Donald Meeks
SARAH MIILLER, known to her grandchildren as 'Nanny,' is still slim and athletic in her early seventies. She's a successful author, is feisty, intellectual and full of fun. Her granddaughter, KATIE WHITMAN is closest to her 'Nanny' and continually tries to get her to ride the highest roller coaster in the nearby theme park. Nanny refuses, confiding to Katie that she's deathly afraid of heights. This causes Katie to divulge her biggest secret that she is terrified of dying. Sarah hopes that she can help Katie deal with her anxieties over time.
Joe Jenkins
While stranded at a diner on Christmas Eve, Rose finds personal redemption in protecting a young baby from an abusive father on her way to reconciling with the child she had to give up for adoption in her youth.
Giovanni Zorro
The Dukes,a Doo Wop group, were on top of the world at 17, now are struggling for survival in 2008. Their manager is desperately trying to get them work but is met with failure at every turn. Finally pushed to the extreme , they pull a heist only a fool would attempt, which leaves them even more desperate. When all seems lost, they find themselves.
Ben Goodstein
A newly-wed NYC couple move into a low-rent luxury apartment only to be harassed by cryptic elderly neighbors.
This breathtaking video tour of Yellowstone National Park is captured by nature photographer Russ Finley in all it's glory, and narrated by actor Joseph Campenella. The oldest, largest, and most popular national park in this country,k Yellowstone not only offers superb mountain scenery, but also is one of the world's principal wildlife preserves. See the majestic moose and elk with their huge antlers, rare trumpeter swan, ever-hungry bear, playful river otter, skittish coyote and shaggy buffalo, all in their native environment. The park fought for it's life in the fires of 1988 - seen in dramatic footage - but endures as a year-round riot of color and contrast, topped off by the towering geyser of Old Faithful
Professor Hunnicut
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution stands as one of the most important discoveries in the history of science. Yet in his lifetime, Darwin was reluctant to reveal what he had learned for fear that it would make outcasts of him and his family. This fascinating installment of A&E's popular "Biography" series profiles the life and times of the controversial naturalist, presenting excerpts from his journals and opinions from expert scholars.
Winton Dean
Casper Van Dien of Starship Troopers stars as James Dean, whose remarkable talent and rebel attitude took Hollywood by storm. But as Dean's star begins to rise, his passionate affair with Italian ingenue Pier Angeli (Carrie Mitchum of The Bold and the Beautiful) angers her disapproving mother (Academy Award nominee Diane Ladd) and studio chief Jack Warner (Mike Connors). How did a broken heart, reckless behavior and his relationships with Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo and director George Stevens (the legendary Robert Mitchum in his final screen role) lead to Dean's ultimate race with destiny? Connie Stevens, Joseph Campanella and Casey Kasem co-star in this revealing biopic that goes behind the myth to tell the true story of the superstar who lived fast, died young and left a legacy that changed movies forever.
В самом злачном месте бурлящего Нового Орлеана ночном клубе «Стеклянная клетка» гангстер Бурасса под прикрытием продажного полицейского Монтрашета проворачивает свои темные делишки. Звезда клуба и любовница Бурасса Жаклин вне себя от ярости, когда ее бывший любовник Пол устраивается в «Стеклянную клетку» барменом. Не зная, что они знакомы, Бурасса посылает их в Мексику за крадеными бриллиантами. Жаклин поддается уговорам Пола, и они вновь становятся любовниками. Но их связь не остается секретом для Бурасса и он вынуждает Пола стать наемным убийцей, угрожая в случае отказа убить Жаклин. Пол должен вести двойную игру, чтобы остаться в живых и навсегда освободить Жаклин из «Стеклянной клетки».
Dr. Stern
Норман Гэллагер получает тюремный срок, но не в простой тюрьме, а в голографической. В этой тюрьме находится мозг Гэллагера и его гологоафический образ. На бывшего террориста пытаются воздействовать и перевоспитать его. Программа биоперсонального улучшения рассчитана на 5 лет. Через это время бывшего террориста должны выпустить, перепрограммировав его мозг. Но друзьям Нормана удаётся похитить его образ и мозг из голографической тюрьмы до конца срока, когда его ещё не успели перепрограммировать.
Mickey Ryder
Detective Jim Rockford works to uncover facts of the death of a wealthy socialite whose two grown children are accused of murdering her. Complicating matters are Rockford's omnipresent "friend" Angel, and Rockford's ex-wife Kit, a lawyer who represents the children.
Джим Стивенс, способный сотрудник процветающей компании внезапно становится свидетелем следующей сцены: молодая симпатичная девушка приклеивает к двери записку. В записке всего 2 слова «Спасите меня» и телефон. И с этого момента жизнь Джима превращается в какой то кошмар из цепи необъяснимых покушений, убийств и интриг, в которой сам Джим не понимает своей роли…
In this creepy anthology thriller a mind reader detects the thoughts of someone who wants to kill her, a young man is given miraculous healing powers that he puts to evil uses, and an astronaut in space is terrorized by a psychotic onboard computer.
Karate action and laughs never cease when a brother and sister go to California to visit their uncle. They soon discover that he's an alcoholic on the run from the Mob who want him to pay up or else...
Police Chief
This portrays harmony and friction involving oriental and Mediterranean factions, both proficient at martial artistry, but one is dabbling in illicit dealings fronted by a nightclub.
Chief Mleczko
A New York detective tracks a serial killer who injects his victims with poison at Grand Central Station.
A New York City waitress finds opposition rather than support from her husband in achieving her dream of becoming a designer.
Judge May
Matthew Cameron (Jay Richardson) is a lawyer undergoing a midlife crisis despite having a seemingly perfect life with his wife, advertising executive Jessica (Candy Clark), and his young son. When he champions a homeless shelter facing eviction, his problems only deepen. Matthew faces pressure from Jessica, whose agency is representing the corporate honcho pushing the eviction, and Matthew is forced to question his values and loyalties.
General Maxwell
In the future, mental institutions are located on far-away planets. One such planet is the apex for an invasion of Earth by rodent-like aliens. It is up to a band of intrepid mental patients to thwart their evil schemes.
Narrator (voice)
A journey into the land of sharks. The old myth of swimming killing machines is put against the true nature of those rather peaceful hunters, whose evolution ended in biological perfection millions of years ago. We accompany expeditions of Dr. Eugenie Clark and Rodney Fox, who have studied sharks since the 1950's.
Morris Thayer
As a little girl, Cindy had to witness how the shady estate agent Jason Laurence killed her mother. In the 22 years since then, he was never called to account for this crime. So Cindy decides to take vengeance herself.
Walker Ryan
In this thriller, television reporter Kate Ryan de Meléndez investigates the death of two radical Puerto Rican activists, whom she begins to believe may have been framed and murdered by undercover American agents.
Don Santiago
A dishonest lawyer devises a scheme to rob a bank by recruiting criminals he has represented to do the job for him. When the robbery is completed, he learns that the "loot" from the vault is in fact a microchip containing top-secret information.
Dr. Pritchard
A research project on sexual response leads two doctors into an affair and their deepest passions and darkest fantasies are revealed.
John Alexander
Когда отставной сотрудник антитеррористического отдела ЦРУ Джон Александер погибает от рук своего старинного врага, международного террориста Франко, его старший сын Кейси не желает подпускать младшего брата Уилла к расследованию. Но Уилл решает самостоятельно отомстить убийце отца и отправляется в поисках Франко во Флориду. Пока Кейси, при помощи своих знакомых из ЦРУ, разыскивает Франко, Уилл придумывает собственный план. Он хочет внедриться в террористическую группу, и после того, как спасает жизнь правой руке Франко, добивается своей цели. Но дело принимает новый оборот, когда Франко, узнав, что Кейси находится во Флориде, поручает убить его не кому иному, как Уиллу. Теперь братья снова вместе и должны объединить усилия, чтобы остановить Франко, задумавшего убить президента Соединенных Штатов.
To avenge the death of his family, a man infiltrates a group of wealthy killers who take homeless people and use them as prey in a sadistic game of "hunt the man down".
Добро пожаловать в мир боевика, мир мужской дружбы и мужской мести. Мир войны и мира. Любви и ненависти, потрясающих приключений и головоломных трюков! Мир безжалостных мафиози и бесстрашных полицейских, мстителей-одиночек и их верных друзей! Мир боевика — жестокий и добрый одновременно…. Много лет назад, во Вьетнаме, генерал Квон украл золото ЦРУ и попытался убить свидетелей — американских солдат Джона Стила и Ли. Джон спас жизнь Ли. Ли гибнет через много лет, в мирное время. Наркобанда «Черные тигры» расстреляла Ли и всю его семью, потому что Ли был полицейским, а «Тигры» устанавливают свои порядки. Конечно, Джон Стил будет мстить за друга. Он не знает, что бандой «Черных тигров» руководит его старый знакомый — бывший генерал, а ныне богатый бизнесмен Квон.
This documentary presents the story of Dorothy Stratten, who was Playboy magazine’s Playmate of the Year in 1980. Stratten was murdered by her husband, Paul Snider. The film investigates the playmate’s past, the dynamics of her relationship with her husband, and the events surrounding her violent demise.
This WW2 epic was one of the last movies of that kind made in former Yugoslavia. It tells the true story of great transport of Partizans from Vojvodina to Bosnia in 1943.
This movie explores the possibilities of interaction between man and computer, with some historical background. It demonstrates techniques introduced in the Walt Disney movie _Tron (1982)_, combining computer-synthesized animation and real-life object photography.
Joe Cabrezi
A woman must choose between having an abortion or giving birth to a deformed child.
A family of space aliens crash lands on Earth when their spaceship conks out.
Frank Lafferty
Во время орбитального полета космического челнока, выполнявшего военную программу, происходит взрыв, в результате которого погибает один из астронавтов. Как потом выясняется, причиной взрыва становится НЛО, в последующем совершившего вынужденную посадку на территории США. Небольшая группа военных и политиков, опасающихся ненужной и рискованной шумихи вокруг этого ЧП накануне президентских выборов, делают всё, чтобы сохранить происшествие в тайне. Вернувшихся на Землю астронавтов изолируют, а НЛО отправляют для исследований на военную базу и прячут в ангаре под №18. Но друзья погибшего астронавта не хотят сидеть сложа руки и предпринимают собственное, и весьма рискованное расследование..
Моряк Томми снимает квартиру в одном из самых неспокойных районов Нью-Йорка. В этих местах всем заправляет жестокая банда. Томми всячески избегал столкновений с бандитами, но как-то раз ему это не удалось...
Harry Skirvan
A worker at a nuclear power plant finds life in danger after she points out unsafe conditions.
General Easton
Земля на пороге гибели от столкновения с огромным метеором. США и Россия объединяют усилия для спасения человечества и разворачивают свои уникальные спутники навстречу гигантскому космическому пришельцу.
The championship battles between Joe Louis and Max Schmeling in 1936 and 1938 were legendary, as they pummeled each other in their efforts to attain the heavyweight title.
Brian Faber
A second feature-length pilot film for the wish-fulfillment series sees six lucky people having their dreams fulfilled on the luxury resort island. Career woman Margo Dean's assistant, Lowell Benson, hopes to romance her; Brian and Lucy Faber want to see the daughter they gave up for adoption; Janet Fleming, who lost her memory on her honeymoon, wants to relive it to cure her amnesia.
Father at San Bruno Mission
Father Kino , a 17th-century Jesuit missionary, dedicated his life to helping Native Americans in the Southwest by teaching them agricultural skills as well as building missions and spreading Christianity. An explorer, astronomer and map maker, Father Kino surmounted numerous challenges as he journeyed through California, Arizona and Mexico.
Captain Monty Ballard
A husband and wife come up with a plan to steal $10 million in gold, using the hijacking of a police helicopter as a diversion.
Dr. Schroeder
A brilliant blind student fights a seemingly hopeless battle to gain acceptance into medical school.
The Husband
A restless woman seems unable to leave her husband or her lover.
Jeffrey Baine
At a Texas barbecue, a pretty woman chats up a wealthy rancher, and soon they're off on a horseback ride. Before she shoots him on an isolated road, she gives him a minute to reflect on who he might have offended on his rise to the top. She's Angela de Vries, a contract killer based in L.A. She wants this to have been her last job; her contractor wants one more death, a national union leader, made to look like an accident. She starts her homework on this mark. Meanwhile, in her private life, she's in love with a budding photographer. Is there any way that she can get out of the game and have a full love life?
Howard Foster
A number of business people, keeping the Christmas Eve office party going longer than was originally intended, are beset by a fire that starts in the basement of their office building and creeps up at them from floor to floor.
Scott Simmons
A teenage boy fathers a child with his girlfriend. He then fights his parents, the girlfriend, the girl's parents and the courts in an attempt to get custody of the child.
Bob Parsons
The passengers in an aerial tramway are trapped when the tramway breaks down 8,500 feet in the air.
Col. Doug Henderson
When the President's plane mysteriously disappears with him on board, it is left to the seemingly weak Vice President to try to avert a nuclear exchange with the Chinese.
Narrator (voice)
Joseph Bologna stars as Bill Bonanno in this made-for-television adaptation of the controversial bestseller from Gay Talese, chronicling the rise of New York's infamous Bonanno organized crime family. When his father disappears in 1964 and Bill is compelled to take over the "empire," other mafiosi attempt to take what's theirs. Brenda Vaccaro and Richard S. Castellano fill out the impressive cast of this gripping crime tale.
After a couple have an argument, the wife disappears. The husband searches for her, only to discover evidence that implicates him in her murder.
Eric Bradley
A race-car driver finds himself in a romantic triangle and a machete-swinging stranger trying to kill him.
Cliff Kirtland
Молодой парень Дэвид Гаррисон связывается с бандой крыс, обученных и натренированных опасным и ужасным Беном.
Neal - ‘Berkshire’ Captain (voice/uncredited)
Дело происходит на космической станции, где cамоотверженные ученые из последних сил стараются сохранить последние образцы земной флоры. Но это практически невозможно…
Lt. Phil Proctor
Television thriller in which a scheming doctor murders once for love and then has to kill again to cover it up.
Jordan Boyle
The son of a U.S. Senator takes on the cause of clean air when a friend dies of emphysema.
Take a relaxing trip from the headwaters of Rocky Mountain National Park to Mexico's Gulf of California as actor Joseph Campanella follows the Colorado River down its winding path. The classical sounds of music's greatest composers provides a soothing backdrop to the wondrous vistas and breathtaking landscapes, leaving the viewer both enlightened and calmed as the camera explores fast-moving rapids and serine stretches of natural wonder.
Brian Darrell
A student radical, accused of murdering a cop during a campus revolt, welcomes a court confrontation and then refuses to take the stand, despite the urging of the three high-priced lawyers he has hired to represent him in this second pilot of "The Lawyers," a rotating segment of "The Bold Ones" series.
Doctor Raul Valdez
A photographer plans to murder his rich young wife after she catches him cheating on her and threatens to divorce him so he won't get any of her money. He arranges for her to have an auto accident. However, instead of killing her, the accident only causes her to lose her memory, and the doctors say that it could return at any moment.
Albert Wienshank
История «ночи длинных ножей» гангстерского мира, ночи, когда итальянская мафия во главе с безжалостным Аль Капоне обезглавила ирландскую мафию в Чикаго, отправив на свет иной всех главарей этой мощной преступной группировки. По своей молниеносности, безжалостности и масштабности эта война за передел влияния в преступном мире не имеет себе равных.
Prof. Reese
A carefree college student has to face up to responsibility when his girlfriend announces she's pregnant.
Policeman killed during robbery (uncredited)
The moving story of four young men struggling against overwhelming odds to remain honest. When their crooked employer shorts their earnings; they turn to crime, their first theft ending in tragedy.