Fumio Soda


Violent Fighters
Dead Angle
Elite college graduates commit perfect financial crimes though loopholes in the law during the 1950s.
The Tragedy in the Devil-Mask Village
Tarao’s services are called upon to solve the mysterious death of bride-to-be, Mariko, who was found dead with an eerie mask of a devil.
In the midst of a match, a successful boxer - Hayato, has had enough of the sport. He lets himself get knocked, quits boxing, leaving his wife and start living alone with his mangy dog. One day a young mediocre boxer knocks at the door and wants to be Hayatos apprentice.
Новая заключенная №701: Скорпион
Сестра Нами Мацусимы пропала без вести. После того, как она попыталась разобраться в этой истории, Нами приговаривают к пятнадцати годам лишения свободы за убийство, которого она не совершала.
The Runaway Season
The third movie in the "Boso" series.
Hobo General
Detonation! Violent Games
Teruo Ishii's West Side Story, done as a bloody, violent, sexploitative biker gang film. It's the Red Chilis versus the Black Cats, and the chick who just may heal the divide.
Detonation: Violent Riders
Wild-hearted mechanic boy Iwaki falls in love with the innocent but gang tied Michiko.
Great Jailbreak
A group of prisoners attempts to break the Abashiri prison. This film can be considered a sequel to the Abashiri Bangaichi series, written and directed by Ishii Teruo. The friendship between two men on death row, a fleeting love affair with a traveling dancer and a deadly battle with the real culprit who has hunted him down filmed over a long period of time on location in Hokkaido.
Джон Шей, агент британской секретной службы, убеждён, что в их системе работает двойной агент. Более того, он убеждён, что это — его прежний коллега Адам Бут. Вопреки воле начальства, он отправляется на поиски улик способных доказать вину Бута.
Женщина-ноль: Красные наручники
Агент «Ноль» — полицейский, которая использует свои методы для расправы с преступниками. После того как она незаконно убивает насильника, ее сажают в тюрьму и она лишена значка. Но, вскоре, дочь политического деятеля похищена безжалостной бандой. Агенту позволяют выйти из тюрьмы, с тайной миссией: найти дочь политика и вернуть ее к отцу. Используя ее смертельные красные наручники, она избавляется от преступников один за другим.
Бандитский квартал
Босс Эгава входил в клан Тогику, но почти все его подручные попали в тюрьму, а после отсидки оказались не нужны Тогику. В компенсацию Эгава получил в подарок бар «Мадрид». Остальные бандиты Эгавы планируют развязать новую войну, в которой они снова окажутся нужны.
Criminal Woman: Killing Melody
Reiko Ike stars as the daughter of a man who has been pushed into drug dealing by the local Yakuza mob. Having outlived his usefulness to the gang he is murdered and Reiko is gang raped, leading her to attempt a knife attack on the Yakuza boss (Ryoji Hayama) at a swank nightclub. Failing to kill him she ends up in prison, where she befriends a crew of other malcontents (including Yumiko Katayama and Chiyoko Kazama) and meets the Yakuza boss's girlfriend (Miki Sugimoto). Upon release Reiko reassembles her mob and launches a Machiavellian scheme to engineer a gang war between Hayama's Oba Industries and the formerly dominant Hamayasu Clan. The rival gangs begin killing each other off and Reiko works her way closer to her ultimate vengeance.
Farewell to Rock'n Roll
There is an ongoing war between two Girl Gangs, the Akabane 100 Club and the Ikebukuro Cavalry. Yukiko, the "Bankaku," or chief bodyguard of the Akabane, is released from reform school and sets about to finish an ongoing one-on-one grudge match with the Arab Falcon and the whole Cavalry gang. With a theme song by 1970s Japanese "Group Sounds" band Carol, and live performance. Rock and Sukeban unite for an extraordinary and cool piece of filmmaking.
Love Lost in Tears
Japanese “kayo” film based on the song by "Namida koi" by Aki Yashiro.
Yakuza Wolf: Extend My Condolences
Attacking Asao Uchida's lonely, clifftop mansion in no-holds barred massacre.
A Narcotics Agent's Ballad
Undercover cop Kikuchi teams up with the Okinawa local police to clean up the narcotics and prostitution underworld.
Sex Up And Down
A con man sets up a consulting firm where he poses as a doctor specializing in curing people of their sexual problems and hang-ups.
Yakuza Wolf
A fearless man confronts a yakuza organization pushing the envelope of extravagant & all sorts of violence.
Troops of Darkness
A disgraced yakuza member, framed for the murder of his boss, emerges from prison eight years later with revenge on his mind.
Sex Comedy, Quick on the Trigger
Comedy about a car salesman who invents a condom against premature ejaculation.
Thugs of Shinjuku
Fresh out of jail, a smart-mouth wise guy Goro takes the name “Big Brother Katsumata.” Not fitting in well with established gangs, he forms a rag-tag gang called “the Shinjuku Brothers.” The members of their gang are thugs who only wish they were traditional yakuza. When they turn up at the funeral for a gangster, they are not welcomed, but a senior boss intervenes to keep things calm. The boss of bosses invites them to join a respected local council of warlords. Katsumata is suspicious of why such powerful men would extend an invitation to lowlife like himself.
Girl in College
I Sell My Husband
Japanese comedy film.
Even If Life Withers
Secret Information
A gangster named Sagara killed a broker at the request of a friend named Oba, was arrested and spent eight years in prison. Now released, he wants to find out who squealed on him.
New Year Trip
A comedy about a good-natured train conductor Shinsaku helping his old friend Miwako find her missing brother.
Traveling in Party
A comedy about Hikoichi, a mediocre train conductor who falls in love with a beautiful widow Sayuri.
Express Train
Atsumi Kiyoshi, famous for his role in Torasan, stars as Aoki Goichi, a veteran train conductor who dedicates himself in providing quality service to his passengers. With his many years of experience, he never fails to find solutions for any troubles that occur along the way. A comedic drama revolving around the lives of those who ride the express train.
Rampaging Dragon of the North
The son of a prominent member of a fishing community returns home after a stint with the yakuza to find his father has died under orders of a local gang leader. He sets out to avenge his father, keeping his plans secret from his mother who is cold to him since his perceived abandonment of the family. This wonderful, if little-seen, Fulasaku gem deals with family, community and what it means to do right by both.
A Thousand Suspects
Suspense film based on Ryuji Hori's non-fiction book about the kidnapping and murder of 4-year-old Yoshinobu Murakoshi in 1963.
Terror Beneath the Sea
While covering a test of guided torpedoes, two reporters believe they see what appears to be a strange-looking swimming creature. They investigate the matter further and discover that there is a race of fish-men living under the sea. The fish-men capture the pair and keep them prisoner in their underwater city.
Pretty Devil Yoko
Easily bored, but still innocent and naive countryside girl (Mako Midori) discovers partying in Tokyo is a ton of fun. Yakuza-to-be (Ichiro Araki) is an acquaintance who tries to rape her, and the typically bland but very-good-here (Hayato Tani) the first boyfriend. Director Yasuo Furuhata (his first picture) lets his camera roll in trendy clubs amongst partying youngsters in a way that could've been out of 60s England or a Nikkatsu film if it wasn't shadowed by dated 60s Toei conservatism.The resulting film is a bit confused, either a rebellious youth tale chained by moral concerns, or something conceived as a morality tale trying to break free from its chains.
The Threat
Gang's Upward Strategy
That Cute Girl
Love on the Rainbow
A seamstress seeks the love of her life while helping a troubled couple.
The Ghost of the Hunchback
A hunchbacked caretaker presides over a forlorn mansion inhabited by the ghosts of his previous masters. An unbelieving trio (a doctor, his assistant and his niece) fail to heed the caretaker's warnings and are slaughtered horribly by the jealous occupants.
The Glamorous Ghost
Based on the novel by Naoki Prize-nominated author Taro Takeshita, a thriller full of black humor. A jealous husband murders his adulterous wife, then embarks on a crusade to extort all the wealthy men whom she had affairs with.
Main Street in the Underworld
An Impudent Man
Naomasa, the former lord of Okayama Castle and the head of the Iseda family, takes a strange boy, Kirihito, under his wing. However, Naomasa is sent to Europe for his rather too liberal lifestyle…
Orders from Hell
Duel of the Underworld
Cosmetic Sales Competition
A cosmetics saleswoman falls for a rival executive.
Hell's Kitchen
У подножия горы
После войны семья Катагири пережила разорение и бедность. Мать взяла дело в свои руки и справилась с невзгодами, а отец потерял способность принимать решения. Теперь судьба всех членов семьи зависит от матери — она распоряжается своими дочерьми и указывает им, как надо жить. Что делать молодым: слушаться умной матери или искать свою дорогу в жизни?
Police Department Story Pt.18: Mysterious Red Phone
The investigation team of the police department is chasing a vicious criminal who kidnaps children, the key to catching the villain this time is the phone. The 18th work from the series "Keishicho Monogatari".
Тихоокеанские спецагенты
Спецагенты бросают вызов ювелирному контрабандному синдикату. Погоня начинается на Кюсю и продолжается от Кобе до Иокогамы.
Tales of President Mito
Mr. Mito, a former president of an instant food company, with two young men’s help, solves the quality problems and wins a big ramen contract with a large Chinese company.
Pleasant Company
The Prickly Mouthed Geisha and the Girl of Osaka
A geisha helps a runaway who looks just like her.
Devil's Nursery Rhyme
1961 Toei adaptation of Yokomizo's novel.
The Prickly-Mouthed Geisha Goes to Sado
Japanese comedy film.
A Fishwife's Tale
Hibari Misora plays Yoshiko, the popular daughter of a fish market owner. After discovering that she was adopted, she sets out to help her biological father who has fallen victim to an evil plot orchestrated by those who would take over his successful business.
Hell's Juggler
Deep River Melody
A poignant story about a young couple, Setsu and Chozo, who are torn apart to save Setsu's father's restaurant.
The Man of Seven Faces
Detective Tarao investigates the deaths of police officers who were involved in solving a kidnapping case.
The Second Bullet is Marked
Tsunokichi and Ken face off against a rival yakuza in Kyushu.
The Prickly Mouthed Geisha
Koharu, a young geisha, is in love with Kenichi, an apprentice carpenter to her father Masagoro. Their love life comes to a sudden halt after an argument between their two fathers. Can their love survive in spite of the bitterness between their two families?
Moonlight Mask – The Last Death of the Devil
The sixth and last Moonlight Mask film in the original series produced by Toei in the 1950s.
Moonlight Mask: The Challenging Ghost
Fifth Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
Hell's Companion
Moonlight Mask: The Monster Gorilla
Fourth Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
The Tokyo Dame
A young woman tries to keep her family together after her father disowns her sister.
Men in a Rough Town
An action-packed, dramatic gangster film.
Sister with Sister
Yoshiko finds new life and love interests when she takes a new job as an office worker.
The Outsiders
A drama about relations between Japanese immigrants and the indigenous Ainu on Hokkaido, the most northerly island of Japan. From a novel by Taijun Takeda.
Точки и линии
На юге Японии на Кюсю обнаруживают тела мужчины и женщины, принявших яд. Все похоже на самоубийство влюблённых. Однако нет посмертной записки, никто из свидетелей никогда не видел их вместе. Смерть мужчины была выгодна высокопоставленным лицам, однако основные подозреваемые в момент преступления находились на севере страны на Хоккайдо.
With Songs in My Heart
Sayuri, a young woman born to a simple life on a farm, moves to Tokyo to pursue a life long dream of becoming a singer. Through dance, music, and songs, this story shows how a girl raised on a farm was able to make her dream a reality, with the love of those around her.
Detective Duel
A friendly rivalry turns into romance for Yukiko, an elite female detective, and a handsome private eye named Mitamura while both are investigating the missing person's case from a wealthy family.
Moonlight Mask: Duel to the Death in Dangerous Waters
Second Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
Moonlight Mask
First Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
First Love of Okon
A fox in disguise, Okon, returns the favor to a man who rescued her from a fatal trap.
Man of Thirteen Eyes
Japanese mystery film.
No Advice Taken
A comical love story between two college students — Hitomi, a strong-willed girl, and Shogo, a handsome, earnest and poverty stricken man.
Пятеро под землёй
Хозяину маленькой шахты приходится экономить на всем, хотя это угроза для безопасности рабочих. Непогода провоцирует аварию, шахту затапливает вода, и пятеро шахтеров оказываются замурованными под землей. Спасательная операция буксует на месте, попытки откачать воду к успеху не приводят. Шахтеры, инженеры, члены семей потерпевших – все теряют самообладание. Неразбериха нарастает, и шансы на спасение тают на глазах.
Men Fighting Whales
A film about the rivalry between Captain Gondo and the harpooner Yosuke Yamagami, working on the best whaling ship Hayabusa Maru. One day they will have to face a giant, monstrous whale.
Mother Peacock
Japanese drama film.
Excursion to Treasure Isle
The story is a dramatization of the Japanese folklore legend of Momotaro, the Peach Boy, who with his trusted companions of dog, monkey and pheasant fought against evil in olden times.
Three-Headed Tower
Newly graduated Miyamoto Otone is to inherit a fortune from a distant relative on the condition that she marries Takato Shunsaku, a man she has never heard of. The lawyers haven't located Shunsaku yet, allowing Otone to think about whether she accepts the conditions of the will. One month later after, Takato Shunsaku is found. Murdered. At the birthday party of Otone's uncle. With Shunsaku dead and thus making it impossible for Otone to marry him, the inheritence is to split amongst all (living) family members. And yes, as always, that means that the potential successors get killed off one by one. But Kosuke Kindaichi is on the trail...
The Seven Faces of Bannai Tarao, Private Eye
Detective Tarao goes undercover to battle an evil gun smuggling business.
Seven Masks of Revenge
The eighth film in the "master detective with seven faces" series. Bannachi patrols the town in his taxi when he sees a man heading into Shiodome Town. Next day the man is found brutally murdered and the mystery starts to unravel.
Murder on The Last Train
One of the earliest Japanese cop films following a mysterious killing on the last train to Mitaka, Tokyo.
Foul Play
Private eye Bannai Tarao (Chiezo Kataoka) and his assistant Masako (Chizuru Kitagawa) investigate the mysterious murder of a baseball player who was killed in the middle of a game.
爆笑天国 とんち教室
The Rainbow-Colored Flower
Assistant Editor
Ebihara is a budding novelist entangled in a complicated web of relationships with three women from three different generations: Kazue, a coquettish teenage war orphan who tries to offer herself for money but is instead taken in by Ebihara, Koyabu, a middle-aged woman who has spent much of her life as the kept woman of a wealthy man, and Teruko, the modest daughter of Ebihara's former teacher who comes to rely on him after the death of her father.
Fencing Master
Assistant Editor
Swordfighting instructor Danpei works at a local theater in Tokyo, instructing the actors how to fight realistically.
警視庁物語 19号埋立地
In the former landfill, where construction is currently underway, the corpse of a middle-aged man with an unusual rosary in his hand was dug up. An autopsy showed that the victim was about 40 years old, 170 cm tall, had bad teeth, and had been strangled about a month ago. The police department begins an investigation, Detectives Hayashi and Kitagawa set out to investigate the origin of the rosary, and Detectives Nagata and Watanabe begin interviewing construction workers. In the end, it turns out that the rosary belongs to some new religion... The 19th work from the series "Keishicho Monogatari".