Predrag Bjelac
Рождение : 1962-06-30, Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia
Predrag Bjelac is a Serbian actor. He is a graduate of the Belgrade University's Faculty of Dramatic Arts (FDU), class of 1986, and studied at The Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute (1988) in New York City. He currently resides in the Czech Republic with his wife and daughters Una and Tara.
Five childhood friends from a small Montenegrin town have gradually moved away to different corners of the former Yugoslavia, yet they remain in contact, aware that their long-time friendship continues to play a fundamental role in their lives.
Райли борется с алкогольной зависимостью и живёт за счёт брата. Однажды, поддавшись на уговоры бойфренда, предложившего взломать неохраняемый контейнер, в котором скорее всего содержится что-то ценное, девушка вместе с ним проникает в хранилище и находит там странную головоломку, похожую на кубик Рубика. Вещица зачаровывает Райли, она начинает крутить её части, не подозревая, что таким образом можно вызвать сенобитов — ужасающих существ с садистскими наклонностями из другого измерения.
král Kornel
Magical cave is full of salt and treasure. You can take as much salt as you want but you cannot touch the treasures as something horrible will happen if you do.
Three friends, Jelena, Ana and Zorka meat three days before 20-year's high school reunion. Ana lives in a neighboring country, she's a biochemist and she has diagnosed (correctly) herself with breast cancer. Fuki their best male friend, never moved from their hometown, lives with his high-spirited grandmother, and occasionally gets involved with dubious people and business schemes. Each of the ladies used to be in love with Fuki at some point in their lives, but after all, they remained best friends. In three days, they all have a great challenge: to help Ana find the money for the operation. They will have to go through serious soul-searching, in order to find courage and strength to bring out the best and most noble in them. Breasts define all of them, not only as a metaphor.
Компания «Central Pacific Railroad Company» строит железнодорожную ветку на запад Америки в 1860-х годах . Немецкий инженер Карл Мэй вместе с мастером Раттлером и несколькими его людьми проводит геодезические работы в районе проживания индейцев. Когда последний осквернил некрополь, двое из них были убиты стрелами апачей, а Мэй был тяжело ранен. Остальные бегут и оставляют Мэйя. Когда сын вождя Виннету пытается снять с него скальп, клубный боксер снова вскакивает и ударяет Виннету кулаком о землю. Мэйя привозят на траву в индийский лагерь, где его встречает шаман, сестра Виннету Ншо-чи, ухоженная и прозванная «Старым Шатерхэндом» из-за её светлых волос.
After narrowly escaping arrest in Prague, Czech mobster Radim "Kácko" Kraviec flees first to Seychelles and then to South Africa where he continues with his criminal endeavours. However, his illicit activities cannot go unnoticed forever.
A group of young bio-engineers discover they can use quantum physics to transfer motor-skills between human brains. Believing this to be a first step towards a new intellectual freedom, they freely distribute the technology. But as the mysterious past of one of their group is revealed, dark forces emerge that threaten to subvert this technology into a means of mass control. DxM takes the mind-bender thriller to the next level with an immersive narrative and breath-taking action.
A film based on a book by Jaroslav Kmenta tells the story of a mafioso who got rich by tax fraud of billions of crowns in transactions with petroleum products and who later tried to gain control of the state-owned petroleum concern. The main character is the gangster Radim Kraviec (Hynek Cermák). He was always capable of violence, but when his father is abducted and killed by a competing mafia, he is changed into a murdering monster.
Действие фильма развернется в СССР времен Иосифа Сталина. Главный герой — дискредитированный офицер советской разведки Лев Демидов. Он расследует серию детских убийств, но его деятельность вызывает подозрение у параноидального советского правительства.
Gypsy King
Desperate for a real news story, entertainment journalist Mui goes to London to cover an antique auction in order to trace the path of Nine-Tailed Fox, a famous art thief who has eluded capture for decades. Playful, but clever, the Fox decides to use Mui as his partner for his latest heist, a set of pottery horse from the Tang Dynasty. What the Fox doesn't know is that Mui is secretly working with Cheung Ho, a Hong Kong cop that has been obsessed with catching the Fox since letting him escape years ago. The result is a twist-filled pursuit that takes the trio from London to Prague.
Сюжет развернется вокруг выживших в первом фильме. Главный герой будет защищать свою семью от разбойничаюших кельтских рыцарей.
A father-to-be faces "the temple of order" which he dislikes - by going shopping in a hypermarket.
A young fan of Red Star Belgrade FC is disappointed with team's performances in the last 20 years, ever since his beloved club won the European Champions Cup. He comes up with idea to bring the former Red Star player Nemanja Vidic from Manchester United F.C., by collecting money for this hardly feasible task.
Set in the of the nineties of the past century, Bad Destiny explores the consequences of war on its protagonists and the tragedy which those people carry. Beli returns in small Montenegrin town, after years in prison. During the war in former Yugoslavia, he was a member of paramilitary unit Shadows, which participated in cruel executions.
The movie is based on the narrative of a Czech multimillionaire who achieved success not by stripping companies, making crooked deals and crony-ism, but by blazing his own trail like Schweikesque self-made man. He realizes early on that he has nobody but himself to rely on. During the totalitarian regime of the 80s, he ambles along his oddball path and then experiences the Velvet Revolution atypically, too - in an asylum amidst nut-cases. After the Revolution, he really gets rolling. To Germany and back. To prison and back. To China and back. The intriguing and endless opportunities afforded by the Internet eventually blossom into virtual prosperity. The hero has everything and is even planning a highly unorthodox family. A happy ending is nigh, until everything goes up in smoke, of course...
Из Сербии в Германию перебирается в дом одного из сыновей теперь уже экс-югославская семья. У них не без «скелетов в шкафу». В центре повествования младший сын Саша. Он одарен и мечтает о карьере пианиста. Ему предстоит прослушивание в консерватории. Еще больше озабочена карьерой сына его мать. Но пока мать Саши мечтает о большой карьере сына, Саша «потерял дар речи» по другим причинам: он гей и втайне влюблён в учителя фортепиано Гебхарда Вебера, а тот намеревается навсегда уехать из города. Молодой человек впадает в депрессию. Единственный человек, которому он может довериться — скрипачка Цзяо. Саша рад, что гомофобный отец думает, что Цзяо его девушка. Но то, что начинается как полезная ложь, усложняется, когда у брата Саши начинается роман с Цзяо…
Stari Nikola
An Early Frost (Serbian: Kao Rani Mraz) is a Serbian movie. Movie is dramatization of a story of Vasa Ladački, inspired by the famous Balašević song.
Lord Donnon
Люси, Сьюзен, Эдмунд и Питер Пэванси возвращаются в Нарнию. В Англии прошло совсем немного времени, а в Нарнии — века. Страна находится под гнетом зловещего короля Мираза. Но у волшебного королевства есть надежда — юный принц Каспиан. Чтобы помочь Каспиану отвоевать трон, четверо героев собирают армию мифических существ во главе с Асланом — основателем и покровителем Нарнии…
Vatican Observatory Priest
Многие верят в то, что в апокалипсисе предсказано страшное будущее человечества, которое начинает сбываться в наши дни. Приметы налицо: атаки террористов, экстремальные изменения климата… Cписок продолжает пополняться. Ещё чуть-чуть, и появится антихрист, который несёт на себе печать «666»: знак апокалипсического зверя.Антихрист получит власть прямо от сатаны, чтобы установить на земле царство обмана и приблизить наступление армагеддона. Роберт Торн, американский дипломат высокого ранга, не интересуется мрачными предсказаниями.
Igor Karkaroff
Гарри Поттер, Рон и Гермиона возвращаются на четвёртый курс школы чародейства и волшебства «Хогвартс». При таинственных обстоятельствах Гарри отобран в число участников опасного соревнования — Турнира Трёх Волшебников, однако проблема в том, что все его соперники — намного старше и сильнее. К тому же, знаки указывают на возвращение Лорда Волдеморта. Вскоре Гарри предстоит побороться не только за победу в соревновании, но и, прежде всего, за свою жизнь...
A young student Braca is trying to seduce a beautiful model Iris. Although they are from two different worlds, they both try not to show it. In another story, Šomi and Duje anxiously follow the football match between Manchester and Eastwich. They bet on Eastwich, because their childhood friend Kengur is their goalkeeper. The plot of the third story takes place on the roof of the solitaire, where Avaks and Hibrid are wasting time in anticipation of something happening.
Italian Guy at Vatican
Скотт Томас завел себе друга по переписке из Германии из самых практичных соображений. Он хотел получить отличную оценку по немецкому, а некто с именем Мик согласился перевести его домашние работы. Но вскоре выяснилось, что Мик — обворожительная блондинка, которая не прочь увидеть своего американского друга вживую.После выпускных экзаменов Скотт прихватывает нескольких близких друзей и летит в Европу. Впереди его ждет увлекательное, хоть и беспокойное путешествие из Лондона в Берлин через Париж и Амстердам…
A woman must go undercover to break up a White Slavery ring. Thing get complicated when she fall for a handsome investigator, but must act the part of a lesbian.
General Wolfe
A small group of young women are captured and enslaved by the cruel forces who own the only source of water that is not infected by the deadly plague.
Princess Ariana fights for the return of her lost Kingdom and the liberation of her people. With the help of her mentor Taraka she fights the hordes of Xanthos and the evil sisters of Zurii.
A painter gets infected by AIDS, and finds himself at disease clinic in Belgrade. He shared the hospital room with an ex-musician, junkie who tries to discontinue treatment and returns home to his wife. The painter believes in recovery through his paintings, believing that they have supernatural powers. In their room, the medics bring a boy suspected to be infected with the AIDS virus. Meanwhile, the musician's wife leaves him. Having desire for revenge, high on drugs and labile, he rapes nurse. The painter's health deteriorates and he dies. Shortly afterwards, the musician commits suicide. Only the boy remains in the room - a child of uncertain fate and in possession of dozens of "totemic paintings".
A student of veterinary and his girlfriend meet Sanja in the park, the wife of his friend. The student starts some sort of romance affair with Sanja, which makes things complicated. Meanwhile, Sanja's husband has mistress as well. One night, Sanja takes the student to her mother's apartment, where they suddenly meet her husband and his mistress. The meeting of four lasts until dawn with fights, hits, reconciliation and a game of cards... After that, everybody decide upon their own future.
Omnibus film, consisting of three independent parts: in the first story, Koma, a failed rocker, wants to prove to his producer father that newly composed music could be better than his. He becomes a mysterious masked folk singer-known as Ninja. In the second, Dracula is killed... again. This time he does not dies oby way of a wooden stake, a silver bullet, or a cross. A blonde woman manages to deprive him of eternal life without the help of sunrise. The last story is about Eve and Djuro. She is creator, he is a musician. They live in a harmonious relationship, but a love letter brings division among them.
A feuding but very wealthy married couple are planning their divorce while relaxing at luxury hotels in Yugoslavia. The husband decides he wants to get rid of his wife, so hires a hitman. However his wife also has the same planned for her husband, seducing one of her many lovers into doing the job. Should these attempted murders not succeed, the husband will have to carry on being blackmailed by his wife for his incestuous affair with his 16 year old daughter. Since the daughter has her own lethal romantic agenda, things don't go quite as planned.
The story of a young writer who tries to save his personal identity while facing the corrupted environment and temptations of a love affair.
A young man finds a way to spend his last few days of freedom before joining the army. Set in eastern Bosnia in summer of 1968.