Michael Pike


Венди уже давно работает в британской миграционной службе. Она слышала множество душераздирающих историй, и ей казалось, что ей уже просто нечему удивляться. Но однажды к ней за помощью обратился изможденный африканец Хайле. На его родине идет кровопролитная гражданская война, а дом затопило наводнение, вызванное постоянными ливнями. Он потерял всю свою семью и теперь пытается найти убежище в соединенном королевстве. Вот только у него есть большая проблема — его документы были утеряны вместе со всем имуществом. Войдет ли Венди в тяжелое положение настрадавшегося человека и сможет ли она помочь ему?..
The Carrier
England has been overrun by a pandemic with no apparent cure. As the infection continues to spread, safety - for a lucky few - looms in the form of a damaged 747 set to seek solace abroad. It's only once the plane is airborne that the survivors discover the infection made it onto the flight with them.
The Anniversary
On the morning of their 20th wedding anniversary, Teresa's husband Sam goes for a run and keeps on running.
Outpost 11
Set in an alternative past where steam power still rules the world, Outpost 11 is the story of three soldiers manning a remote listening post in the Arctic Circle. One day the warning light goes off unexpectedly and their world is plunged in to chaos. Albert, Mason and Graham must fight the isolation, madness and arctic spiders to survive. Think 'The Thing' plus 'How I Ended this Summer' mixed with 'Videodrome.'
The Canterville Ghost
'The Canterville Ghost' is one of the most popular choice for making a film in Oscar Wilde's works, and the original short story deserves the popularity. It is a witty spoof about a ghost and the 'haunted' mansion where a rich American family start to live. In this story, the family are not annoyed by the presence of the ghost; no, it is the ghost who is annoyed by the family who just refuse to be terrified. After all, why should we be scared by an old man wearing rusty coat of mail, whose best trick is to walk in the middle of night making big noises?
The Treasure Seekers
Five motherless children, with the help of a famous doctor, are determined to save their financially strapped father.