Chhabi Biswas
Рождение : 1900-07-12, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Смерть : 1962-06-11
Chhabi Biswas (Bengali: ছবি বিশ্বাস Chabi Biśbās) (12 July 1900 – 11 June 1962) was an Indian actor, primarily known for his performances in Tapan Sinha's Kabuliwala and Satyajit Ray's films Jalshaghar (The Music Room, 1958), Devi, (The Goddess, 1960) and Kanchenjungha (1962).
He is best remembered for his numerous roles as the quintessential aristocratic patriarch, and was himself the scion of a rich and cultured North Kolkata family. He was born on 12 July 1900. His father, Bhupatinath Biswas, was well known for his charitable works. His first name was Sachindranath, but his mother nicknamed her handsome son Chhabi (a beautiful picture!) and the name stuck throughout his life and career. His portrayal of the formidable father figure, though often typecast, yet was powerful and convincing enough to earn both popular and critical accolades. That portrayal was culturally significant, too as in the British Raj, enlightened Bengali used to combined both the hoary tradition and the Anglicised urbanity.
Nirdharita Shilpir Anupasthitite revolves around a father and daughter, who get separated and unite after a long time. However, things take a drastic turn when the daughter has problem adjusting with her father's rich background.
An evergreen Bengali movie starring Uttam Kumar and Mala Sinha.
Mr. Choudhury
Sreemonto, who raises his son Jayanta single-handedly, finds solace in his friend Anuradha but soon, she leaves him. Years later, Jayanta falls in love with Anuradha's daughter.
Bipasha and Dibyendu are in love, and the two decide to marry. However, on their wedding night upon receiving a letter, Dibyendu leaves Bipasha before the ceremony to locate his birth parents.
Indranath Chaudhuri
Действие фильма происходит на курорте Дарджилинг около Канченджанги. Герои фильма — богатая семья из Калькутты. Отец Индранат планирует устроить брак младшей дочери Мониши с богатым женихом Пранабом и ожидает от него предложения. Мониша замкнута и не делится своими чувствами ни с кем, о чём беспокоится её мать. Их старшая дочь Анима замужем, но семья несчастна. Она тоже вышла замуж по воле родителей, а не по любви, и имеет связь на стороне. Её муж Шанкар узнаёт об этом и предлагает развод. Они решают сохранить семью ради дочери. Родители встречаются с учителем их сына, который представляет им своего молодого безработного племянника Ашока с целью пристроить последнего. С ним также знакомится Мониша. Ашок отказывается от предложения работать у Индраната. Пранаб предлагает Монише не спешить с браком и определиться. Мониша приглашает Ашока в их дом в Калькутте.
Dada Thakur
The film is based closely on the life of the real-life Dada Thakur, and was made in his lifetime. Dada Thakur (Chhabi Biswas) starts his career with a hand-operated press, with his wife as his assistant. Later he is joined by Nalini Kanta Sarkar, an underground freedom-fighter. Dada Thakur brings out the newspaper Jangipur Sangbad. He campaigns against social evils and earns the ire of the ruling classes. He saves a girl, Lata, from the unwanted advances of Darpanarayan (Biswajeet), scion of the local zamindar. Lata joins the ranks of freedom fighters working with Sarkar. Subsequently, a reformed Darpanarayan too becomes an ardent follower of Dada Thakur and joins the struggle for India's freedom. Dada Thakur's greatest success is when he helps an ordinary man, a petty shopkeeper, get elected as the Municipal Commissioner of Jangipur.
A story about a young man, who had to quit his studies as a doctor due to difficult circumstances, coming back and saving a young lady by performing a very difficult surgery.
During WWII an army doctor is brought a drunken Anglo-Indian woman, whom he'd once loved, for treatment.
The gloomy life of a young boy gets filled with joy when a new family moves into his neighbourhood. As the young boy sees the new girl, who becomes his new neighbour, he immediately falls in love. But things do not go easy for him as she lives with her uncle who has a very suspicious wife.
Sarbari and Saibal are both successful doctors and in love. However, Saibal comes from an affluent family, while Sarbari has to provide for her poverty stricken family, including her invalid father.
Himangshu is a villageman who apart from practicing homeopathy helps the local people with their odds and ends. One day he gets a call from a rich man to escort his daughter Juthika to Patna. At first the rich and spoilt lady takes much disliking for the plain and simple young man but after having seen him from close quarters starts liking him. Soon her marriage is fixed to a bigshot. She confesses her feelings to Himangshu however he declines her love as he had a similar love failure in the past and did not want a broken heart again. He decides to leave the place and go away. Juthika breaks her engagement, leaves her family behind and chooses to come along with Himangshu, proving all his apprehensions wrong.
Beni Babu
A woman is murdered and a hand bill of a resort run by a young couple is found. Is the murderer headed for it? Who is next victim? All the boarders, including owners are under false name. Why? A policeman arrives, will he be able to stop?
A tax collector posted to a small town puts up at a mansion feared by the locals because it is haunted. As time passes he grows more consumed by the mansion and its air of romance, and the spirits that haunt it, especially a beautiful woman. Adapted from a Rabindranath Tagore story.
Kalikinkar Roy
Действие фильма происходит в 1860 году в бенгальской деревне Чандипур. Дойамойи и её муж Умапрасад живут с его старшим братом, его женой и богатым отцом Каликинкаром Роем. Каликинкар Рой, стареющий вдовец, поклоняется индуистской богине Кали. Умапрасад, муж Дойамойи, уезжает на учёбу в Калькутту, а она остаётся ухаживать за старым тестем. Каликинкару Рою во сне приходит откровение, что его невестка является воплощением богини Кали, и он настаивает, чтобы ей поклонялись. Однажды он помещает у её ног умирающего ребенка и тот чудесным образом выздоравливает. Эта новость быстро распространяется и сотни престарелых, больных и бедных устремляются к Дойамойи за помощью. Умапрасад узнаёт об этих событиях и возвращается домой, чтобы образумить своего отца. Однако отец не слушает его.
Running away from an early marriage Suresh elopes with his coy girlfriend Niru and stays away from his uncle Jagannath and lives in a rented house adding to it is a lot of chaos.
A woman feels that her worst fears may come true when she receives a letter from her sister after 22 years.
Trouble ensues when an eccentric but simple-minded villager discovers he is the only living heir of a royal estate.
Biswanath or Bishu a young warm-hearted man, made a "Mukti Fauj" in Hell against Jamraj. He also planned to escape with Lolita, Heena, Rita, Ghosai babu and others. After a lot of hurdles, they managed to fly away from Hell. They came back to Earth with expectations, but unfortunately, time was changed. All of them faced some unbearable situations which really made them sad. Bishu came to know his wife got married to a wrestler. Lolita's boyfriend Montu da was busy with some other lady. All these experiences helped them realize the changing time. As a result, Bishu with his mates decided to go back to Hell. Earth was unable to give them sufficient space to live a happy life.
The struggles of a doctor in rural India.
Rajat, a young man, meets Manju, a rich girl whose father is looking for her. Though Rajat initially slyly tells her father her whereabouts, he lands up falling in love with her.
The plot revolves with series of flashbacks which reveals a judge's past and hidden secretes. Gyanendra, a judge lives with his wife Sarama. Being the Judge, every time of trial of similar cases he remembers his past, the truth about his questionable actions. Gyanendra always recalls when he was a popular lawyer, married to Sumoti, a suspicious and rude lady. But he had a weak feelings for his professor's daughter Sarama. One day Gyanendra's house was burnt and his first wife Sumoti dies. Gyanendra could not make any attempt to save her perhaps he was unable bear Sumati further. Thereafter he marries Sarama and becomes a judge but he realizes his crime and those past haunts him much.
An artist leaves everything behind to go in search of fame and recognition, but the past continues to haunt him.
The story starts with the scene where Goutam chatterjee is escaping from jail. Goutam is a freedom fighter and political leader. When Goutam is escaping, he takes shelter in Ruchira Banerjee's house. Ruchira's father Roylachadur. R. C. Banerjea is a police officer. Goutam gets away from there. In the meantime, Ruchira leaves her house because her father forces her against her wish to get married with Subir. After that, suddenly Ruchira meets Goutam again. They become friends and they move from one place to another together. And the story continues with suspence in every turn.
The story of a popular young writer and an idealistic young architect.
Huzur Biswambhar Roy
Действие происходит в двадцатые годы прошлого века во дворце в Нимтита, в Бенгалии. Покуривая хуку, на террасе сидит Бишвамбхар Рой, последний из рода бенгальских феодалов. Из соседнего дома доносятся звуки музыки — это сосед-нувориш устраивает праздник по случаю традиционного обряда инициации своего сына.
Тонкий ценитель музыки, он в своё время собирал лучших музыкантов, певцов и танцоров на церемонию в честь своего сына. Но сегодня жены и сына уже нет в живых, а сам он разорён. Желая «поставить на место» претенциозного соседа, хвастающегося своим музыкальным вкусом, Рой устраивает свой последний грандиозный концерт, в который вкладывает все до копейки. В последний раз он наслаждается музыкой и победой…
Krishna Prasanna
По мотивам произведения Норендроната Митро о старом сельском учителе, честном, справедливом и принципиальном человеке. Потеряв работу в школе, старый Кришна нигде не мог долго удержаться, так как не хотел мириться с нечестностью, лицемерием и всевозможными махинациями.
Based on a story of the Bengali writer Jorasandho, this film takes a sympathetic view of hardened criminals, and was notable in its time for its unsentimental and realistic depiction of the daily grind behind bars and the complex relationships that develop between the inmates.
Guest at Cocktail Party
Жизнь Пареша не отличалась от жизни его соотечественников, бенгальских трудяг среднего класса. Лысеющий, забавный, вечно попадающий в нелепые ситуации, он жил на съемной квартире, еле сводил концы с концами и не мог отложить денег даже на элементарные прихоти. Но однажды в руки к Парешу попал философский камень, и всего за одну ночь мужчина стал богачом, меценатом и политиком. В новой жизни его ждало еще больше проблем, например, непринятие его высшим обществом.
Молодые люди знакомятся, влюбляются, вступают в брак без родительского позволения. Обычная история. Жизнь в доме мужа становится невыносимой и молодожены начинают самостоятельную жизнь. Но на этом пути их ожидают еще большие испытания, чем в доме жестокосердной родни...
A living human being's funny adventure in hell. The film focuses on the Hindi mythology of the God of Death and how his messengers snatches the life of any living being who has supposedly completed his days on the Earth. The story focuses on the mistake of two messengers who mistakenly pronounce a man dead even before he was supposed to be. Knowing of this goof-up, the god of death gets scared as no living person is supposed to enter 'Hell". Nevertheless, due to the good deeds performed by this human being while he was alive, he is given permission to travel to Heaven where he begins searching for his wife who had passed away sometime back.
The story is a simple tale of a great soul Sarbananda based on a simple village. Shambhu is a small boy raised up by his mother and grandfather. Shambhu is extremely mischievous and does things. Everybody in the village knows each other and all share a common feeling of love and concern for each other. But Shambhu belongs to lower caste and so every time he and his family is met with intense insult. Social stigmas like caste discrimination were strongly prevalent in those times. Purna da loves him but also hates his naughty ways. Meanwhile a Brahmin high class family residing in the same village too is plagued by problems of their own. One of the two sons of the family does not like earning a livelihood simply by performing prayers around. He does not learn his scriptures well or anything expected from a Brahmin boy. His family falls in trouble often and is considered the laughing stock for this.
A 1957 Indian film about an aspiring singer and the son of a reputed businessman. His stepmother accuses him of indecency and throws him out of his house to inherit all the property of her husband. The female protagonist suffers a similar fate as her stepmother forces her to leave. They both decide to commit suicide and go to a riverbank where they meet and the cupid strikes.
В поисках заработка кабулиец Рохмот покидает родной Афганистан и отправляется в Индию. В Калькутте он встречает девочку Мини. Мини очень напоминает Рохмоту его маленькую дочь, оставленную на родине. Дружба с Мини — единственная радость в трудной жизни Рохмота. Но неожиданные обстоятельства лишают бедняка и этого. Рохмот попадает в тюрьму за то, что ударил человека, оскорбившего его. Проходят годы. Рохмот вновь на свободе. Он разыскивает свою любимицу — Мини. Но Мини уже не ребенок — она не узнает Рохмота. Видя отчаяние Рохмота, родители Мини решают помочь ему уехать на родину к своей дочери.
When Abhoy gets engaged to Sabitri she starts to ridicule him as he is old fashioned and socially awkward. Will situations change for Abhoy?
darsha Hindu Hotel is a Bengali drama film directed by Ardhendu Sen based on the same name novel of Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay.[1][2] This film was released on 31 May 1957 under the banner of Sreelekha Pictures
The 1956 Indian Bengali film.
Mejo Babu
The film explores the tragic fall of feudalism in Bengal during the British Raj. The title of the movie and the story is a reference to the plot simultaneously exploring a platonic relationship between a beautiful, forlorn wife of an aristocrat and a career-driven clerk.
Mrinal Sen's first film Raat Bhor, was released in 1956. Deeply influenced by the leftist ideology, this film dealt with social and political themes.
Krishna, the daughter of a penny-pincher, falls for their tenant, Sunil. However, when Sunil leaves to forge a career, her insensitive father fixes her marriage with someone else for money.
Prashanta Chatterjee (Shankar's father)
Shankar was a young lawyer in pursuit of making it big in the professional world. However his world is turned upside down when he comes to know that his father, who knew went missing, was in real spending his lifetime in the jail as he was incorrectly accused of murdering a lady named Hemangini. His mother urges him to reinvestigate into the case and save his father. He goes to Kishnanagar in search of the people and the evidences which would help him to prove his father’s innocence. He meets Rita, an young and charming lady who assists him. They fall in love. Shankar faces a lot of roadblocks while trying to collect clues most of them which were imposed by the actual murderer. However he solves the mystery in the end and his father is thus, released from prison.
Rani Rashmoni is a Bengali Movie by kali Prasad Ghosh
This film was released on 29 July 1955 under the banner of Rupmaya films.
Directed by Manu Sen.
With his hard-work and patience, a virtuous boy overcomes the harshness of the world.
Jogin, a poor school teacher, had brought up an orphan Tomato as his nephew. But now suffering from the deadly tubercolosis, he decided to gamble with luck to see if a better home could be found for Tomato.
1954 Bengali film directed by Nihen Lahiri
A film by Tarashankar Banerjee.
Sadananda, a wanderer, brings about a positive change in the lives of everyone around him when he starts living in a renowned man's unoccupied mansion along with the family of a little girl, Runu.
The story revolves with the last life crisis of Jamini Mohan and his wife. After the retirement Jamini Mohan and his wife Santoshini continued to be despised in the family of their earning sons. At this time, Gobinda, an orphan of the distant relative, became their mental hope. After facing various humiliation from their blood relationship Jamini Mohan died and as the mother of three sons, Santoshini became a burden to this family. Eventually Gobinda became Santoshini's absolute refuge.
The movie tells about the story of fakkaram a.k.a. fakka and his love along with his family and his greedy relatives in search of a valuable amount of money left by a millionaire.
A womanizer (Asit Baran) conceals his syphilis and prepares to marry for the second time. Will his first wife be able to stop him?
This movie is based on the life of a famous Bengali philosopher, academic educator, writer, translator, printer, publisher, entrepreneur, reformer, and philanthropist named Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar.
Uttam Kumar debuted in this film.
A run-of-the-mill girl.
One of the early films of Chhabi Biswas featuring him as a leading man, before he came to be associated with the dominating patriarch roles that have become iconic in Bengali cinema, the film is a tale of the love, relationships and ideals of two generations. Nutubihari is an idealist who has given up his love for Kalyani for the sake of his beliefs. He marries Bimala and becomes a lawyer, fighting for the rights of the poor against the feudal lords. Meanwhile, Kalyani comes to ask refuge after she becomes a widow and is inexplicably accepted by Bimala with a lot of warmth. As the years pass Kalyani's daughter Mamata and Nutu's oldest son Arun fall in love and wish to get married. However, the new-found fame and fortune turns his head and Nutu begins to resemble all the ideals and vices that he had always despised. On the other hand in an ironical turn of events, Arun comes to occupy the position once held by his father, highlighting the generational conflict of ideals.
Dikshul is a 1943 Indian Bengali film directed by Premankur Atorthy.The film was produced by New Theatres Ltd, Calcutta. Its music direction was by Pankaj Mullick and the cinematographer was Rabi Dhar. The lyricist for the film was Kazi Nazrul Islam who was famous as the "Bidrohi Kavi" ("Rebel Poet"). The film marked the entry of actress and singer Binota Roy as a playback singer. The cast included Mihir Bhattacharya, Chhabi Biswas, Tulsi Chakraborty, Ashu Bose, Sailen Chowdhury, Harimohan Bose, and Radharani.
Niren Lahiri directs this social-minded melodrama about the complicated relationship between a traditional Hindu family headed by Madhab Thakur (Choudhury) and their progressive next-door neighbor Mukherjee (Chhabi Biswas). Thakur's daughter, Malati (Sheila Haldar), and Mukherjee's son, Robi (Robin Majumdar), run a school teaching traditional Hindu values which they hope will become a countrywide franchise. Their planned nuptials are impeded when Malati's older sister is forced to marry a Brahmin against her will, resulting in a full-scale revolt in both households. Eventually, the rift is settled, the hero and heroine marry, and a sort of Hindu-laden modernity reigns in the two families.
Mr. Paritosh
A father worries for his younger son and asks his elder son to promise that he will do everthing in his power to ensure Arun does not go astray, educates himself and becomes an independent man. However, fate has other plans. When Arun commits an unthinkable crime, his brother fulfills the promise made to their father and shields his younger sibling from all harm.