Lucía and Nico, the couple of the century, are about to say yes... although not with each other. It turns out that they both decided to get married on the same day and in the same place, but with other people.
Rodrigo and Gabriela have been dating for years, sometimes their relationship seems like best friends, but deep down, they love each other. Their daily lives are disrupted when their best friends, Luz and Jorge, ask them who would be allowed.
Группа подростков должна противостоять зомби-апокалипсису и помочь восстановить порядок.
In 2012, Charly leaves Nicolás minutes before getting married and moves to another country. Heartbroken, he writes to her a letter where predicts an unhappy life of complete solitude. Ten years later, fate brings them together again at the wedding of Rocío, her best friend, and Diego, her brother, where they will face that their love story is not over yet.
Fate leads young Jenny to search for her estranged father: small-time swindler Dirty Barry. Jenny believes love conquers all, but Barry knows money is what makes the world go round. Let the lessons for scoundrels begin.
Дон Франциско Кури погибает в автокатастрофе и его обувная фабрика остаётся в наследство сыну Сантьяго и совладельцу Хавьеру, который мечтает продать компанию. Великовозрастный обормот Сантьяго никогда не вникал в бизнес отца, но ему, его сестре Мишель, друзьям и команде молодого управляющего Генаро придётся объединиться, чтобы отстоять бизнес дона Франциско.
A group of yuppies fight over a group of office stooges for the control of a shoe factory.
A young man falls in an emotional crisis after learning his girlfriend is pregnant and willing to have an abortion. Due to his incapacity to deal with the situation, the shock takes him to a sensorial and psychic travel through disturbing images in twisted environments where he struggles to find her and be together one more time.
Residents of an enclosed neighborhood in the middle of Mexico DF are shocked by a violent crime, and for one resident in particular, young Alejandro, the drama is ratcheted up when he encounters the lone kid who escaped the event and is hiding out within the neighborhood's borders.