Lisa Gunn


Похищение Зака Баттерфилда
Психически неуравновешенная молодая женщина похищает четырнадцатилетнего мальчика и держит его узником в своем уединенном сельском доме, где у них развиваются странные отношения.
Jingle Hell
The Fitzgeralds find that you can't go home again...but at Christmas, you have to, as 5 grown children, their significant others, children and assorted others invade the home of Peg and Seamus Fitzgerald for one long Christmas weekend.
Wager of Love
Four women meet on a yacht to exchange stories about their sexual exploits of the past year. The onboard waiter is designated to be the judge of the best story; however, it turns out that his qualifications are tainted by a possible bias. But whose story will be declared the winner?