Train Porter (uncredited)
Edited version of the 1942 Republic serial "Spy Smasher," cut down to one hour and sold for TV release in 1966 in a syndication package with other truncated Republic serials.
Under therapeutic hypnosis, a seemingly well-adjusted young woman tells a fantastic story, verified by lie detector, of her forgotten marriage to a man who disappeared on the day of their honeymoon, and of her search for him which takes her to a lonely mansion in a remote section of swampland tenanted by snakes, alligators, a drunken one-armed lout, a mysterious doctor, and a cold-hearted elderly woman who lives alone in a brooding manse.
Pullman Porter (uncredited)
Former radio singer Kay learns from her gossipy friends that her husband, Steve, has had an affair with chorus girl Crystal. Devastated, Kay tries to ignore the information, but when Crystal performs one of her musical numbers at a charity benefit, she breaks down and goes to Reno to file for divorce. However, when she hears that gold-digging Crystal is making Steve unhappy, Kay resolves to get her husband back. The Opposite Sex is a remake of the 1939 comedy The Women.
Cook (archive footage)
The stooges are three incompetent plumbers who foul up the plumbing in a fancy mansion where a society party is going on. They manage to catch a couple of thieves masquerading as guests before the whole party degenerates into a pie fight.
Janitor (uncredited)
Joe Besser and Jim Hawthorne are detectives trying to recover stolen jewels. They see a necklace on a furry arm, and deduce that a man wearing a fur coat was the thief. They, instead, encounter a gorilla.
Fraidy-cat Andy is assigned to demolish a haunted house.
Hugh and his partner, Julius are assigned to demolish a old mansion that's rumored to have a fortune hidden inside somewhere. When they arrive, they meet two fortune hunters who try to scare Hugh and Julius away.
Professor Brookfield along with daughters Peggy and Susan move to small town Pasadena, California. Their new neighbor Mrs. Fielding helps them move in, and urges the girls to participate in the annual Rose Bowl beauty pageant. Meanwhile Mrs. Fielding's son Tom makes eyes at Peggy but she's smitten with a famous football star so she tries to redirect his interest to Susan.
The Cook
The stooges are the "Day and Night" plumbers. Called out to a fancy mansion where a society party is going on, they cross the electrical and water systems and generally ruin the place. Despite their incompetent plumbing, they save the day by recovering a painting stolen by a pair of thieves masquerading as party guests.
Porter (uncredited)
Кинопродюссер Артур Трент, в затруднительном положении. В пятницу должны начаться съемки фильма «Мадемуазель Фифи», с участием актеров Дэнниса Моргана и Джека Карсона. Но никто из голливудских режиссеров, не желает работать с Карсоном. Тренту не остается ничего другого, как предложить Карсону самому снять фильм. Но это еще не все. Нужна исполнительница главной женской роли, так как ни одна уважающая себя актриса, также не станет сниматься с Карсоном, тем более под его руководством. Тогда Морган предлагает Карсону, пригласить на главную роль молоденькую официантку Джуди Адамс.
Reverend John Burnside, American missionary in the Far East, prepares to return home after twenty years to take up the fight against Communism. The Reds imprison him and send in his place a spy who is his double, but who is instructed to come out for Communism. The spy is accepted in Burnside's home town, and he reports to local Communist headquarters, where James John, prominent local businessman but in reality a Red agent, has instructions to assist him in all details of his mission. He does a series of personal appearances and radio interviews and talk shows, using an anti-Communist approach.
As a publicity gimmick, Harry has to announce his radio show from a real haunted house.
The stooges are private detectives looking for a missing millionaire. They wander around the millionaire's spooky mansion confronting various crooks and a dangerous dame. The stooges vanquish the crooks (Shemp uses his "trusty shovel") and find the missing man.
Bootblack (uncredited)
Ник Романо — хулиган, живущий в квартале для бедняков. Его обвиняют в убийстве полицейского, и за это молодому человеку грозит смертная казнь. Единственный, кто соглашается ему помочь, — адвокат Эндрю Мортон, который в юности сам пережил подобную ситуацию. Сможет ли он убедить суд, что Ник не прирожденный убийца, а всего лишь жертва обстоятельств?
A crate containing a live gorilla is delivered to a mountain cabin Hugh has rented.
Hugh's loudmouth pal crashes a dinner party Hugh is throwing for his boss.
Pullman Porter
The stooges are scammed out of their inheritance by Icabob Slipp, a crooked lawyer. The boys follow Slipp onto a passenger train and corner him, but not before they accidentally let a lion loose on the train. The only Stooges SHORT where Moe, Curly and Shemp appear together.
Joe (uncredited)
Алоизиус МакКивер - бездомный бродяга, любящий роскошь, проводит эимы в дорогих особняках, пустующих в это время года. Этой зимой он облюбовал дом миллиардера Майкла О'Коннора на Пятой Авеню. Однажды он встречает бездомного ветерана Второй мировой войны Джима Баллока и предлагает ему «свой» кров. Вскоре к ним присоединяется 18-летняя Труди Смит, которая якобы сбежала от отца-деспота. Между Джимом и Труди, по законам жанра, вспыхивают романтические чувства. Но ни Джим, ни МакКивер даже не подозревают о том, кто на самом деле Труди...
Hugh and Dudley stay at Dr. Flint's Sanitarium, unaware that two escaped convicts are using the place for a hideout.
Jason Perkins
Harry, who is known as a practical joker, finds himself being chased by a headhunter, and doesn't know if it's a joke or not.
Cyril - Radio Station Janitor
Harry, who is known as a practical joker, finds himself being chased by a headhunter, and doesn't know if it's a joke or not.
Big Ben
Агент казначейства, идущий по следу фальшивых денег, признаётся пассажиру океанского лайнера Чарли Чену, что на его жизнь было совершено два покушения.
Janitor (uncredited)
Private detectives Gus and Dick take a murder case where nearly everyone is trying to kill them.
Redcap (uncredited)
Писательница Кит Мэдден отправляется в Голливуд, где должны экранизировать её известный бестселлер. В поезде она встречается с бравым военным моряком Расти, который не знает о её успехах на литераторском поприще. Кит проникается к нему взаимной симпатией и начинает считать, что Расти идеально подходит на главную роль в будущей экранизации. Однако вскоре выясняется, что Расти относится к её книге весьма критически.
There's a monster running around loose in the house Hugh is showing to two prospective clients.
Watchman (uncredited)
The stooges are janitors working in the offices of Doctors Harts, Burns and Belcher. Some crooks arrive seeking medical attention after their boss has been wounded in a shoot out with the cops. Mistaken for doctors, the boys are forced to operate on the wounded crook, but instead they accidentally dump him out the window into a passing police car. The rest of the gang chases them into a store room filled with dummies where the cops finally catch the bad guys.
Bullfiddle Player
Blackie is arrested when retrieving stolen gems from a safety deposit box for a friend.
The East Side boxing champion Muggs answers a challenge to a fight against the West Side champ but just before the match he is kidnapped. His friend Danny Lyons takes his place and wins the fight, only to have Mugs believe that Danny was responsible for his kidnapping.
Pullman Train Porter
El and his new bride go on their honeymoon; no matter where they go, they keep running into her former husbands.
The stooges are repairmen who get a job fixing the doorbell in large house which is the secret headquarters of some Nazi spies. They manage to ruin most of the house while working on the wiring and then subdue the spies and sink an enemy submarine by remote control.
Bellboy (uncredited)
История Джима Корбетта, прозванного одним из «отцов современного бокса». В новую эру бокса он применил инновационные тренировки и отстаивал соблюдение джентльменских правил во время поединков.
Roadside Worker (uncredited)
The stooges mistakenly kidnap a baby they find on their doorstep. When the cops and the baby's mother come looking for the baby, the boys panic and flee into the country with the cops (one of them is the baby's father) pursuing them by motorcycle. It all ends happily with the baby reunited with its parents and the stooges running off disguised as bushes.
Waiter (uncredited)
Молодая женщина по имени Стэнли бросает своего жениха Крейга и сбегает с мужем своей сестры Питером. Беглецы женятся и переезжают в Балтимор. Однако скверный характер Стэнли доводит Питера до алкоголизма и в конечном счете до самоубийства. Стэнли возвращается в родной город и решает вновь завязать роман с бывшим женихом, однако выясняется, что он собирается жениться на ее сестре…
Train Porter (uncredited)
Prior to the United States' involvement in World War II, the masked vigilante Spy Smasher fights Nazi agents operating within the US, led by the treacherous sabotage leader codenamed The Mask.
Dining Car Waiter (uncredited)
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
Dorothy Dandridge and band perform "Cow-Cow Boogie".
Porter at Train Station (uncredited)
После того как едкий критик Шеридан Уайтсайд ступает на порог провинциального дома бизнесмена Огайо и ломает ему бедро, он со своей свитой становится полноправным владельцем дома.
Native Cook (uncredited)
The stooges are tree surgeons who are enlisted by a rich old man to find a mate for his rare puckerless persimmon tree. The boys sail to the tropical island of Rhum-Boogie to find the tree. When they arrive they are captured by the natives and will be eaten unless Curly marries the Chief's ugly daughter. The stooges escape with the tree and, after a confrontation with an alligator, sail off with their prize.
Dancing Porter
Fraternity brothers enter one of their own into a scholarship lottery after a women's college insults them. Though the Zeta boys are celebrated for their comedy drag revue, staying undercover as a woman at an all-girls' school wasn't part of the rehearsal!
Hotel Janitor (uncredited)
The nosy antics of a honeymooner puts an unwed couple in the same room.
Bob's Servant (Uncredited)
The relatives of a rich old woman unsuccessfully try to have her declared insane, so they can divide up her money. To show them that there are no hard feelings, she invites them to her estate for the weekend so she can decide to whom she actually will leave her money when she dies. Soon, however, family members begin turning up dead.
Sam Dillingham
A young soldier uncovers a ring of spies when he investigates his brother's mysterious murder.
Barber Shop Assistant
Andy becomes the manager of a prizefighter. The problem is, the figher has just skipped town.
Member at Ball
Capitalizing on the famous radio 'feud' between comedians Jack Benny and Fred Allen. The two stars play versions of themselves, constantly at each other's throats due to real and imagined slights.
Complicated plot involving missing stamp collection and kidnapped businessman, with the Lone Wolf keeping one step ahead of the police in Havana trying to solve the crime and make a profit.
Train Porter (uncredited)
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
Doorman (uncredited)
Бывший чемпион по боксу Данни Кенни уходит на покой. Он собирается вложить все свои сбережения в мечту своего брата — написание симфонической оды городу, в котором они оба живут — Нью-Йорку. Но все складывается не так как хотелось…
Crematorium Orderly (uncredited)
The stooge's friend Jerry convinces them to take out on insurance on Curly and then have him act insane to collect. Moe and Larry put Curly on a leash and take him to the insurance doctor and have him act like a dog. Unfortunately, the insurance doctor wants to perform a brain operation (Cerebrum decapitation). The boys try to escape by hiding in the dog catchers wagon, but are caught and taken to the hospital. They escape again, this time by rigging a sheet to a gurney and sailing down the street, where they run into Jerry and knock him into wet cement.
Charley writes to girls all over the world in order to get foreign postage stamps for his collection--but winds up with a passel of girls who think he's their fiance.
Two goofball private detectives are hired to find a millionaire who has been kidnapped by a mad scientist.
Singer / Dancer - 'Swingali' (uncredited)
Джефф Уилсон, владелец небольшого цирка, должен своему партнеру Джону Картеру 10000 долларов. Прежде, чем Джефф смог заплатить, Картер позволяет своим сообщникам украсть деньги, так что теперь он может забрать цирк себе. Антонио Пирелли и Панчи, которые работают в цирке, вместе с адвокатом Луфолом пытаются найти вора и вернуть деньги.
Black Man in Courtroom (uncredited)
Torchy Blane and Steve McBride try to nab a gangster by tracking his moll.
Nicky Nelson is a fast-talking sideshow barker with a wax-and-alive concession on Atlantic City's boardwalk. Even with the band of his friend, struggling musician Gene Krupa, playing on the sidewalk to attract the customers, "The Living Corpse" and other low-rent acts aren't enough to lure the seen-it-all boardwalk strollers, and the landlord closes the show in lieu of never-paid rent. Nicky, always promoting, goes to Stephen Hanratty, head of the pier's Dance Pavilion, to plug Krupa's band as an attraction, but Hanratty won't even listen to them. But, while there, he meets singer Lily Racquel, who knows he is a phoney but might have the ability to to talk a radio-station manager into giving her an audition. She gives him a ring to help finance the project; he promptly loses it in a crap-game.
Young lovers Jack and Sally are from families that compete to send horses to the 1938 Kentucky Derby, but during the Civil War, her family sided with the South while his sided with the North--and her Uncle Peter will have nothing to do with Jack's family.
Train Porter (uncredited)
Story of a rising stage star and the trouble she causes by her ambition.
Shoe Shine Man
A small town soda jerk discovers a gang of criminals staying at a local hotel. Comedy.
Porter (uncredited)
The third of nine Torchy Blane movies. Angry that police detective Steve McBride (Barton MacLane) is giving preferential treatment to his reporter-fiancée, Torchy Blane (Glenda Farrell), reporters from a rival newspaper plan a fake murder with the idea that Torchy's paper will print the story and look foolish. The tables are turned when the fake murder turns out to be the genuine article.
Engine Room Singer (uncredited)
Танцовщик Пит Питере — гениальный мастер своего жанра. Его импресарио и продюсер Джеффри, чтобы заинтриговать публику, выдает его за русского по фамилии Петров. Однако «Петрова» все время тянет танцевать что-то «несерьезное», в основном степ.
К тому же он неравнодушен к танцовщице и актрисе Линде Кин, которая успешно выступает с танцевальными номерами. И он решает, что девушка должна танцевать только с ним. Чтобы познакомиться и завоевать сердце красавицы, танцор идет на различные ухищрения, порой очень комичные…
Sam, the Janitor
The gang puts a phony absent note on their teacher's desk so they can go to the circus, then have to get it back when they find out that the class was going on a field trip to the circus anyway.
Night Club Dancer (uncredited)
Two Dartmouth football players fall in love with the same girl following college graduation.