This enchanting new British musical explores the extraordinary world of a sorcerer and his rebellious daughter, as she discovers the explosive possibilities of her newfound magical powers. Against the backdrop of the Northern Lights, a small town has been pushed to the brink of collapse in a bid for progress and prosperity. To rescue Midgard from certain destruction, father and daughter must heal their relationship and work together. This gripping family-friendly story sees brooms coming to life and love blossoming anew.
New York, 1971. There’s a party on the stage of the Weismann Theatre. Tomorrow the iconic building will be demolished. Thirty years after their final performance, the Follies girls gather to have a few drinks, sing a few songs and lie about themselves.
Interspersed with a commentary by a female narrator,who at times assumes their roles,the father,mother and daughter and son of a black,South London family commence their day and we follow them through it in all its mundanity until it climaxes in a random act of violence,killing one of the family and taking up the after-math.
When sweet-voiced Cassie of unsigned reggae act Midnight is offered a lucrative deal to join successful group Breaks by record company rep Billy, her band mate boyfriend Tyron is none too pleased.
"I dunno, years of putting up with it, waiting on you all, for what? Eh? To become a fourteen-stone invisible woman?" A few days in the life of Connie, usherette at a sleazy cinema.
Детство — ужасная пора. Запрещено всё. Нельзя опаздывать в школу, нельзя поздно приходить домой, нельзя хамить учителям, нельзя знакомиться с дядьками на кладбище, нельзя собирать и испытывать бомбы, нельзя невпопад приглашать гостей, нельзя поджигать папину газету, нельзя рисовать голых тёток, нельзя сбегать с уроков на пляж, и — о ужас! — нельзя жениться. Даже по большой любви.