Agathe Bonitzer

Agathe Bonitzer

Рождение : 1989-04-24, Paris, France


Agathe Bonitzer


Действие перенесут из Древней Греции в Берлин в период с 1980-х до наших дней. Супружеская пара находит новорождённого ребёнка во время шторма и называет мальчика Джоном. Через 20 лет он убьёт отчима, попадёт в тюрьму и заведёт роман с местной надзирательницей Иро.
The Other Louis
Who remembers Pierre Céran? Nobody except Louis, his old friend, who is worried about not having any news. Especially since the last time he saw him, Pierre Céran was not well. Louis goes to look for him.
По данным полиции
Flic rousse
Однажды утром измученный работой полицейский, которого все в участке называют Пинг-Понгом, сжигает свое полицейское удостоверение в туалете и исчезает, никому ничего не сказав. Коллеги ищут его целые сутки, встречают и теряют его в Тулузе и в пригородах. Но с каждым часом судьба подбирается всё ближе. Что ждёт Пинг-Понга и его коллег в конце этого сумбурного дня?
Deux femmes
Anne-Marie Leroux
In 1965, Monique Case, who claimed her moral freedom, was wrongly accused by misogynist cops. She will be saved from the guillotine by a shy and reserved examining magistrate who chooses to rebel against the machismo of the judicial hierarchy and of the time.
Дети Айседоры
После смерти двоих детей в 1913 году легендарная танцовщица Айседора Дункан сочинила прощальный сольный танец под названием "Мать", в котором в момент нежности мать в последний раз обнимает и укачивает своего ребёнка, прежде чем отпустить его. Спустя столетие четыре женщины сталкиваются с этим потрясающим танцем.
Blonde Animals
Fabien, former star of a television show, always seems disoriented when he wakes up. He feels abandoned since the disappearance of Corinne, his co-star, whom he loved so much. Nothing surprises him already, not even his encounter with Yoni, a sad young man, who carries in a bag a beautiful and disturbing token of his own loss.
Марго и Марго
Сорокапятилетняя Марго — профессор истории и географии и живет в Лионе. Ее жизнь выверена и идеально распланирована. Однажды на вечеринке она знакомится с двадцатилетней тезкой. Юная Марго — студентка, которая предпочитает вечеринки и встречи с парнями учебе. Внезапно Марго-старшая понимает, что ее новая знакомая — это она сама в 20 лет. Эта случайная встреча со своим прошлым полностью меняет жизнь героини.
Under the influence of a hallucinogenic cactus, a couple of French comes to introduce, like a virus, into a Mexican landscape whose practices, codes and uses they do not know.
Gabriel and Iris head back to their family holiday home in Portugal with their daughters Emma and Zoé, a couple of adorable six-year-old twins, for a vacation. In the heart of the sun-drenched countryside, as the little ones swim and laugh, the couple’s past begins to rear its head. Emma is overwhelmed by a secret that is simply too big for her to keep, and which she has no right to share with her twin sister.
Le chemin
Camille, a young lady who has joined a Catholic mission in Cambodia and is ready to take her vows, crosses paths along a river and the Angkor ruins with a Cambodian man, Sambath, on a regular basis.
La papesse Jeanne
The journey of young Jeanne through mountains and faith, from the lonely forests to the plains of Rome.
Смертоносный источник
Séléna Rome
Найдено тело мужчины, отравленного мышьяком. Главная подозреваемая - Ирен, его бывшая женщина, заключена под стражу. У нее, как у медика, хранится большой запас мышьяка, который мог быть использован для убийства. Ее дочь Фанни, капитан полиции, ведет расследование, чтобы снять подозрения с матери...
Sleeping Beauty
Gwendoline / Maggie Jerkins
In the kingdom of Letonia, the young prince Égon spends his nights playing the drums. During the day, he only has one thing on his mind: finding Sleeping Beauty in the kingdom of Kentz and breaking the spell over her. But his father, the king, doesn’t believe in fairy tales, and is completely opposed to Égon’s dream. It’s Maggie Jerkins, an archeologist from Unesco, who will provide Egon with the opportunity to follow his heart.
Right Here Right Now
Nora is a bright young professional whose new job at a financial firm turns out to be a trial by fire when she learns that her bosses share a tumultuous history with her prickly mathematician father. Meanwhile, an interoffice romance with a competitive colleague leads to even more complications, leaving Nora to navigate a minefield of delicate relationships as she climbs the corporate ladder.
Valentin Valentin
In a small Parisian building, a diverse group of people crosses paths, likes and observes each other, without always seeing each other.
Nights with Théodore
After meeting at a party, two young Parisians, Theodore and Anna, spend the night together in the city’s Parc des Buttes Chaumont. They return the next night, and the night after that, waiting for the park to empty of its daytime visitors so they can explore its familiar landmarks in solitude.
Under the Rainbow
Laura is still waiting for Prince Charming at the age of 24. So when Sandro appears at a party, exactly like her Prince would in her dreams, she thinks she's found the right one. But then again, when she meets Maxime, Laura starts to wonder if some Princes could be more charming than others? Of course Sandro has problems of his own : his father, Pierre, just bumped into Madam Irma at his father's funeral and this reminded him of the date of his own death which Madame Irma had predicted ages ago. Now Pierre is unable to make any plans, not with his new partner Eleonore, nor with Sandro. And Maxime has his own problems, and so does Eleonore, Marianne, Jacqueline and many others. But don't worry, in the end, they'll all live happily ever after.
The Nun
Soeur Thérèse
Suzanne Simonin describes her life of suffering in letters. As a young woman she is sent to a convent against her will. Since her parents cannot afford the dowry required for a marriage befitting her rank they decide she must instead become a nun. Although a kind and understanding Mother Superior helps her to learn the convent’s daily routine, Suzanne’s desire for freedom remains unabated. When the Mother Superior dies, Suzanne finds herself faced with reprisals, humiliation and harassment at the hands of the new Abbess and the other Sisters. For many years, Suzanne is subjected to bigotry and religious fanaticism. (
Coming Home
Gaëlle Faroult
A young woman tries to adjust to freedom after she spends eight years as a prisoner to a strange man.
Seasons of Love
1934. Philippe falls in love with Odile, a beautiful stranger, and decides to marry her, against the will of his parents. They would have preferred a more bourgeois bride, ideally from their own milieu: the paper industry in Angoulême. Isabelle, for instance, whom they have known since she was a child, would have been the perfect match. But Philippe sticks to his choice and marries Odile. At first the newly-weds are passionately in love, and the whole family looks forward to the birth of an heir for the Marcenat family. But in vain. Instead, Odile neglects her marriage and devotes herself to drawing, a gift she inherited from her father. Or is her rekindled interest in art classes more the result of her encounter with the charming but mysterious artist François Crozant? Philippe sense that he's losing his wife and becomes madly jealous of François. Meanwhile Isabelle, who's secretly in love with Philippe, is just waiting for the right moment.
Времена любви
Isabelle Cheverny
По роману Андре Моруа «Превратности любви». Франция, 30-е годы XX века. Филипп Марсена женится на Одиль, очаровательной, но небогатой девушке. Филипп окружает любимую заботой. Их семейная жизнь протекает гладко и безоблачно, даже, несмотря на то, что мать Филиппа не слишком довольна выбором сына. Все меняется, когда Филипп начинает подозревать жену в измене…
A Bottle in the Gaza Sea
Tai is 17 years old. Naim is 20. She's Israeli. He's Palestinian. She lives in Jerusalem. He lives in Gaza. They were born in a land of scorched earth, where fathers bury their children. They must endure an explosive situation that is not of their choosing at an age where young people are falling in love and taking their place in adult life. A bottle thrown in the sea and a correspondence by email nurture the slender hope that their relationship might give them the strength to confront this harsh reality to grapple with it, and thereby ever so slightly change it. Only 60 miles separate them but how many bombings, check-points, sleepless nights and bloodstained days stand between them?
The Three-way Wedding
When a famous playwright invites the cast of his new play - including his enchanting assistant, his ex-wife and her new lover - to his country estate, a series of seductions and surprising alliances ensue.
Bus Palladium
A comedy that follows the break-up of a French rock group.
La Morsure
An empty park in Paris. The sky is low and dense, the trees are naked. A young and nervous woman waits for her lover. The liitle gril with her plays in silence. The man arrives. The little girl decides to explore the park.
À deux c'est plus facile
In order not to be thrown from his big Parisian apartment by his sister, the idiosyncratic pensioner Joseph takes the 20-year-old farmer's daughter Marilyn with him. She wants to complete an apprenticeship as a make-up artist in the capital, preferably for horror films. An unequal pair, which soon finds attraction as well as rejection.
Pardon My French
Célimène, a 35 year old writer is troubled by Anaïs, a 17 year old girl.
Прекрасная смоковница
После смерти матери 16-летняя Жуни вынуждена перейти в новую школу, где учится кузен Матиас, который знакомит её со своими друзьями. Большинство парней хотят встречаться с очаровательной Жуни, но она выбирает Отто — самого неприметного среди них. Однако позже её охватывает страсть к Немуру, учителю итальянского языка. Их роман заранее обречён, но главная героиня не желает подавлять в себе вспыхнувшие чувства и настойчиво пытается обрести счастье.
Большое алиби
Пьер Кольер мёртв… Во время отпускного уик-енда его тело нашли дома у Генри Паже, у которого он был в гостях. Его жена, Клэр, — потенциальный убийца. Она была с револьвером в руках рядом с жертвой во время обнаружения тела. Без сомнения у нее были причины совершить это убийство. Однако, не всё так просто как кажется на первый раз. Револьвер не является оружием преступления, и каждый приглашенный в гости к Паже становится потенциальным подозреваемым. За дело берётся лейтенант Гранже…
Сельский врач Жак тихо и размеренно живет за городом со своей женой Кароль, но решает изменить жизнь — он принимает предложение занять постоянный пост в большой больнице. На смену ему приезжает другой доктор — Франсуа, и пока мужчины объезжают «приход», их жены быстро сходятся. Но если Кароль довольствовалась ролью домохозяйки, Эдит немедленно находит работу в фотоателье, а Жак неумолимо в нее влюбляется. Эдит принимает ухаживания, но любит все равно Франсуа…
A Real Man
During a party somewhere in Paris, an apprentice filmmaker, Boris, and a young executive, Marilyne, play at being a loving couple when they've only just met. They end up really falling in love. Five years later, Marilyne, accompanied by Boris and their two kids, goes to Ibiza on a business trip. Just as Boris, tired of being a househusband, is about to leave her, Marilyne takes off on a lover's spree. Five years later,; Marilyne reappears in the depths of the Pyrenees as the leader of a group of American women on a "personal growth" tour. She learns that the man who is to introduce them to the mysteries of coqs de Bruyère mating rituals is none other than Boris. In the same way that, five years earlier, they played at being intimate when they'd only just met, Marilyne and Boris will now play at being strangers when they know each other, For the very best.
Un Homme a vu l'ours