Il padre di Zosi
An engineer, devastated by the death of his fiance during a mountain expedition in north Italy, hopes he might forget about her by marrying a young nurse who adores him. But one day he returns to the mountain retreat where he’d had such happy days with his fiance, leaving his young bride distraught.
L'avvocato di parte civile
Римский извозчик Тото не хочет, чтобы его древнюю работу вытеснили автомобили и чтобы его дочь Наннарелла встречалась с таксистом Роберто. Но именно Роберто его спасает, когда Тото попадает в беду...
Padre Tosi
A nineteenth-century Italian noblewoman, imprisoned in a foreboding lakeside palazzo by her uncle, comes to believe she's possessed by a long ago mistress of the manor.
Il Duca di Milano
Signor de Brion
Основанный на пьесе Виктора Гюго и озвученный музыкой из более поздней оперы Джузеппе Верди, фильм рассказывает о горбатом клоуне, чья прекрасная дочь влюбляется в распутного короля.
Napoleone Bonaparte
Il padre
Drama set in the nineteenth century in Sorrento in southern Italy. It is an adaptation of the 1852 novel of the same title by Francesco Mastriani. A young woman named Beatrice loses her sight after witnessing the death of her mother. Unable to see Beatrice is unable to identify her mothers’ killer. The police arrest a man who they believe is the murderer. Did they get the right man or is the killer still lurking in the shadows? Years later a family friend introduces Beatrice to a renowned Doctor who specializes in restoring sight. Will Beatrice regain her sight and identify her mothers’ killer or will someone make sure that she never sees again?