First Assistant Director
Summer 1943, Piedmont, Italy. Milton loves Fulvia who plays with his love: she only likes the depth of his thought and the letters he writes to her. One year later, Milton has joined the Resistance and fights beside other partisans. He learns during a conversation that Fulvia was secretly in love with his best friend Giorgio, a partisan like him. Milton decides to go find Giorgio in the Langhe region of Italy with all its misty hills...But Giorgio has just been arrested by the Fascists.
First Assistant Director
Флоренция, XIV век. Повсюду свирепствует «Чёрная смерть» — три юноши и семь девушек сбегают в деревню, чтобы оградить себя от чумы. Там, чтобы скоротать время, они начинают рассказывать друг другу разные истории, посвящённые любви. Эти истории, эротические, драматические, смешные, трагические, оживают перед нами, завораживая красотой чувств и человеческими страстями.
First Assistant Director
It tells the story of a general who is about to cut down an old forest for the sake of financial gain, but discovers that the forest is inhabited by invisible spirits
First Assistant Director
A beautiful lawyer about to be married is stalked by a mysterious man who knows her too well.
First Assistant Director
Под лазурным небом Ниццы развертываются комичные приключения страхового агента, глупого (или умного) настолько, что он страхует собак от укуса человека, и бизнесмена, помешанного на женщинах, но обожающего свою жену и многочисленных детей. Входит в сюжет и линия принцессы, которой в полнолуние регулярно снится, что ее насилует во дворце офицер, в жизни совершенно невинный служитель церкви, что доставляет последнему массу неприятностей - чтобы излечить ее от болезненных кошмаров, его заставляют проделать все это в реальности.
First Assistant Director
Roberto Razzi, skeptical and convinced atheist, is the conductor of the Futuro program, in which he unmasks the most common tricks and deceptions that make the miracle cry out to everyone.
First Assistant Director
Две истории в одном фильме. Эдуардо случайно узнает, что у него приемные родители. Его настоящий отец умирает, но перед смертью он сообщает, что его матерью была «Королева Английская», не успев уточнить, что это прозвище итальянской проститутки. Но Эдуардо уже несется в столицу Англии, где правит ничего не подозревающая королева… Вторая история является пародией на очень популярный в 70-х киножанр «джиалло». Детектив Богги решил завершить свою карьеру полицейского, взявшись за дело, в котором он должен оградить актрису Линду от посягательств на нее маньяка, который беспокоил ее телефонными звонками с угрозами.
First Assistant Director
In 1900 in Rome, the poor carpenter Francesco, by a twist of fate, is recognized component of a noble family in the process of decay. Francesco knows the cynical and ruthless Prince Torquato Terenzi, disappointed by life and progress, and also falls in love with the beautiful Duchess Elisa. When Prince Terenzi dies, Francesco realizes that he's not enriched for nothing with the inheritance, because the noble family is broke; so he enlistes himself for the war in Libya, but quickly returnes to Italy, disgusted by the atrocities of the fighting. His dream is to be a singer, and so he goes to America with the Duchess Elisa.
Assistant Director
Gennarino Laganà is a poor Sicilian who struggles with menial jobs to support his family, while his parents pressure him to seek his fortune in the North. Gennarino would never leave his beloved island if he had not stumbled into a love affair with Donna Egeria, wife of the Mafia boss Don Mimì. To escape certain revenge, he boards a goods train. In a dream, Saint Totino appears to him and promises him protection in exchange for a regulated life. He thus arrives in Milan, where he meets Armida, a woman of the streets, who takes him into her home and makes him her protector and lover. But San Totino appears again to Gennarino and reproaches him for being a kept man: he must work and Armida must change her life.
Assistant Director
Двое авантюристов, попав на остров, затерянный в Тихом океане, пытаются найти клад, оставленный здесь еще во времена Второй Мировой войны. Но это сделать не так-то просто. Ведь его охраняют не только туземцы, но и японский солдат, не знающий, что война уже давно закончилась…
Assistant Director
Sequel to "La Orca" which follows the life of the kidnapped girl after she returns home to her boyfriend and family. After her kidnap ordeal Alice tries to return to her normal life, but her memories still haunt her and her way to see the world has been changed forever.
Assistant Director
Rome, 70s. Rocco and Antonia, high school students, meet during a political rally. The two young people share age, political ideas, dissatisfaction with their parents. Moreover, by attending, they realize they have fallen in love. It is the discovery of sex and passion. After some time, however, their relationship goes into crisis.
Assistant Director
In 16th century Rome, Rampín, a friendly and shameless rogue, exploits his arts of deception. He lives with his aunt, Napolitana, a pimp dedicated to the same trades as his nephew. With the arrival of a beautiful Andalusian, Lozana, her fortune enters their house by making her the most beautiful courtesan in Rome. Lozana and Rampín reach an agreement: he will be at her service, taking her lovers home, and she will treat him like a king and give him the best, something that others will never have. But one fine day, Don Sancho, a handsome Spaniard, falls in love with her.
Assistant Director
Полиция обнаруживает тело 15-летней девушки, повесившейся на чердаке пустующего дома в Риме. Вроде бы всё очевидно и это явное самоубийство. Но расследуя это дело, полицейские обнаруживают факты, свидетельствующие о том, что имело место вовлечение школьниц в занятие проституцией. И к этому причастны ряд влиятельных людей города. По мере распутывания этого сложного дела происходят смерти тех, кто мог бы хоть как-то пролить на это свет. Некий человек, облачённый в мотоциклетный шлем, вооружившись остро заточенным оружием, убивает им свидетелей. Особенно он досаждаёт женщине-следователю, которая тоже рискует лишиться собственной головы…
Assistant Director
In early seventies Italy, plagued by criminality and political terrorism, a fearless police commissioner is sent to restore law and order in a northern industrial town devastated by a recent wave of violence and kidnappings..
Assistant Director
Marta works as a telephone operator for a telephone company. She lives with her friend Nanda in Nanda's flat. But Nanda's priority is above anything else to find a husband.
First Assistant Director
Giovanni and Raffaella are happily married from ten years, but their relationship goes into crisis when Raffaella falls in love with Valerio Mantovani, a handsome forty-year-old man she knew during the concerts of chamber music she weekly attends with her mother.
First Assistant Director
Кристина и Франческо путешествуют по Сардинии. В горах острова молодого человека похищают бандиты, а девушке приказывают держать язык за зубами. С родителей Франческо похитители требуют кругленькую сумму. Те решают не предавать дело огласке и начинают собирать деньги. Но Кристина, понимая, что ее друга не оставят в живых, решает обратиться в полицию...
Script Supervisor
Broadcast on RAI television in 1967, this charming featurette about a teenage boy’s first crush on a girl reveals director Ermanno Olmi’s love and respect for the dilemmas of everyday people, along with an early example of the kind of stylistic and narrative experimentation seen in his later work.
Assistant Director
Based on the diary Pope John XXIII kept between the ages of 14 and 18, his lifelong concern for tolerance, the underprivileged, and world peace is told. Rod Steiger, in the central role, acts as "intermediary" between the Pope and the audience, interpreting John's words, thoughts and actions. Steiger visits the actual places in which John lived, recreating the conditions, environment, and forces that affected his development. Through this unusual technique, we are brought close to an extraordinary man - one who's able to win the love of many people of all faiths.
Assistant Director
Short film directed by Leopoldo Torre Nilsson.
Assistant Director
Young Italian writers and directors express themselves in four episodes about sex and love. "Love and Language," the first tale, centers on the difficulties of a Sicilian immigrant who is unable to master proper Italian. the second tale "Love and Life" centers on a jealous and unhappy wife who becomes so desperate to be free of her constantly philandering husband she takes on a lover of her own. "Love and Art" a nearly exhausted screenwriter hires a secretary to help manage his typing. She's a pretty lass and this makes his insecure wife crazy until he fires the female and hires a male secretary. "Love and Death," the final episode centers on the love affair between a middle-aged widower and the grieving young widow he meets at the cemetery. Unfortuantely for his bank statement, the young, impoverished beauty isn't as bereaved as she seems.
First Assistant Director
Attractive teenager Sergia usually hangs out with her older sister and her circle of mature friends. For a change, she is convinced by two teenage male friends to go for a beach vacation. Their main motive is to try to win her affection and get to sleep with her. Tragedy soon follows when the love triangle unravels.
Script Supervisor
A pretty woman approaching middle age rents out rooms in a small Italian town. An aging sailor and a handsome younger man are amongst the lodgers.
Assistant Director
An alien takes over the body of a factory worker in order to learn about Earth so his race can take it over.
Писатель Тайвен Джонс не мог предположить, чем для него обернется мимолетная, как казалось, связь с некоей Евой Оливье. Кто она, эта роковая красавица, без которой Тайвен не может прожить и дня? Почему он не может выкинуть ее из головы, несмотря на то, что она постоянно издевается над ним, унижает и, вместе с тем, не хочет отпустить его? Почему ради нее он готов на все — потерять деньги, друзей, поставить под угрозу свои репутацию, брак, карьеру? Когда жизнь Тайвена начинает рушиться как карточный домик, он понимает, что имела в виду Ева, когда советовала не влюбляться в нее.
First Assistant Director
The decurion Randus holds himself so well in the command of his troops, that Caesar promotes him to centurion. He is subsequently sent to Egypt, to keep Cesar informed on the actions and intentions of co-triumvir Marcus Licinius Crassus - a man too rich, and ambitious, for Caesar's comfort. A fateful sea trip from Egypt to Rome forces Randus in captivity by mercenary troops, and leads a revolt by which he gets freedom for himself, and all the other slaves. Through an amulet he received from his late mother, a man who had fought by Spartacus' side, identifies the young man as Spartacus' and Varinia's son. At first reluctant to accept this story about his origins, Randus will be forced by the circumstances to repeat the feat of his father, twenty years later.
First Assistant Director
Twin brothers were raised by wolves, revolt against tyranny in pre-Roman Italy and then come to a parting of the ways as they lead their people toward the founding of a new city, the founders of Rome.
Script Supervisor
Two muscle-men come up against a tribe of Amazon women.
Script Supervisor
Syracuse lies between the warring nations of Rome and Carthage; as long as the balance of power between the nations remains intact, both nations are willing to preserve the neutrality of Syracuse. However, Rome has now gotten the upper hand in its struggle for power. The fate of Syracuse lies in the hands of its leader, the famed inventor and scientist Archimedes.
Script Supervisor
На североафриканском побережье, на пересечении коммерческих торговых путей Средиземноморья лежал гордый город Карфаген, величайший враг Рима. В 146 году до н. э. после трёхлетней осады римские легионы под предводительством Сципиона Эмилиана готовили последнюю решительную атаку на город, который в течении ста лет и трёх войн героически сопротивлялся нападениям Рима и его возрастающей силы. Во время этих событий Фульвия, женщина-римлянка, переживала свою драматическую любовную историю…
Second Assistant Director
When the Philistines attack, the Israelites are hopeless against the fierce giant Goliath and don't know what to do. King Saul takes the advice of the prophets and sends an adolescent shepherd, David, into battle to conquer the oversized Philistine. David is victorious and becomes the King of Israel.
Script Supervisor
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
Script Supervisor
As part of a story, a reporter goes to meet Elisa, a young woman he met a few years ago on a trial on which she was finally exonerated.
Script Supervisor
Guido Carani, an engineer of noble descent, has just lost his son born to him by a chorus dancer, who, desperate, has become a nun. After a while he also loses his wife and daughter in a boating accident. Poor Guido is in despair, but soon he meets Lina, a woman who is a dead ringer for Luisa.