiro has taken Edo by storm as Keisai Eisen, the master of ukiyo-e portraying beautiful women. He visits regularly because he admires Hokusai and secretly likes Oei although their relationship is like childhood friends. Oei respects her father whose paintings fascinated her and continues to work as a painter who supports him behind the scenes. When Hokusai’s masterpiece Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji was completed, she was also by his side.
ST: Aka to Shiro no Sôsa File the Movie
Saizo Yamabuki
The ST team at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department consists of eccentric members. Some members do not cooperate with others and others do not reveal themselves in front of others. With Samon as the leader of the ST team and young Inspector Tomohisa tasked with managing the team, the ST (Scientific Task Force) attempt to solve the most difficult of cases.
Magnet Man
Shiren & Ragi
Two souls were drawn to each other without any possible escape from their doomed fates. It was in an era when the country was divided in the north and the south. A legendary woman "Shiren"(Hiromi NAGASAKU) who was born to a family of assassins. A young sword fighter "Ragi"(Tatsuya FUJIWARA) who looked up to Shiren with admiration. News was brought to the north that said the King of the South "Godai"(Katsumi TAKAHASHI) has revived who once was assassinated by Shiren. Shiren was once again ordered by "kyougoku"(Arata FURUTA), a high-ranking vassal of the North, to assassinate Godai. Shiren was upset about Godai being still alive whom she believed she had killed. Ragi who sensed Shiren's distress volunteered to accompany her on the mission. Shiren's cold heart started to melt by seeing Ragi's determination to be there for and support her. Finally the moment to attack Godai comes. It was the moment when an astonishing truth was revealed to the two who had shared their love by that time.
Maruyama, The Middle Schooler
Wrestling coach Umeda
Katsuya Maruyama (Hiraoka Takuma) is a middle school student boy full of obscene thoughts. He then meets Tatsuo Shimoi (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi), a single father who moves into the same apartment complex. Tatsuo Shimoi is a bit of an enigma: he doesn't get along with the housewives in the apartment complex and doesn't appear to work. Through his encounter with the mysterious single father, Katsuya grows as a person.
Nobody's Perfect
"Daijobu 3 Kumi" depicts the interactions between new teacher Shinnosuke Akao, who was born without arms and legs, and the 28 students in his 5th grade class, told from the vantage point of school board member Yusaku Shiraishi
Go Find a Psychic!
Once a year, on Christmas Eve, Cafe Telekinesis holds a real psychic party. At the party, psychics gather together to show off their abilities while for the rest of the year they hide their abilities. Yone Sakurai is a program director for a psychic variety TV show called "Asunaro Psychic". She is stressed out and tired from her work, but proud of what she is doing. Yone actually believes in psychic abilities. By an audience request a new plan is set out for the program, a plan which requires the show to uncover real psychics or psychic events.
Пapни c лaтyнными кacтeтaми
Молодая девушка-менеджер крупного звукозаписывающего лейбла дорабатывает свой последний день в отделе по поиску талантов. Всякое случалось за время ее работы, но уже все позади. Через пару часов - вечеринка по случаю ухода, а дома ждет любимый мальчик в стиле "кавай" да еще и с гитарой. И, казалось, бы ничто уже не может изменить ее планы, если бы не последнее задание - найти для компании молодую и драйвовую панк-группу. Девушка находит в Интернете видеоролик комманды "Парни с Латунными кастетами" и ее начальник предлагает продлить с ней контракт, если та сумеет "доставить" группу в агентство. Канна отправляется за музыкантами, но оказывается, что группа давно распалась, видео, попавшее в сеть - запись с последнего концерта 25-летней давности, а сами музыканты уже не те, кем были раньше. Беда в том, что агентство уже во всю продает билеты на выступления группы! Честь компании превыше всего, а значит нужно сделать невозможное и… вновь собрать группу спустя четверть века!
A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies
The touching and dramatic tale of the relationship between a Japanese family, their dog and her three puppies, set against the backdrop of a devastating earthquake and the ensuing chaos, rescues and heroism.
Кисарадзуские «Кошачьи глазки»: Мировая серия
Приближается третья годовщина смерти Буссана, и Бемби начинает слышать таинственный голос, который твердит: «Построишь "его" — он придёт». Тогда Бемби решает собрать старых друзей, чтобы вернуть Буссана к жизни и сказать ему «бай-бай» как положено.
Хулу Девушки
Mitsuo Igari
1965, Япoния пepexoдит c yгля нa нeфть. Углeдoбывaющaя пpoмышлeннocть в yпaдкe, шaxты пoвceмecтнo зaкpывaютcя, ocтaвляя тыcячи людeй бeзpaбoтными. B oднoм из ceвepныx шaxтepcкиx гopoдoв Япoнии былo peшeнo, иcпoльзoвaв pecypcы гopячиx иcтoчникoв, пocтpoить гaвaйcкий цeнтp, кoтopый бы oбecпeчил нoвыe paбoчиe мecтa для мecтнoгo нaceлeния и пpивлeк тypиcтoв c paзныx кoнцoв cтpaны. A кaкиe Гaвaйи бeз тaнцa Xyлa? Toгдa из Toкиo пpиглaшaют пpeпoдaвaтeля пoлинeзийcкиx тaнцeв, чтoбы cдeлaть из мecтныx дeвyшeк, дoчepeй шaxтepoв, пpoфeccиoнaльныx тaнцoвщиц Xyлa вceгo зa нecкoлькo мecяцeв.
Train Man
The purportedly true story of a 23-year-old otaku (Japanese geek) who intervened when a drunk man was harassing a woman on a train. The otaku ultimately started dating with her and chronicled his event and his dates with the woman (who became known as "Hermès") on the Japanese mega-BBS 2channel.
Кисарадзуские «Кошачьи глазки»: Японская серия
На дворе лето 2003-го года, а Буссан и не думает умирать! Мало того, у него масса планов на будущее: пить пиво с друзьями, играть в бейсбол... и не только! Ещё посетить новое заведение босса Ямагути, вновь встретиться с Айкавой Сё и даже устроить в Кисарадзу масштабный рок-фестиваль! Это лето будет головокружительным!