Действие происходит в вымышленном Мировом Государстве. Идет 632-й год эры стабильности, Эры Форда. Генри Форд, почитается за Господа Бога. В государстве этом правит технократия. Дети здесь не рождаются оплодотворенные искусственным способом яйцеклетки выращивают в инкубаторах, в разных условиях, поэтому получаются совершенно разные особи Альфы, Беты, Гаммы, Дельты и эпсилоны. Альфы - люди первого сорта, работники умственного труда, эпсилоны люди низшеи касты, способные лишь к физическому труду... Стандартизация общества - главное в Мировом Государстве. Каждый принадлежит всем остальным. Детей с раннего возраста приучают видеть в существе противоположного пола партнера по наслаждениям. И желательно, чтобы эти партнеры менялись как можно чаще. Здесь нет искусства, есть только индустрия развлечении. Остался и особый антипод - Резервация Дикарей...
A father tries to make it as a single parent when his wife walks out on him and the children.
Six former sorority sisters are suspected of murder when a baby's skeleton is found in the ruins of the sorority house.
A man has absolutely no fear of dying because he believes he has found a doctor who is able to bring him back to life after he dies.
Russell B. Parker, a former vaudeville hoofer, is a man of big dreams but small ambitions. He hardly works at all in fact, often spending the time incessantly playing checkers with his friend, William Jenkins. Parker lives with Theopolis and Bobby, his two unemployed sons, and Adele, his hard-working daughter. The ghost of his dead wife, a woman who drove herself into an early grave working to support the family, nags at his conscience.
The operator of a turn-of-the-century boarding house is haunted by a vicious female entity. The ghost drives all visitors away except for a young writer who becomes infatuated with it.
A pretty woman becomes imprisoned in a warlock's 18th century castle, and in her state of possession, lures male victims inside.
A visitor brings havoc upon a home and is accused of a ghostly possession.
An out-of-work newspaperman in need of money becomes the go-between for a jewel thief and an insurance company that wants to settle.
When a graveyard caretaker is fired from his job, his exacts a terrifying supernatural vengeance.
Chemically-dependent doctor Ollie suffers from hallucinations (or are they?) of a talking skull and conducts experiments at the expense of his wealthy wife, who hates him for letting their son die. Shot on video, this originally aired on late night TV. Though it aired in color, the only known surviving print is a black and white kinetoscope.
Elwood P. Dowd's constant companion is Harvey, a six-foot tall invisible rabbit. To his sister, his obsession with Harvey has been a thorn in her plans to marry off her daughter. However, when she decides to put Elwood in a mental institution, a mix-up occurs, and she finds herself committed instead. It's now up to Elwood and "Harvey" to straighten out the mess.
J. T. Gamble, a shy, withdrawn Harlem youngster, shows compassion and responsibility when he takes on the care of an old, one-eyed, badly injured alley cat days before Christmas and secretly nurses it back to health.
Associate Producer
Landmark adaptation of the Arthur Miller play. Nominated for 3 Emmy awards.
Associate Producer
Легенда мирового кинематографа Ингрид Бергман в моноспектакле по знаменитой пьесе Жана Кокто. Немолодую, но все еще прекрасную женщину оставляет человек, которого она продолжает самозабвенно любить. Ей остаются воспоминания, которые приносят горечь, разорванные фотографии, бессонные ночи, сигарета за сигаретой и его голос в телефонной трубке… Пока звучит этот голос - она еще жива.
Associate Producer
Hedda Gabler has just come back from her honeymoon, married to boring but reliable academic George Tesman. Refusing to tie herself down in life and name, Hedda is banking on George being appointed a professorship to secure a better life for the young couple, However, the arrival of cleaned up ex-lover Eilert threatens to destroy everything.
A timid man with money problems gets into a big card game with some high-rollers.
Associate Producer
In this charming TV adaptation of the 1947 film classic, a kindly old gentleman (Ed Wynn) working as a Macy's department store Santa causes a commotion when he claims to be the real St. Nick. Forced to prove his sanity, he is taken to court where he must convince the judge and his friends that he actually is Santa Claus. The faith of one skeptical little girl (Susan Gordon) and a Christmas miracle are the keys to his true identity.