Pasquale Cassalia

Pasquale Cassalia


Pasquale Cassalia


Stefano Formaggio
Stefano, a handsome Italian, is the producer and merchant of the finest cheese in the village. The ladies adore him, the men want to be him - and everyone loves his perfect Formaggio. The township is beautified by its very essence. Jasmine, an equally stunning but shy florist, who has long admired from afar, finally gets the date of her dreams, and the birth of a relationship that we hope, for her sake, doesn't happen.
Jet Set
The romantic comedy with the element of action. Modern Hollywood couple in dilemma between the busy career and the original human needs. While get lost in the romance - robbery and the murder shaking things up to the clarity.
Small Lights
Ангелы и Демоны
Rai Reporter (uncredited)
Весь мир замер в ожидании свершения древнейшей церемонии — выбора главы католической церкви Папы Римского, но в судьбоносное решение вмешивается некая могущественна сила — заклятый враг католической церкви — таинственный орден Иллюминатов! Кандидаты на священный пост подвергаются свирепой ритуальной расправой один за другим.