

Special Mission Erotic Man First and Last Omnibus
Erotic straight to video comedy
Lady Ninja Kasumi
A girl from a peaceful, Edo-era Japanese village seeks revenge for the death of a disgraced elder with the help of her sister and a lethal lady ninja nun. It's the time of the samurai and ninja, and Shogun Yoshimune rules Japan. Beneath the idyllic façade of the quant villages populating the countryside dwells a twisted sexual underbelly that affects the wealthy and impoverished alike. When one of the village elders commits seppuku after being raped, Kaede and her sister decide to take justice into their own hands and track down the perpetrator. Aided by a nun who believes in Old Testament-style retribution, the two sisters embark on a bloody mission of vengeance. Along the way, the three women slice and dice their way through lies and secrets while discovering that the story behind the rape is much more complex than any of them suspected.
Android girl Nami: Gekitô!! Onna vampire vs. Mecha-bishôjo
This entry (much like RIMA) is also noticeably absent of the typical Yamanouchi gore and sleaze, leaving the audience with practically nothing in terms of entertainment. I can only recommend this one to die-hard Yamanouchi fans - but I highly suggest sticking to his more "extreme" works, such as MUZAN E (which is still by far his best film to date...)"
Super Erotic Businessman
Kojima Kosaku
Kojima Kosaku is may appear to be a typical businessman, but he's far from it. Trained in sexual martial arts at his father's dojo, Kojima uses his sleazy skills to solve his company's seemingly endless stream of problems. The appearance of a fellow problem solver and sex maniac working for a rival company means that Kojima must stretch his skills to their limit.
Hatsu Netsu: Love Potion
Пустое тело
Coach of Boxing Gym
Пока танцор буто Акадзи Маро репетирует перед выступлениями, а дизайнер Синъитиро Аракава готовится отвозить в Париж коллекцию своих работ, Сион Соно намеревается снять фильм про школьницу, влюбившуюся в повара ресторана, с которым она даже не успела поговорить. Вскоре звёздный состав творческой интеллигенции наперегонки друг с другом пытается помочь любви незадачливой девочки.
Dangai: Illusion
Kyoichi, a small-time drug dealer for the yakuza, has recurring nightmares about two men raping him. Once his real-world problems escalate, people around him start dying in horriffic ways and he finds it increasingly difficult to tell dreams from reality.