Darla Rae

Darla Rae


Darla Rae is an award-winning filmmaker who grew up in Azusa, California.


Darla Rae


Courageous Warriors Beauty from the Ashes
Courageous Warriors; Beauty From The Ashes is a tale of extraordinary women, young and old, who took their recovery from breast cancer a leap beyond medical diagnosis. They created new paths of wholeness through body, mind, and spirit. Now they offer those gifts to others.
Courageous Warriors Beauty from the Ashes
Courageous Warriors; Beauty From The Ashes is a tale of extraordinary women, young and old, who took their recovery from breast cancer a leap beyond medical diagnosis. They created new paths of wholeness through body, mind, and spirit. Now they offer those gifts to others.
Courageous Warriors Beauty from the Ashes
Courageous Warriors; Beauty From The Ashes is a tale of extraordinary women, young and old, who took their recovery from breast cancer a leap beyond medical diagnosis. They created new paths of wholeness through body, mind, and spirit. Now they offer those gifts to others.
The French American
The French American is a drama film directed by Darla Rae
The French American
Aunt Della
The French American is a drama film directed by Darla Rae
The French American
The French American is a drama film directed by Darla Rae
The Black Hole
Nurse Temperio
A sci-fi/thriller centered on a high school violinist who witnesses the collapse of space and time.
Spirit of Love: The Mike Glenn Story
NBA player Mike "Stinger" Glenn plays himself in this wonderful film inspired by his real life basketball camps for the deaf and hard of hearing. In a unique casting deaf and hard of hearing, and hearing actors work together and deliver a film which is authentic, charming, competitive, and challenging.
No Description
The Goal
Biography - The Goal" chronicles the lives of two athletes who are on an adrenaline track, one to the Olympics and the other to the world of Pro Soccer - Michael Best, Rado Bily, Matt Clark
Mrs. Kubler (uncredited)
«Пудра» - это странное прозвище ученики дают своему новому однокласснику Джереми. Сверстники пугаются его необычной внешности, мертвенно - бледной кожи, испепеляющего взгляда, проникающего в самое сердце собеседника. Но вскоре они понимают, что Пудра обладает сверхъестественными способностями, и за белым холодом его лица бушует пламя невероятной энергии. Так кто же он - ошибка природы или ее венец, новая ступень человеческой эволюции? Есть тайны, перед которыми наука бессильна...
Student (uncredited)
Убийца-психопат Майкл Майерс, будучи ребенком, совершил убийство собственной сестры в Хэллоуин — День Всех Святых. 15 лет спустя маньяк-убийца снова взялся за старое и терроризирует небольшой городок. Он сбежал из приюта для психически ненормальных, чтобы снова наносить свои смертельные удары в Хэллоуин.