Art Direction
According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Mexico became one of the deadliest conflict zones in the world in 2017, second only to Syria. In 2008, the Mexican government sent the army to Chihuahua on the Mexico-Texas border to fight drug traffickers. What seemed like an attempt to control the cartels turned into state-sponsored disappearances and the murder of journalists, human rights activists and civilians. The survivors and those threatened by the conflict pushed at the unwelcoming border of the United States, hoping for asylum. With stunning visual poetry, director Marcela Arteaga weaves together a record of their memories told over the backdrop of the once-vibrant landscape of the Juarez Valley. She also highlights the extraordinary work of Carlos Spector, an immigration lawyer born in El Paso, Texas, who fights to obtain political asylum for those Mexicans fleeing violence.
Tina’s world is breaking up. The answers lie elsewhere. In a bid to restore order she embarks on a journey where past and present collide.
Art Direction
In a southern Mexico village, young deaf students are taking on an unusual challenge: to make a movie out of their dreams. While Eric and his friends watch films and discuss ideas, their dreams begin to work their way into the documentary itself. Both a study of the students lives and the basic visual language of film
Set Decoration
Красавица Майра, работающая ассистенткой мага-иллюзиониста, собирается выйти замуж за сказочно богатого кандидата в президенты. Но перед самой свадьбой сбегает в Мексику. Незадачливый жених нанимает для ее поисков частного детектива Алека, который, найдя Майру, неожиданно для себя влюбляется в нее. А к Майре тем временем «подкатывает» жуликоватый доктор Док. Обнаружив у нее некоторые магические способности, он уговаривает Майру принять участие в поисках древнего зелья индейцев-майя, которое принесет им сказочное богатство. Отправившись втроем в джунгли южной Мексики, Майра, Алекс и Док стараются перехитрить и друг друга, и многочисленных местных жуликов и колдунов…