Богатое семейство собирается на ужин в своем особняке, чтобы обсудить покупку соседнего с их участка земли. Для помощи в организации мероприятия они нанимают местную девушку Кади, чье присутствие начинает странным образом влиять на хозяев и гостей дома.
Ten minutes before a Republican rally, A bullish Campaign Manager along with his backstage staff frantically work to fix the problem facing them...their leader Donald Trump has mysteriously become a man of Middle Eastern appearance.
Sean takes his two friends into the rural wilds of Wales in search of an underworld specialist who can illegally revive his failing business. Deep in alien, isolated territory, they accidentally cross William Parry, a broken and desperate farmer dangerously hateful and paranoid of all around him. The situation spins rapidly out of control, spiraling into a horrific Heart Of Darkness spree of pointless violence and revenge as Parry hunts the three friends across the stark and unforgiving terrain.
After an audacious jewellery robbery the whole James family heads for home on the run with the obsessive detective Julia Armstrong in hot pursuit.
An adaptation of the novel by Kingsley Amis about a group of university friends reunited in retirement. Alun Weaver has found success as a celebrated London-based writer. After returning home to Wales with his alluring wife Rhiannon he reunites with old friends who chose to remain in the valleys. Long dormant romance are rekindled and rivalries resurrected in this turbulent story of ageing, friendship, lust, nostalgia and nationalism.
Clementine Churchill