The film tells the story of a girl named "Ra'na" who lives in a village in northern Iran and has a chicken called "Kakli", which lays an egg every day, Ra'na has a friendly relationship with the chicken she cares about her, one day saming happen that would make Ra'na to be silent.
The film tells the story of a girl named "Ra'na" who lives in a village in northern Iran and has a chicken called "Kakli", which lays an egg every day, Ra'na has a friendly relationship with the chicken she cares about her, one day saming happen that would make Ra'na to be silent.
Assistant Director
In a building site in present-day Tehran, Lateef, a 17-year-old Turkish worker is irresistibly drawn to Rahmat, a young Afghan worker. The revelation of Rahmat's secret changes both their lives.
Village Teacher
Фильм о слепом мальчике и отношениях в его семье. Деревенский слепой мальчик возвращается из интерната домой. Кроме любящих сестер и бабушки его встречает вдовый отец, который подыскал себе молодую жену и тяготится сыном-калекой…