Maya Lauterbach

Рождение : 2002-07-03,


Спасение знакомого нам мира
Семнадцатилетний подросток с биполярным расстройством после неудачной попытки самоубийства попадает в психиатрическую больницу, куда его отправляет отец. Там он знакомится с другими ребятами, у которых похожие ментальные проблемы.
Granny Nanny
Retirees Karin, Gerhard and Philippa are not in the mood for Nordic walking and seniors' courses at the university. When Philippa, who is living life to the full as Leonie's godmother, helps the two to unexpected grandparenthood, they suddenly have two "lively" god-grandchildren to look after, a huge bouncy castle standing in the garden and Lego bricks stuck to their feet.
Spuren der Rache
V8 - Revenge of the Nitros
Luca Michele
After their glorious win against the Baracudas, the V8 team got closer to a place at the legendary "Castle", where kids get teached in racing. However, Robins father Rasmus V. Eight is hard on their heels. He still wants to get the control over his son and much more to ban the secret racings.Meanwhile, the V8 team has to deal with a new competing racing team, the Crazy Nitros, who kidnap Robin and force him to drive against his own team...
V8 - Start Your Engines
Luca Michele
Four very unequal children at the age of 6 until 11 are chosen to become the new soap box racing team to compete at the secret "Castle", where all the world champions of racing have participated, when they were kids. A selective group of boys and one girl have nothing in common but their passion for cars and racing. Their first big challenge is to unite as a team by becoming friends, only then they will have a chance of winning.
Zwei Männer und ein Baby
Maya Mattuschke