Lukman Sardi

Lukman Sardi

Рождение : 1971-07-14, Jakarta, Indonesia


Lukman Sardi (born in Jakarta, July 14, 1971) is an Indonesian actor and director. He is famous as a character in his films. He is also the son of Zerlita and Idris Sardi, the legendary Indonesian violin musician. Idris Sardi then got married to Marini, so Lukman was the half-brother of the singer Shelomita.


Lukman Sardi


Sehidup Semati
Since childhood, Renata was instilled that the nature of a wife is to serve and maintain the integrity of the household. Problems arise when Edwin, her abusive husband, cheats on her. Renata, who is terrorized by the presence of another woman, is determined to save her household.
Imam Tanpa Makmum
Imam falls in love with Naira, a violinist who owns a shelter for street children. Imam called her "Humaira" like the Prophet Muhammad's nickname for Siti Aisyah. Mamak disapproves of the relationship because Naira works at a nightclub.
Puspa Indah Taman Hati
Galih met Marlina in Jogja while in college and at the same time started his career as a musician there. Marlina is exactly the same as Ratna, her ex-boyfriend at school and they end up in a relationship until finally Ratna from her high school past suddenly appears again.
Catatan si Boy
Boy, a perfect university student: strikingly handsome, fabulously wealthy, irresistibly charming, and blessed with a tender heart. It’s no wonder that many female students desire to be Boy’s girlfriend.
Virgo and the Sparklings
Ridwan Bahri
Riani, a teenager who is forced to reveal her hidden powers when several mysterious cases occur and turn the city into chaos.
The making of Makbul Mubarak's debut feature film "Autobiography" (2022).
With his father in prison and his brother abroad for work, young Rakib works as the lone housekeeper in an empty mansion belonging to Purna, a retired general whose family Rakib’s clan have served for centuries in a rural Indonesian town. After Purna returns home to start his mayoral election campaign, Rakib bonds with the older man, who becomes a close mentor and father figure, and finds his calling as Purna’s assistant in work and life. When Purna’s election poster is found vandalised one day, Rakib doesn’t hesitate to track down the culprit, kicking off an escalating chain of violence.
Blood Curse
A young woman witnessing black magic attack on her family which changes her view towards the world. Driven to protect them at any cost, the woman will go to the ends of the earth to find out who is responsible and hold them to account.
Uma de Raffa
Executive Producer
In a fishing village, The employees of Uma de Raffa, a nearly bankrupt resort, are getting anxious. However, a visit from the resort investor brings new hope. The situation suddenly gets complicated when said investor instantly dies from a heart attack.
Pecel Chronicle
Executive Producer
On a deserted beach, Urip, a debt collector, visits a food stall run by Ambar. Urip ordered a plate of pecel that reminds him of a tragedy that happened a week ago. At that time, he and his brother Darto went to the stall, which was still being managed by Ambar’s mother, Mak Sati. They argued about how Mak Sati should pay her debts. Talks about debt heated up and resulted in a riot.
Marsiti & The Bulls
Executive Producer
Marsiti is a girl who dreams of winning a bull race. She was trained by her late father and inherited two buffaloes. Upon hearing her mother’s intention to sell the buffaloes to Haji Roni, her father’s rival, Marsiti stole the bulls with the help of her two best friends, Ponidi and Marjuki. The problem is, no female had ever been jockey for a bull race before. As the head of the race organizers, Haji Roni rejects Marsiti’s request. Marsiti secretly sets up a plan to continue take part in the race and prove that she is a skilled jockey.
The Demon Tree
Executive Producer
Gina (Shenina Cinnamon) and Mutia (Fathia Izzati) are two best friends, searching for the whereabouts of Celuluk, a demon commonly known for residing in a papaya tree or Gedang Renteng.
A Trip to Bangka
Executive Producer
HERI (55) takes his daughter, FEMI (23) for a vacation to his hometown, the town of Bangka. He wants to show her the city that introduced him to Bakmi Bangka (a type of noodle dish), a dish that they sell in their family owned noodle shop in Jakarta. This is an important trip for Femi, as she is destined to inherit the shop when Heri retires. Femi is forced to go, even though she doesn’t want to. In fact, she has no interest in taking over the noodle shop.
A Sip and A Bite
Executive Producer
A movie about a young mother who’s trying to enjoy her me time by having a picnic in the pine forest. In reality, the tranquility she expected keeps on getting interrupted by many calls, video calls, chats about work and house affairs. Following the story, we learn that she is a property agent who runs an online florist shop, and also helps for her husband's koi fish business.
Golden Age
Executive Producer
Arif and Yati, an old couple who are celebrating their anniversary by trying to make a remake photos when he proposed to her in a specific spot in Borobudur Temple.
Executive Producer
AYA (25), is an influencer who is slowly losing her popularity. She decides to go on a holiday to an exotic coast resort, far from the demands of her work in Jakarta. Although she is far from the city, her manager, ANDHIKA (33), sends her a few products to review. Aya is then trapped in a contract, which obliges her to work.
Small Talk
Executive Producer
Diego, a man with Dwarfism, works as an extra for a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs pre-wedding photoshoot project. This photoshoot leads him into an intimate conversation with the bride, who seems to question her decision to marry the prince of her life.
Evacuation of Mama Emola
Executive Producer
When an earthquake occurs in the prison where Julius (35) has been held for the last few years, the warden receives a word from Julius’s village that a tsunami might be coming to his village, located quite far from the prison. Julius receives priority to go home since he still has a mother, Emola (90s), in the village. The warden assigns a newly appointed officer, Nuri (25), to escort Julius on a motorcycle. On their way, Julius and Nuri are convinced that the tsunami is going to happen in Julius’s village. They cross paths with several refugees and rescuers, who has just evacuated the residents and reports the chaos occurring in Julius’ hometown due to the signs of approaching tsunami. Arriving at the village, Julius and Nuri witness a robbery coordinated by fake rescue team.
Царство трёх цветов
Алиф только что закончил старшую школу и не может дождаться поступления в колледж. Однако жизнь устраивает молодому человеку препятствия на пути к его мечте. Сможет ли Алиф терпеливо вынести все удары судьбы и не отступить?
Gara-Gara Warisan
Three brothers who never get along are forced to compete for the inheritance in the form of a guest house owned by Dahlan, their father. Adam, the eldest son who blames his father's harsh attitude for his life's failures. Laras, the middle child who is independent and idealistic. And Dicky, his father's favorite youngest child who was pampered since childhood and grew up as a naughty young man. Who will be the heirs of choice?
Kamu Tidak Sendiri
An ambitious career woman is taking an elevator to her office in a hurry and in the elevator there is one of her coworkers and they are both trapped in the elevator and have to wait until the elevator technician comes.
Я мщу, остальные платят наличными
Аджо Кавир — сильнейший боец яванского преступного мира. Но молодого бойца тревожит болезненная тайна: он импотент. Когда он наконец находит достойного соперника, им оказывается суровая и красивая телохранительница Итан. После схватки Джо влюбляется в Итан, но сможет ли он когда-нибудь сделать её счастливой?
Dina runs away with her teenage daughter Laura after her abusive husband Gion gets imprisoned. However, Gion is released from the prison due to the pandemic and Dina is panicking because not only she took Laura but also took Gion’s valuable antique statue away. Raka, a mysterious man appears and makes things even more complicated.
В копировальном центре
Sur's Father
Сур - студентка, которая работает в театре Мата Хари. Это позволяет ей не только зарабатывать дополнительные деньги, но и получать удовольствие от любимого увлечения. Последняя постановка позволила коллективу выиграть престижный конкурс, что, конечно же, нужно было отметить. Молодые люди собираются у одного из членов трупы. Они весело проводят время, употребляя алкоголь и наслаждаясь атмосферой полной расслабленности. Но на утро Сур понимает, что совершенно ничего не помнит о прошедшем вечере. Вскоре она оказывается в кабинете руководителя университета, где узнает о лишении ее стипендии. Причиной этому послужили компрометирующие девушку снимки, попавшие в сеть. Теперь Сур предстоит выяснить, кто из студентов решил сломать ей жизнь.
Элитный отряд
Заступивший на службу в армию Йохан попадает в Индонезию, где основная задача солдат — подавление местного восстания. Вскоре его принимают в особый элитный отряд, под руководством крайне жестокого капитана Реймонда Вестерлинга, действия и приказы которого заставляют парня задуматься о долге, человечности и цене войны.
Cinta Tanpa Tapi
Creative Producer
The art blood attracted Arika to Gatta who was passionate about dance. However, her mother did not like her being attracted to the world of dance, especially loving a dancer.
The Science of Fictions
Siman discover a foreign crew shooting a moon landing. He gets caught and his tongue is cut off. He goes through life in slow motion, imitating an astronaut in outer space, labeled as crazy.
Свадебный партнёр
Lukman Sardi
Путри приглашена на вечеринку по случаю бракосочетания своего бывшего парня. Она приглашает на вечеринку трех разных парней, надеясь, что один из них сможет стать ее другом. Катастрофа случается, когда все три приходят одновременно.
Свадебный партнёр
Creative Producer
Путри приглашена на вечеринку по случаю бракосочетания своего бывшего парня. Она приглашает на вечеринку трех разных парней, надеясь, что один из них сможет стать ее другом. Катастрофа случается, когда все три приходят одновременно.
Titus: Mystery of the Enygma
Bobit (voice)
Joined by a lizard pilot and a rabbit magician, a mouse detective tries to find a missing device meant to provide clean energy for his city.
A black comedy from a magician named Lukman who performs illusion magic that suddenly become real.
Habibie & Ainun 3
Mr. Besari
When she was in high school, Ainun was known as a smart girl and became the target of many male students, including Habibie. In college, Ainun became a popular figure. Ahmad is a man who dared to express his love for Ainun.
99 Names of Love
Creative Producer
As an infotainment producer deals with a work crisis, a childhood friend, who's now a cleric, arrives to honor a religious request from her late father.
Susi Susanti: Love All
MF Siregar
Susi Susanti rises to become Indonesia’s beloved athlete. In time of turmoil, she showed her country & the world that heroism is measured by one’s sacrifice.
Гундала: Сын молнии
Ridwan Bahri
Ещё ребенком Санчака потерял родителей — отец погиб, отстаивая права рабочих, а мать уехала на заработки и не вернулась — с тех пор мальчик выживал самостоятельно. Нелегкая жизнь на улице научила его не только эффективно махать ногами, а и думать в первую очередь о собственной безопасности, но когда волна насилия захлёстывает город, мужчине приходится встать на сторону униженных и оскорбленных. А поскольку в результате удара молнии наш герой получил свехспособности, врагам простого народа придётся несладко.
Mahasiswi Baru
Creative Producer
A woman in her golden years goes to college, where she befriends a group of younger students and gets into many misadventures.
27 Steps of May
The Father
Eight years ago, 14 year old May was raped by a group of men. May’s father is devastated, blaming himself for not being able to keep his daughter safe. Traumatized significantly by this incident, May withdraws completely from life.
Newly Rich
Hikmat Wardana (Bapak)
Three siblings and their mother discover delights — and downsides — of sudden wealth when their father dies and his secret fortune is revealed.
Wiro Sableng: 212 Warrior
Werku Alit
After being trained in the art of silat, a disciple gets sent on a journey by his mentor to take down a treacherous e-pupil with a villainous plan.
Sultan Agung
Tumenggung Notoprojo
The story of Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma, the king of Mataram when he was still a teenager until he becomes a king.
Kulari Ke Pantai
Sam and her mother Uci, are about to do a road trip to G-Land beach in Banyuwangi. Sam's cousin, Happy, who's 180° different from Sam also came along on the road trip.
Jailangkung 2
When their sister Tasya begins experimenting with contacting the dead, Bella and Rama must contend once more with the demons haunting their family.
A journalist, an archaeologist and a shaman team up to uncover the mystery of an ancient pyramid and discover a threat that defies human comprehension.
A Diary of Letters to God
Two orphan siblings, Anton and Angel, were forced to work as street beggars. An accident lead them separation for fifteen years. Angel's life now is filled with happiness, but the past still haunts her and she decided to find Anton.
Sweet 20
Adapted from Korean movie, Miss Granny, this movie tells a story of old woman that despise old-age that suddenly transform to a pretty girl with all her youth problems.
Three sisters, along with their friend who is a student of metaphysics, attempt to learn why their father became comatose at an eerie, remote mansion.
Night Bus
Fuad / Suha
A group of civilians share a bus ride to Sampar, a town full of natural resources. It is heavily guarded by the state army who is fighting against the rebel militias, who want freedom over their homeland.
The Sea Speaks His Name
Based on a book by Leila S. Chudori of the same title, it tells the life story about an imprisoned activist who must face the consequences of his decisions.
Moammar Emka's Jakarta Undercover
Pras wants to realize his dreams of having a significant life and career as a journalist, but Jakarta changes everything.
Associate Producer
In this biopic, Christian Rahadi – aka Chrisye – overcomes early failures, family strife and anxiety to become one of Indonesia's legendary musicians.
The Professionals
Betrayed by his business partner, Abi went to jail. Out from prison, he recruits the victims of his competitor, and plans for revenge.
Me Vs Mami
Creative Producer
Mira thinks that she has to travel with Maudy, her mom. Not Mira hates her mom, it's just that their was as simple as the between and children in general, since Mom and Pop divorced, and a few years later Pop died. But everything change when they must go to Payakumbuh, West Sumatra, to meet the recent demand of Uci (grandmother from Pop’s side), who is ill.
Creative Producer
Jamal , motorcycle taxi drivers who like to play chess, had a dream to open a the motor wash near his base. Rodiah, Jamal’s mother, threatens him if not promptly changes his life, the family land quota for him will be his cousin. In love affairs Jamal is challenged by Mirna’s parents because his unstable work. Jamal is asked by Ivan, whom he knew inadvertently, to take Dito, a courier heroin, to Tanah Tinggi Boss. He gives Jamal is an advance of 10 million and 90 million reward if he can complete the task. Having never seen that much money, Jamal directly takes it. Ivan knows that Dito is targeted by Mami Tuti, a bookies who revenge on Dito because he made her sister a broken heart and became a junkie. After giving this task to Jamal, Ivan flees to Hong Kong with his wife.
Jamal , motorcycle taxi drivers who like to play chess, had a dream to open a the motor wash near his base. Rodiah, Jamal’s mother, threatens him if not promptly changes his life, the family land quota for him will be his cousin. In love affairs Jamal is challenged by Mirna’s parents because his unstable work. Jamal is asked by Ivan, whom he knew inadvertently, to take Dito, a courier heroin, to Tanah Tinggi Boss. He gives Jamal is an advance of 10 million and 90 million reward if he can complete the task. Having never seen that much money, Jamal directly takes it. Ivan knows that Dito is targeted by Mami Tuti, a bookies who revenge on Dito because he made her sister a broken heart and became a junkie. After giving this task to Jamal, Ivan flees to Hong Kong with his wife.
Mat Killer
A young man travels to Jakarta to seek answers about his past and becomes embroiled in a feud involving the woman he loves.
Behind 98
During a turning point in Indonesian history, a family must endure personal turmoil while their nation faces drastic political upheaval.
A workaholic couple winds up hospitalized in the same room, presenting a chance for them to spend quality time together and testing their relationship.
Negeri Tanpa Telinga
Ustad Etawa
Naga, masseur, asks doctor Sangkakala to damage his eardrums so that he no longer hears painful voices. Meanwhile there is a big conspiracy conducted by Partai Amal Syurga (Heaven Charity Party). The party chairman, Ustad Etawa, in cooperation with the importer of sheep meat, tries to manipulate the state money to benefit his party. And Partai Martobat (Repentance Party) is the bearer of political legitimacy in the country. Piton’s great ambition is to be president. For that he is trying to get as much money by using his influence in parliament, assisted by Joki Ringkik, party colleague, who desperately convincing Python to advance to the next presidential election. Pythons also uses Tikis Queenta, lobbyist, who can get into all lines of parliament and party people.
Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
The first Indonesian child omnibus film who raise four stories about friendship, family, and courage.
Laskar Pelangi 2: Edensor
Ikal Dewasa
Ikal and Arai win scholarships to study at Sorbone, Paris. Meanwhile, Katya, a student on the same campus, chose Ikal to be her boyriend. Ikal felt guilty and his conflict with Arai made the two friends into different path.
This biographical drama about Indonesia's first president recounts his nationalist crusade to seize independence from Dutch colonial rule.
A playboy's encounter with a woman in the National Library's elevator gets complicated. His invitation to the next meeting was accepted with the riddle she gave him. The answer to the riddle is the time and place of their next meeting.
Pesan Dari Samudra
At Lawaloba on the island of Flores, there was an old man Opa Hali, struggling againts the closure of an emergency lane to the hill which was the only shorcut for the population to survive in the event of tsunami disaster.
Swan Neck
Pak Tampan
There is a village where the entire population defecates in the river. The only toilet in the village is a goose neck toilet owned by the village head. In the village there is a smart boy named Aswin who likes to read. Because he loves to read, Aswin understands many things. He wishes to own a toilet one day.
Cinta Dalam Kardus
Miko's Dad
Miko feels it's time to break up with his current girlfriend Putri. He is looking for a new experience and set his mind on performing a stand up comedy act at a café. When things do not go as planned, he ends up using a cardboard box full of souvenirs of his 21 ex-crushes to convince the audience that love is overrated.
Kisah 3 Titik
This film tells the story of 3 female workers who have one name in common, Titik. They are Titik Sulastri, a widow with 2 children who works as a low-paid contract laborer at a garment factory, Titik Dewanti Sari, a spinster holding a prestigious position in a scandalous giant company, and Titik Kartika or Titik Tomboy, the son of a thug who works as a home factory worker. who is not afraid to die for justice. Not only sharing a name, the three dots are both trapped in a situation that makes their lives change 360 ​​degrees.
Abang (Segment: Malaikat Juga Tahu)
Rectoverso is an omnibus or anthology of Indonesian movie nuances of love which was released on February 14, 2013. This film is an adaptation of a work of music albums Dewi "Dee" Lestari titled Rectoverso which was released in 2008.
Rumah di Seribu Ombak
Little Samihi becomes close friends with a local Balinese child named Wayan Manik who is called Yanik.
Brandal-Brandal Ciliwung
Bang Supi
Di Timur Matahari
Pastor Samuel
Mazmur and his friends live in Papua. Everyday they go to school, but there's no teacher to teach them. They then learn by learning from the locals around them; Father Samuel, Om Ucok, Om Jollex, etc. Things change for Mazmur and his friends after the murder of Mazmur's father, which he had seen with his own eyes.
A football team who has differences and ego problems must win an International underground football tournament in order to save their own lives.
Cinta di Saku Celana
Ahmad wants to love and be loved. His life changed since receiving mysterious postcards from all over the world, bringing him to a girl whom he often meets on the train.
Andri Lukito
Dilemma is an omnibus film, five stories that depict dark side of Jakarta's underbelly. Jakarta's underground world that seldom to talk about, and forgotten by most of the people.
The Dancer
Orphaned by a tragedy that took the lives of her parents, Srintil grows up in a poor Indonesian village aspiring to be a sacred dancer.
Wind Chaser
Pak Damar
In a small village in Lahat, South Sumatra, an 18-year-old boy named Dapunta (Qausar Harta Yudana) is almost ready to graduate from senior high school; he is known as the Wind Chaser locally because of his running capabilities. He and his mother Dakunta (Wanda Hamidah) want him to go to university, but his father – the leader of a gang of bandits – refuses to allow it. Dapunta decides to go to university no matter what. His crush Nyimas (Siti Helda) and teacher Damar (Lukman Sardi) help him, motivating him to practice his running so that he can use athletics to enter the university of his choice. However, his classmate Yusuf (Giorgino Abraham) – who has similar running abilities – is also training; he sabotages some of Dapunta's practice sessions. Meanwhile, the headmaster attempts to limit Dapunta's training out of spite for his father.
Semesta Mendukung
A boy from Sumenep, Madura Island, participates in the International Physics Olympiad in Singapore to find his mother who left him to work in Singapore when he was a child.
Jakarta Twilight
An omnibus movie derived from five real events experienced by some urban Jakarta residents during maghrib.
Serdadu Kumbang
Pak Alim
Serdadu Kumbang are Indonesian drama movie which was released on June 16, 2011 to be directed by Ari Sihasale starring Yudi Miftahudin and Ririn Ekawati.
Red And White 3: Hearts Of Freedom
Kapten Amir
The third and final film in the award-winning box office hit RED AND WHITE trilogy set during the 1947-48 Indonesian revolution, as a band of guerrillas fights for Indonesia's freedom on land, sea and air against the Dutch empire.
Aku Atau Dia
Bang Suma
Novi and Dafi are campus sweethearts, who meet in college and continue dating till they graduate. But the relationship is not as smooth as everyone thinks. After accepting an offer from his boss, Amara, Dafi is promoted at the law firm. Then Dafi starts to change and ends his relationship with Novi, who is heartbroken. Her brothers, Pipit, Henry, and Asep are worried. Then, Novi hears a radio interview with Miss Elza from, a special heartbreak agency. Miss Elza agrees to help Novi and sends Rama and his team in a mission to get Dafi back.
Red And White 2: Blood Of Eagles
Kapten Amir
After the successful raid on Dutch Army's Supply Convoy, Amir, Thomas, Dayan, and Marius immediately found the General Soedirman's Headquarter deep in the forest. And with the experienced the got, they've been recruited into the elite unit under command of the explosive yet wise soldier, Sergeant Yanto. Captain Amir then replace Yanto's position as the unit leader. Their first mission, to crippled the the dutch army's airfield construction. Whatever the cost, whatever the risk.
Sang Pencerah
Ahmad Dahlan
Returning from Mecca, Darwis changes his name to Ahmad Dahlan as he is disturbed by the trend of Islamic laws in his society; that borders on heresy, Syrik (polytheism), and Bid’ah (wrong innovation). Using a compass, he proves that the direction of Qibla (that points to Mecca), in the Great Mosque of Kauman is wrong. The discovery angers every Kyai (Islamic experts), especially the head of the Great Mosque of Kauman, Kyai Penghulu Cholil Kamaludiningrat. Dahlan, who studied in Mecca for five years, is seen as a rebel upstart. Since the proposal of changing the direction of Qibla is rejected, Dahlan starts a movement calling for the change. On his first sermon as a preacher, Dahlan criticizes the habits of residents in his village in Yogyakarta: "In a prayer, only a sincere and patient heart is needed, it requires no Kyais, money, let alone offerings". As a result, Dahlan gets a hostile reception.
Red Cobex
A group of mothers from various regions, form a gang to fight injustice and illegal activites, but not everyone is happy with the changes they are making.
Tanah Air Beta
When East Timor is separated from Indonesia, two siblings are also separated. Merry, 10, lives with her mother, Tatiana, 29, at a refugee camp in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Her older brother, Mauro, 12, lives with his uncle in East Timor. Tatiana teaches at a temporary school inside the camp that Merry also attends together with a new friend, Carlo Gomez. Both mother and daughter are longing to see their beloved Mauro again. One day, Tatiana is informed by a volunteer that there is a chance that she can see her son again.
The Dreamer
Ikal dewasa
A trio of friends struggles to make it through adolescence, all while hoping that bigger and better things await them.
Bang Suma ( Agent)
A man was heartbroken by his beloved girlfriend. They could relate distance because she had disappeared for her studies to Australia for 1 year. Suddenly they relationship end because it turns out his girlfriend dating another man. The man best friend trying to turn him back the loss of life due to a broken heart by hiring an intelligence agency that specializes in dealing with heartbreak cases, called After committing to a long-distance relationship when Nayla overseas to study, she suddenly breaks up with Agus. Agus’s best friend, Wawan and his girlfriend, Raya, try to rescue Agus through This romantic comedy tells of Agus’s struggle to get Nayla back using various tactics provided by
Red & White
The movie starts with the tough lives of the aforementioned characters in a military school, showing friendship and even competition among them. But the lives of the young cadets changes when Dutch soldiers suddenly attack their camp, tearing them apart. With limited weaponry and forces, they decided to unite to fight against the Dutch and defend their freedom. Combining action, drama, humor, romance, human tragedy and strong personal stories, the movie is aimed at inspiring the new generation with the spirit of the generations before them who fought and sacrificed themselves for the freedoms Indonesia enjoys today.
Takut: Faces of Fear
"Takut" was born from the Komodo Films, and is a compilation of short horror films from seven directors who produced six film segments in one anthology. The short film was directed sequentially by Rako Prijanto, Riri Riza, Ray Nayoan, Robby Ertanto, Raditya Sidharta, and The Mo Brothers (Kimo Stamboel & Timo Tjahjanto).
Kawin Kontrak Lagi
Kang Sono
Jody, who likes older women, joins forces with Kang Sono, a broker for "marriage by contract". The result is a comic sensation just like Kawin Kontrak (the prequel) that is funnier, more exciting and crazier. The Pakelonan village is ready to receive the "love warriors" from the big city. The girls are prettier, more skillful and more materialistic. Plus there is a "steamy" bonus from Teh Euis. But there are always obstacles to love. There is the fearsome Boss Maung who applies a military system to run his business. This makes one of the wife candidates, who is most expensive and beautiful, to run away, and seek protection from Teh Euis, who comes bringing a miracle.
The Final Quest
A young woman searches her missing brother in the mountain, with help from an old friend who survived after gone lost in the same mountain.
Love Potpourri
Guru SMP
Eight stories are interwoven including the story of a child who works hard just to get a bottle of clean water and a pair of roller skates. Then there are siblings who sell pirated DVDs and start fighting each other when the younger one only wants to drink Starbucks coffee. The third story is about the daughter of a prostitute who has a crush on her moral studies teacher. Then we meet a Japanese man who is hungry for true love and meets a karaoke girl and we hear the story of a lowly-paid television director who is looking to escape the pressures from his wife and boss. Then there is the story of a female kindergarten principal who is trying to apply the Islamic way of life to defuse the temptations of the material world; or the tale of an expatriate’s former chauffeur who gets into trouble after receiving a farewell gift from the boss.
The Rainbow Troops
Ikal Dewasa
A group of 10 students struggles with poverty and develop hopes for the future in Gantong Village on the farming and tin mining island of Belitung.
Antares and May, a couple from different ethnic groups, are separated during the May 1998 riots in Jakarta. While Antares is busy as a filmmaker documenting the historic moment, May is kidnapped and raped. May is also separated from her mother, who takes refuge in a hotel. In despair, May’s mother exchanges her house deeds for an airplane ticket to Malaysia with a lowly laundryman, Gandang. Ten years after, Antares finds May in Malaysia. She now has a child from a foreign reporter who saved her on that unfortunate day. The reunion reveals the tragic past of May and her mother.
In The Name of Love
Aryan Hidayat
Satrio Hidayat really loves Citra, but as he has not stabilized yet, Citra marries Triawan Negara. Hence the two men become rivals and they declare their mutual enmity by trying to bring each other down in public. Their feud is passed on to their children.
Kawin Kontrak
Kang Sono
Three teenagers look for village girls to have temporary marriages or a "marriage by contract". They are well prepared with Cialis, Viagra, and even rubber bands. Jody, who likes older women, has a "marriage by contract" with Teh Euis, a pretty widow with one child. Dika, who likes it rough, has a "marriage by contract" with Rani who is tough at hitting mattresses when cleaning it, while Rama, who is very picky, is head over heels with Isa’s gentleness and natural beauty. But there is still a long way to go before their mission (to have sex) is accomplished. The sexy Teh Euis always comes up with ridiculous reasons at the "critical" moments while Rani’s feistiness hides a secret; and Isa’s gentleness is threatened by a wicked plan. It is a comic and sensual adventure and the three "heroes" find the feeling that has been behind their raging hormones: love.
Quickie Express
Jojo is an unemployed. He decides to become a gigolo for an escort company. Everything works smoothly until he falls in love with a medical student.
The Photograph
Sita is an escort at a karaoke bar who struggles to raise money to send her daughter out of the city to live with her grandmother and settle her debts with her pimp. She moves in with aging photographer Jan and helps him fulfill his last wishes.
Nagabonar (Becomes) 2
In this sequel to Nagabonar (1986), the now old Nagabonar was asked to live with Bonaga, his foreign educated son, for a while in Jakarta. This was an effort by Bonaga to ask Nagabonar's permission to turn the family palm plantation into a resort. This outraged Nagabonar since the family cemetery was in the plantation. Distraught, he left his son's house and got himself lost in Jakarta.
Jakarta Undercover
After accidently killing her temperamental father in order to save her mom from his abuse, Viki flees from Medan to Jakarta with her autistic brother, Ara. To make ends meet in Jakarta, Viki poses as a transvestite and works as a striptease dancer. With no one to watch over her brother, Viki brings Ara every night to the club where she works and hide him in one corner of the room at the club. One day, Ara accidently witnesses an act of murder by Haryo, son of an official, and his friends. Realizing his crime action witness by Ara, Haryo and his friends chase Viki and Ara, determined to silene the two before they go to the police. For the sake of saving his brother’s life, Viki secretly flee from one place to another in order to escape Haryo and friends. Will Viki and Ara escape?
Message from Heaven
The five young members of the rock band, Topeng, face many love problems. Canting, the vocalist, always worries about her boyfriend, Armand, who works in the same office as his former lover. Brazil, the drummer, dates two twin guys named Oya and Oyi. Veruska, the other member, is pregnant and is infected with HIV. Meanwhile, Kuta, Topeng’s bassist, who is also a tattoo artist, is gay. Finally, there is Prana, who marries a fortune-teller but also has a Salsa dancer mistress. Problems culminate when the big concert approaches. They almost break up but an accident victim, who has been in a coma, suddenly awakes and carries them messages from heaven.
The Lost Suitcase
Yahya, a low-class employee, finds a suitcase on an empty street. The suitcase is suspected to contain robbed money from a bank. This results in everybody giving the once invisible Yahya the royal treatment, with the hope to get a little reward in return. But Yahya is determined to keep the suitcase, until a series of events in his life prompt him to consider his decision.
Love for Share
Pak Lik
Three women from three different social, economic, and ethnic groups discuss their lives in polygamous household.
9 Naga
Three men who have been friends since childhood: Marwan, Donny and Lenny make a living by working as an assassin. Increasingly undertaken, they are increasingly aware that the job does not promise a better future. Suddenly there was an event that made ​​them feel sick because of their life choices for it. All three knew she'd made a mistake in his life and trying to repent and make amends.
Herman Lantang
Indonesian activist Soe Hok Gie experiences a political awakening during the tumultuous regimes of Soeharto and Soekarno.
Joni's Promise
Mr. Joni
A film delivery man promises a beautiful young woman to deliver a film to a movie theater. But the whole city seems to conspire against him.
Rizal Dewantoro
A married man in his 30s and a teenage school girl are having their last rendezvous in their regular shady hotel. Smuggled for their dessert is a strong-smelled fruit called durian.
Motherless Children
After his wife passes away, the ailing Akbar marries Tina, a widow. Akbar’s illness makes him lose his job so Tina has to work in a garment factory. Akbar’s effort to find a job is fruitless and he passes away shortly after. His three children Mimi, Memet, and Ayu cannot stand their stepmother’s fickleness. They leave quietly to find the family of their biological mother. This is not easy since they don’t have her address. They work at any job to survive - housemaid, shoe shiner, parking boy etc. One day they meet John who buys and sells used newspapers. Mimi and Memet are given a small business of selling ice and pastries. Then Memed accidently takes the wrong train but fortunately, a rich man adopts him. However, Memed returns home as he misses his younger siblings. The reunion is short since Ayu passes away.
The Beggar and The Rickshaw Driver
Sri, a beggar who caused a scandal in her helper’s family, tries to escape with with Parto, a rickshaw driver.
Butterfly of the Nights
Ariff dirgantara
Laura is a beautiful, smart college student who works as a prostitute. One of her clients becomes obsessed with her but she refuses him due to her principles. She tries to start a new life however the past keeps chasing her.
Dalam Balutan Busana
An obsessive veteran filmmaker tries to convince his younger girlfriend who is an actress to wear his late wife's clothes.
This City is a Battlefield
A 35-year-old former fighter and violinist devises a plan to blow up a movie theater, a gathering place for British NICA officials and the Dutch.
Gundala Putra Petir
Ridwan Bahri
The Sequel of Gundala (2019)