Tina Gylling Mortensen

Tina Gylling Mortensen


Tina Gylling Mortensen


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The Cake Dynasty
Else Agger
Baby Pyramid
Susanna Bertelsen
Hannah, a young fertility doctor, longs to carry a baby but is struggling to get pregnant herself. After meeting an older patient who is fertile but above the legal age for treatment, Hannah’s ethical and moral boundaries are questioned. Driven by jealousy and powerlessness, how far is she willing to go to make her greatest wish come true?
Free Men
FREE MEN is a comedy about two good friends who get into trouble at their jobs, forcing them to rethink their life situation. Daniel wants to be independent and Emil wants to be safe. In the end, Daniel has to choose between his best friend and his freedom.
The Butterfly Swing
The story is centered on the stubborn farmer Ernst and his wife Louise who are celebrating their 50th anniversary with a traditional Danish gold wedding for friends and family. However, the family carries several secrets and Ernest holds on to the biggest one of them all. Through one long joyous, intoxicating, surprising, gripping and melancholic night, the truths creep out and the family is put to the ultimate test.
Dronning Ingrid
When Ingrid turns 34, she has to admit to herself that her life has not gone as she had hoped. She has been single since she was seventeen, she works in an underwear store, and now her parents are getting divorced. She can feel for the first time in her life that she is in fact like everyone else. And her biggest wish is one of the most banal and unoriginal in the whole world: to have a boyfriend. But how can an independent and proud woman like her find love under the increasing pressure of her biological clock and without losing face?
Thomas, former successful stand up comedian will do anything to get back on the top. Unfortunately at the same time his teenage daughter demands his whole attention threatening the comeback he wants so badly...
Lene Frøbert
21 января 1968 года вблизи авиабазы Туле в Гренландии разбился американский бомбардировщик B-52 с четырьмя термоядерными бомбами на борту. Для проведения работ по очистке и дезактивации заражённой местности были привлечены и датские рабочие. Спустя двадцать лет радиорепортёр Поуль Брик поднимает тему неблагополучного состояния здоровья ликвидаторов последствий аварии. Чем дальше он продвигается в своём журналистском расследовании, тем отчётливее проступают контуры большой политической лжи, тщательно скрываемой как датскими, так и американскими властями.
Когда животные видят сны
Мари — скромная девушка, выросшая в отдаленной рыбацкой деревушке. Она живет вместе с отцом и матерью, которая прикована к инвалидной коляске. Когда на груди Мари появляется странная сыпь, она обращается к доктору, но беспокойство усиливается, когда по всему телу начинают расти волосы. Претерпевая все больше изменений, Мари вскоре начинает понимать, что семья хранит необъяснимые секреты, а нынешнее состояние матери напрямую связано с метаморфозой ее тела.
Almost Perfect
Anne has given up trying to find a man who will fit into her sensible and controlled life. Therefore she has chosen to become pregnant with an anonymous sperm donor who has been carefully chosen. But as her hormones get the better of her she realizes that the child may come to resemble the father and possibly get his less flattering characteristics. Anne feels compelled to find the sperm donor and ensure that he is as perfect as she imagines.
Hundekvinden Alice
Hold Me Tight
I skoletimerne sender Mikkel prøvende blikke til klassens stille og indelukkede pige, Sara, der er smigret over opmærksomheden. Da Mikkel og hans ven Hassan leger flirtende med hende i et frikvarter, bliver Hassans kæreste, Louise, jaloux og begynder at sprede ondsindede rygter om Sara. Louises hævn udvikler sig hurtigt til mobning og det, der er værre.
Social Worker
Сорокалетний Антон возвращается в родную Данию, много лет проработав в африканском лагере для беженцев. Долгие годы среди чужого горя научили его никогда не отвечать насилием на насилие. Даже когда местный автомеханик беспричинно избивает Антона, тот сдерживает гнев. Кажется, что конфликт исчерпан, но тут его сын Элиас вместе со своим другом Кристианом решают отомстить за отца.
Above the Street, Below the Water
This is the day when the lives of an intertwined group of people take a new direction. Everything they have taken for granted starts to change. While Anne and Ask's relationship succumbs to 'metal fatigue', Charlotte has to realise that her husband Carl may not be right for her. At the same time Bente has to decide if she is prepared to wait for ever for her lover, while her ex-husband Bjørn must face the pain of finally letting Bente go. The characters and their children are twirled around in an ever-increasing drama which peaks during the opening night of Hamlet. Anne is on stage as Ophelia, and the question remains: to be or not be responsible for one's own happiness.
Hush Little Baby
Four girls in rehab is on tour from their treatment centers and it becomes their life stories. The girls run off in a stolen Volvo and soon learns to know the freedom of good and evil. Both the fantastic feeling to be master of its own destiny, but also the heavy feeling of responsibility when you have to figure out what to do with his life. Before long, the girls learn that they can not continue
The Blessing
Overwhelmed and extra-sensitive, Katrine has a hard time coping when her more relaxed boyfriend, Andreas, takes a business trip just days after the birth of their first child. The fussy baby has difficulty breastfeeding, and vulnerable, insecure Katrine feels like a failure. When Katrine’s emotionally withholding mother Lise consents to stay for a few days, the two quickly fall into what are clearly familiar dysfunctional behavior patterns.
Moving Up
A position opens up at the Institute of Psychology. Manfred, a faculty psychologist, jumps at the career opportunity of a lifetime, spurred on by his girlfriend, Therese, who is also a co-worker. Then a new psychologist joins the staff, jeopardising his plans. It pains Manfred, who bends over backwards to curry favour, no end to see his new colleague, Poul, win over the institute chairman with his smooth, easy-going style. It is time, Manfred figures, to tip the scales of justice.
The Gold of Valhalla
Three siblings, Sofie, Jonas and Emma, move to Copenhagen when their father is appointed a job at the National Museum. One day, the ancient Norse gods, Loki, Thor and Heimdal, materialize to prevent the museum's legendary golden horns from falling into the wrong hands and threatening the human race with extinction. Because the divine powers of the gods aren't too efficient in a modern, hi-tech world, the kids step in and come to their rescue.
The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar II
In 1361 the Danish King Valdemar's troops approached the city walls of Visby, Gotland. Meanwhile, a young woman named Sigrid was leaving tracks all over the place leading to the whereabouts of a great treasure.She was able to fulfill her mission before being captured and immured alive in a tower, as punishment for not revealing the whereabouts of the treasure. Currently Kathrine, 14, and his three friends have to follow the tracks of 700 years ago during the Medieval Week celebration in Visby to rescue his father, who has been kidnapped, and find the lost treasure. But the fearful and dangerous Black Brotherhood lies in wait.
Kalle, a nice middleclass kid, who because of a debt and old friendship ends up as a 'fidibus', a gofer, for the hash baron Paten. But only until Paten is anything but innocently jailed and asks Kalle to mind the store while he is gone. No one touches Paten's money, Paten's car or, least of all, Paten's girl, Saby, who is dumber than water.
We Shall Overcome
Fräulein Birk
A drama about a boy who's inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and challenges repressive school authority in 1969 Denmark.
Solia loved her husband, but now he is dead. The relatives worry about the inheritance, while Solia says goodbye to her husband in an astonishing way.
Flies on the Wall
My Larsen is a documentarian in her early thirties. Self-centered and assertive, she likes to challenge and provoke her surroundings. She takes on an unusual assignment to make a film about the conservative township of Ravnsborg, but she learns there is a dark side to life in this small town. Someone is trying to cover up a terrible secret and they will stop at nothing, even murder, to keep My from discovering the truth.
Big Plans!
BIG PLANS follows the petty and irresponsible crook Willy, who has a massive fondness for music. Though he's 38 years of age he will not give up his lifelong dream of becoming a famous musician. When he gets paroled he therefore decides to revive his old band to prove to his eight-year-old son, Mikkel, that he isn't the failure everyone thinks he is.
Взгляни налево – увидишь шведа
Трагикомическая картина, в которой есть один жених, одна невеста, один бывший, но нашедшийся швед-любовь-всей-жизни и одна младшая сестра, сошедшая из-за шведа с ума (и это не считая хора воображаемых певцов).
Открытые сердца
Nurse #2
Сесиль и Йоахим любят друг друга и собираются пожениться. Но все их планы рушатся в одно мгновение: Йоахим попадает под машину и остается полностью парализованным. Сесиль пытается его утешить, но Йоахим пребывает в отчаянии. Чувствуя свою беспомощность, Сесиль изливает горе доктору Нильсу, жена которого была за рулем автомобиля, сбившего Йоахима. Нильс искренне сочувствует Сесиль, но в своих утешениях заходит слишком далеко. Их дружба перерастает в страстную любовь. И, кажется, Нильс даже рад тому, что его собственная жизнь тоже рушится…
Minor Mishaps
Minor Mishaps is the story of a family's reaction to the untimely death of their matriarch, examining the effect of the tragedy on John, her husband, who is himself ill, his daughters, Marianne and Eva, and their friends and family. When a man's wife dies in an accident, his children return home to deal with the tragedy together. The film throws a spotlight on each of their lives as they confront the changed dynamic in the family and their own lives, with some surprises, revelations and false accusations occurring along the way.
Anja & Viktor
Highschool sweethearts Anja and Viktor find themselves in a lesser state of love when Anja graduates and gets a job in the city.
Mimi og madammerne
A disturbed loner can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
Viktor and Viktoria
Live action kiddie entertainment about two tribes of trolls fighting for control of a Magic Ring. The good witch Tikla meanwhile holds on to the Ring. Viktoria, an underground Troll child, is forbidden to visit the above-ground Trolls, but does so anyway. She meets Viktor and together they go through an array of dangers before they chance into Tikla's den. She gives them the Magic Ring so that they can mediate a truce between the tribes.