Greg Mullavey

Greg Mullavey

Рождение : 1939-09-10, Buffalo, New York, USA


Greg Mullavey


The Soap Myth
Milton Saltzman
More than a half century after WW II at the desperate urging of a passionate survivor, a young investigative reporter finds herself caught between numerous versions of the same story. Played out against the backdrop of deadline reporting and journalistic integrity, the critically acclaimed The Soap Myth by Jeff Cohen questions who has the right to write history--those people who have lived it and remember, those who study and protect it, or those who would seek to distort its very existence? And finally what is all our responsibility once we know the truth?
The Desperate
General Von Ulbricht
On a rainy night in a concentration camp, a ruthless Nazi general is forced to plead with a condemned Jewish doctor to save his dying son. With nothing left to lose, the doctor refuses to aid his hated enemies. But when he is offered his freedom in exchange, he is faced with an unthinkable moral dilemma.
Two friends are torn apart by passion and ambition in the violent world of amateur boxing.
Following Her Heart
A Swedish woman, married to a domineering man for 35 years, is "set free" upon her husband's death. While she is the heir to his estate, she is only allowed $300. Ready to pursue her passion in music, she moves to Nashville where she meets her longtime pen-pal and scores the opportunity to perform in a small club.
Gypsy Angels
Dan Craig
Vanna White is a stripper who falls for a stunt pilot who develops amnesia after a crash.
Not Quite Human II
Phil Masters
Chip, the android boy is back. This time, he is off to college, suffering from a computer virus and in love with Roberta, another android. Will there be a happy ending?
Who Gets the Friends?
Neat and interesting story about a couple being divorced. It is easy to split all the things they've bought, but the real question is: Who gets the friends?
The Abduction of Allison Tate
George Stubbs
When wealthy real estate developer Richard Tate seizes land belonging to a Native American tribe for his next construction project, a group of young men from the tribe decide to kidnap Tate's daughter Allison as a means of persuading her father to abandon the project and return their land. As time drags on with no resolution in sight, Allison begins to sympathize with the plight of her captors and joins them in their fight against her father.
The Check Is in the Mail...
Harry Danvers
Frustrated with all the minor irritants of the rat-race Richard Jackson decides to buy a goat, disconnect the electricity and become self-sufficient. But will this life be any less annoying?
The 11th Commandment
Ralph Davis
A murderous psycho breaks out of a mental hospital and goes after his rich uncle who killed his father and raped his mother.
The Fourth Wise Man
Artaban is a young Magus (Wise Man) who desires to follow the star to the birthplace of the coming King, against the counsel of his friends and family. Carrying three precious jewels to give to the baby Messiah, Artaban and his reluctant servant Orontes set off to join the caravan of the three other wise men. They miss the caravan, but Artaban continues the search for his King, always one step behind. Artaban spends much of his remaining wealth and all of his energy helping the poor and unfortunate people he meets, until at the end of his life he finally finds Jesus--at His trial! Has Artaban wasted his life in a foolish quest? Will he ever get the chance to present his gifts to the King?
The Census Taker
When George and Martha let Harvey, an annoying census taker, into their home, they find themselves under a barrage of increasingly abusive questions. Furious at his intrusiveness, and at their wit's end, they kill the census taker and with the help of their friends Pete and Eva, must hide the body from a determined investigator.
Det. Lou Ryan
A dying wealthy patriarch, Ramon summons his relatives to his bedside, setting the tone for intriguing suspense when a bizarre set of murders occurs. The terror begins with the arrival of the old man's sister and her lover. Blood and gore are a regular state of affairs. The first suspect is Carl who, despite his protests of his innocence, is hounded by the local detective. But the morbid killings continue... so is he the murderer, or isn't he?
I'm Going to Be Famous
Harold Green
A group of young actors audition for a play by a famous author starring and a famous star. These hopefuls have every weapon available to achieve their goal including blackmail, sex and murder.
This Is Kate Bennett...
Ed Fiore
In this pilot for a prospective TV series, Kate Bennett is an investigative TV news reporter whose life is imperiled, along with that of her young daughter Jennifer, after she doggedly pursues the story of a sniper attack on several nurses.
Crash Island
Happy Burleson
A plane full of children and young teens on the way to a swim meet, crashes into the ocean, leaving them and the crew stranded on an unknown island.
Children of Divorce
Tom Malik
The conflict and separation of their parents and the impact on four youngsters from three socially different families is the thrust of this drama.
My Friends Need Killing
Gene Kline
A traumatized Vietnam veteran goes on a killing spree, targeting the men with whom he served in the army.
Having Babies
Mickey Paterno
The story of four couples who are about to have children using the Lamaze method.
Фильм рассказывает о гибели самого крупного воздушного судна двадцатого века, огромного дирижабля-авианосца «Гинденбург», построенного как символ новой гитлеровской Германии. Под командованием Макса Прусса в 1937 году дирижабль отправился в своё последнее путешествие из Германии в Америку. Желая продемонстрировать американцам свою мощь, показав им «Гинденбург», никто из немецкого командования и не подозревал, что на его борту находится саботажник, планирующий взорвать воздушную гордость Германии.
Switch [Pilot]
Chuck Powell
In this pilot film that led to the series, an ex-con and a retired cop, partners in a private investigation agency, try to prove that a safecracker has been framed for a diamond robbery.
The Disappearance of Flight 412
Lt. Tony Podryski
Colonel Pete Moore (Glenn Ford) is commander of the Whitney Radar Test Group, which has been experiencing electrical difficulties aboard its aircraft. To ferret out the problem, he sends a four-man crew on Flight 412. Shortly into the test, the jet picks up three blips on radar, and subsequently, two fighters scramble and mysteriously disappear. At this point, Flight 412 is monitored and forced to land by Digger Control, a top-level, military intelligence group that debunks UFO information. The intrepid colonel, kept in the dark about his crew, decides to investigate the matter himself.
The Single Girls
A group of men and women travel to a Carribean resort to discover themselves sexually but unfortunately one of them has also discovered that they like to murder people too.
Cry Rape
Liam Price
A man who is arrested for rape swears it wasn't him but somebody who looks just like him, but the victim insists it was him.
The Birdmen
During WWII an American soldier sent to Norway to help with the escape of a scientist working on the atomic bomb for the Germans. Before they can escape they are captured and sent to a POW prison camp in an alpine castle. Cook must find a way to escape with the scientist before the Gestapo discover the Norwegian's true identity and convinces the other prisoners to build a two person glider in which they plan to escape.
Stand Up and Be Counted
Harley Burton
Sheila is a newspaper reporter who returns to her home town in order to write an article about the progress of the liberation of the women. Arriving at the town she is very surprised to see that her sister and also her mother agree very much with the feministic arguments.
Poor Albert and Little Annie
Albert tried to kill his rich snobby mother once. Then he was institutionalized. Now he's escaped. Albert is after his mother again. And he will torture and kill anything that lays in the way...
The Christian Licorice Store
A tennis champ falls in with the Hollywood crowd, finds himself being corrupted by the life in the fast lane.
The Love Machine
Bob Summers
An ambitious TV newscaster has an affair with the wife of a network executive to get a promotion.
Поход Роммеля
Интеллигентный офицер руководит бесстрашной атакой на хорошо защищенное побережье германских войск. Пробравшись в немецкий боевой конвой, капитан Фостер узнает, что боевики надеются связаться с практически полностью уничтоженными и частично помещенными в британский военный госпиталь товарищами, с целью организации их похищения. С помощью МакКензи, одного из нападающих боевиков, он клянется провалить миссию противника, которая становится все более сложной из-за присутствия любовницы итальянского генерала. Фостер и Мак вместе подгоняют банду немцев навстречу боевым силам, которые должны ниспровергнуть их и показать свое искусство захвата — только есть одна заминка в неминуемой встрече с Роммелем.
C.C. and Company
A motorcycle rebel rescues a woman from his gang and fights an outlaw guru for supremacy.
A family of doctors that runs a medical clinic finds itself up against a sudden cholera epidemic and other difficulties like a movie star who refuses to cooperate with her treatment.
Боб и Кэрол, Тед и Элис
Tim - Group Leader
Боб и Кэрол Сандерз — весьма необычная супружеская пара из Калифорнии, которые любят групповое мышление без комплексов. Желая разнообразить свою половую жизнь, они решают совершить сексуальный эксперимент, вступив для этого в интимную связь с другой парой. Тед и Элис Хендерсон — более традиционная пара, которая всегда с интересом выслушивает истории о провокационном поведении их лучших друзей Боба и Кэрол, до тех пор, пока не решают пригласить их в свою постель.
CBS Playhouse: Shadow Game
Workers in a high-powered New York business office are stranded on the 50th floor when the power fails during the East Coast blackout of 1965.
Companions in Nightmare
Man in Funeral Parlor
One of the patients in a group-therapy session conducted by a famous psychiatrist is a murderer.
Дантист на диком западе
Phelps - Dental Student
Джесс Хэйвуд, выпускник медицинского колледжа в Филадельфии, в 1870 году отправляется на Дикий Запад, где собирается бороться со стоматологическим невежеством населения. Тем временем знаменитой грабительнице Пенелопе по прозвищу Плохая Пенни полиция гарантирует помилование, если она выдаст своих сообщников, других знаменитых грабителей. Пенни примечает простофилю дантиста, женит его на себе, а затем, путем переодевания превращает его в различных легендарных личностей, чье имя гремит на Диком Западе. Дантист меняет профессию и превращается в вольного стрелка.