Fabrizio Bentivoglio

Fabrizio Bentivoglio

Рождение : 1957-01-04, Milan, Lombardy, Italy


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Fabrizio Bentivoglio (born January 4, 1957) is an Italian cinema and theatre actor and a screenwriter. Fabrizio Bentivoglio was born in Milan (his father is Venetian). After only one season in the juvenile team of Inter, he left his sporting career because of an injury to his left knee and attended the school of the Piccolo Teatro in Milan. He debuted on stage acting in Timone d'Atene by William Shakespeare and also pursued his artistic career in cinema. Continuing his studies in medicine, he then moved to Rome. With Dario de Luca and in association with Studio Universal he founded the Tipota Movie Company. With the band Piccola Orchestra Avion Travel he has staged the show La guerra vista dalla luna. He has also filmed the short film Típota (1999) and has completed a tour performing his own songs. The soundtrack of Eternity and a Day (Italy/France/Greece, 1998) by Theo Angelopoulos contains the track The Poet, with Bentivoglio's voice. Description above from the Wikipedia article Fabrizio Bentivoglio, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Fabrizio Bentivoglio


I peggiori giorni
Stefano Mazzuccato (segment "Primo Maggio")
Four episodes – Christmas, May 1st (Labour Day), August 15th (Ferragosto), Halloween – to tell four stories that delve into the human soul.
Casanova's Return
Leo Bernardi is a successful and acclaimed Italian director. He’s approaching the end of his career but he cannot accept his slow decline. He has just finished shooting his last movie and he’s deeply sad. The movie is inspired by the novel about Casanova written by Arthur Schnitzler, a character so similar to the director, even more than he could imagine. Schnitzler’s Casanova is aged, glory days are over: he lost his charm and his attraction to women, he’s broke and no more eager to travel through Europe. After a long exile, he just wants to go back to Venice, his homeland. While traveling home Casanova meets a girl, Marcolina. She reawakens his desire, lost for years. So, he tries to seduce her but that leads him to a tragic understanding: he’s an old man now. It’s not by chance that Leo Bernardi decided to tell this story right now, in a pivotal moment of his life and career. The destiny of both Casanova and his director leads them to a final confrontation.
Grazie ragazzi
An actor past his prime gives drama lessons to prisoners in an attempt to stage "Waiting for Godot."
После возвращения с летних каникул 14-летнюю Марию замечает Кристиан, мальчик, в которого она всегда была влюблена.
Цена безопасности
Curzio Pilati
После того как в прибрежном городке происходит нападение на молодую женщину, местный эксперт по безопасности и его семья оказываются втянуты в паутину тайн и лжи.
Невероятная история острова Роз
Franco Restivo
В 1967 году инженер-идеалист Джорджио Роза построил собственный остров у побережья Италии в 11км от города Римини. Он объявил платформу площадью 400 квадратных метров независимым государством, чем привлёк внимание всего мира. Такое самоуправство привело в ярость правительство Италии, и оно вступило в полномасштабную конфронтацию со странноватым мечтателем и его последователями.
La concessione del telefono
Don Calogero 'Lollò' Longhitano
Although Pippo Genuardi seems to have cleared his mind by marrying Taninè Schilirò, daughter of the richest man in Vigàta, he is in fact someone who is not satisfied with his life…
Il flauto magico di Piazza Vittorio
Il flauto magico di Piazza Vittorio
An Almost Ordinary Summer
Two families meet for a marriage that neither want, and things take a turn when the respective patriarchs fall in love.
Невидимый свидетель
Известный бизнесмен Адриано обвиняется в убийстве любовницы. Дело получает широкую огласку, но мужчина обвинения отрицает и нанимает самую лучшую в стране адвокатессу с идеальной репутацией. В ночь перед судебным заседанием та встречается с Адриано, чтобы придумать наилучшую стратегию.
Santino Recchia
На закрытых вечеринках и дорогих приемах в Риме и на Сардинии его всегда окружают самые красивые и самые опасные люди, готовые на все, лишь бы получить доступ к живой легенде. «Лоро» («они») — это нувориши-итальянцы и их нравы, воплощение которых — тиран и весельчак, гедонист и романтик, скандальный политик и миллиардер Сильвио Берлускони.
Loro 2
Santino Recchia
"Loro", in two parts, is a period movie that chronicles, as a fiction story, events likely happened in Italy (or even made up) between 2006 and 2010. "Loro" wants to suggest in portraits and glimps, through a composite constellation of characters, a moment in history, now definitively ended, which can be described in a very summary picture of the events as amoral, decadent but extraordinarily alive. Additionally, "Loro" wishes to tell the story of some Italians, fresh and ancient people at the same time: souls from a modern imaginary Purgatory who, moved by heterogeneous intents like ambition, admiration, affection, curiosity, personal interests, establish to try and orbit around the walking Paradise that is the man named Silvio Berlusconi.
Santino Recchia
На закрытых вечеринках и дорогих приемах в Риме и на Сардинии его всегда окружают самые красивые и самые опасные люди, готовые на все, лишь бы получить доступ к живой легенде. «Лоро» («они») — это нувориши-итальянцы и их нравы, воплощение которых — тиран и весельчак, гедонист и романтик, скандальный политик и миллиардер Сильвио Берлускони.
Ettore Ranieri
Well-known writer Ettore takes his family on a mountain chalet getaway for his birthday, in an effort to create a bond between his two sons, Claudio and Giulio, and his second wife, Margherita. The group is also joined by Margherita's brother, Claudio's girlfriend, a Ukraininan cook and her daughter. When an internet outage strikes, a series of exciting adventures ensues.
Forever Young
Intertwined stories of 50somethings that won't give up on their glory days
Dobbiamo parlare
Vanni and Linda live in a penthouse apartment for rent in the center of Rome. Vanni writes novels, Linda 'cooperates' to his novels. Between a vernissage and an exhibition of Basquiat, thay hang out Alfredo and Constanza, a couple on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Alfredo is a surgeon with the habit of waking up early and has a lover, Constanza is a dermatologist with the same habits. With the intent to vent their frustrations in their friends' living room, Alfredo and Constanza take hostage the couple and recriminate loudly about the past and the present. In an impossible attempt to contain them, Vanni and Linda eventually take the field and also thrash each other. Someone will end up getting hurt by the end of the night.
The Last Will Be the Last
Antonio Zanzotto
Luciana is a factory worker married to the love of her life. She is living the simple and quiet life she’s always desired: she works and she is deeply in love with her husband Stefano, even if he doesn’t always have a job and they both need to struggle to keep on going. They are happy and always on each other’s side, but shortly after she finds out she’s pregnant, she gets fired and her world starts falling apart. After having tried to have a baby for years, the joy of impending motherhood lasts only a few months. Begging for help but with no one ready to listen to her, completely desperate and shattered, Luciana decides to kidnap the managing director of her former company, asking for the justice she deserves.
Невидимый мальчик
Микеле — обычный школьник...ну, был обычным, пока не выяснил, что он может становиться невидимым и силой мысли двигать предметы. Пытаясь понять, откуда у него такие способности, он узнает, что он сам и его родители - «сверхлюди» - результат экспериментов, которые проводят на секретной базе в Сибири коварные военные с целью создать армию из суперлюдей. Но это еще не все. Оказывается, за Микеле охотится целая толпа шпионов, которые должны похитить его и доставить в Россию для продолжения экспериментов...
La sedia della felicità
Art critic on TV
Dino craft practice tattoos, Bruna is a beautician; their studies are facing each other. They learn of a mysterious treasure hidden in a chair that belonged to a woman now dead.
Цена человека
Dino Ossola
Озеро Комо, Италия. Велосипедист был сбит джипом в ночь перед Сочельником. Что произошло в ту ночь? Как изменит эта авария судьбы богатой семьи Бернаски и находящейся на грани банкротства семьи Ровелли?
Everything Everything Nothing Nothing
Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop
The life of a melancholy professor is turned upside down when he discovers that a rebellious teenager he is tutoring is actually his son.
A Second Childhood
Lino Settembre
Lino and Chicca are an aging, childless middle-class couple whose life is disrupted after he's diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
Счастливая семья
Переживающий творческий кризис драматург Эцио существует в окружении своих персонажей и пытается довести свое произведение до финала…
Nel Nome Del Male
Giovanni Baldassi
John Baldassi is a small business owner who lives a peaceful and prosperous existence , alongside the housewife Lucia and two children . The larger of the two sons , the teenager Matteo , however, seems to hide many secrets . Indeed one day the boy disappears into thin air , and after the first suspicions that this is a kidnapping or an escape , makes its way a disturbing hypothesis , dictated by some gruesome discoveries of John in his garage .
Lascia perdere, Johnny!
Augusto Riverberi
Lascia perdere, Johnny!
Держать дистанцию
Жизнь маленькой деревни на севере Италии идет своим чередом, и у нас есть возможность хорошо разглядеть каждого жителя. Пенсионеры коротают день за чашкой кофе. Местный нувориш журит свою жену-румынку, найденную через сайт знакомств, за туфли по 800 евро. Водитель автобуса мил и пунктуален. И конечно, вся деревня собирается на празднике по поводу улова гигантского тунца. Обо всем этом юный Джиованни пишет заметки в миланскую газету — он серьезно намерен стать журналистом, но пока что самое горячее происшествие, о котором удалось написать — ликвидация подпольного цеха. Но Джиованни еще выпадет шанс рассказать о событии там, где его никто не хотел увидеть. В деревню приехала новая учительница Мара, она сразу понравилась всем, а в особенности Хассану, мастеру авторемонта. Джиованни становится невольным свидетелем их отношений. Сможет ли он сохранить правильную дистанцию?
Друг семьи
Единственной радостью и любовью в жизни стареющего ростовщика Джеремии являются его денежные сбережения, с помощью которых он привык входить в доверие к людям и манипулировать ими. И вот однажды к нему приходит человек, чтобы занять денег на свадьбу своей дочери. Всё бы хорошо, но Джеремия неожиданно влюбляется в невесту.
La terra
Luigi Di Santo is a professor of philosophy in Milan who returns to his Apulian hometown to finalize the sale, together with his brothers, of an old family farm. But this project is hampered by his violent stepbrother Aldo. Things degenerate further when the four brothers find themselves embroiled in a murder.
L'amore ritorna
Luca Florio
Luca is a famous actor working on his new film as both its star and director. One day he gets extremely sick and, while at the hospital, rethinks his life.
Помни обо мне
Carlo Ristuccia
Карло Ристуччиа наблюдает, как разваливается его с виду благополучная семья. Его жена Джулия работает учительницей, хотя всю жизнь мечтала стать актрисой; 18-летняя дочь Валентина готова сделать всё, чтобы попасть на самое популярное телешоу в стране, что маловероятно; сын Паоло безответно влюблен и курит травку; а сам Карло стал скучным финансистом, спрятал подальше свой недописанный роман. Их жизнь полна разочарований и обид. Но однажды, в очередной день скандалов и ссор, Карло встречает любовь своей юности, ослепительно прекрасную Алессию, которая становится его любовницей и музой.
A cavallo della tigre
Security guard Guido attempts a robbery to solve his financial problems, but he's double-crossed by Antonella, the younger showgirl he left his wife for, who runs off with the money while he gets arrested. In prison, Guido is forcefully involved in the escape plans of two lifers, an old Moroccan and a Turkish gangster. Once out, he plans to find Antonella, who has since become a TV reporter, but things get complicated...
Very Important Doctor
Съемочная группа приезжает в Венецию для съемок экранизации трагедии «Герцогиня Мальфи». Они поселяются в местный отель, где в подвале обитают каннибалы, замышляющие полакомиться новыми постояльцами.
Uncle Nino
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and controlling in his relationships with women. Convinced that his girlfriend cheated on him (with her dentist, ça va sans dire), Antonio insults her in a fit of anger and in the fight she breaks off one of his teeth. Antonio now must travel across the country, going from dentist to dentist in search of someone who can make a crown that will suit his extra-large smile.
Holy Tongue
Willy 'Alain Delon'
Two deadbeat friends see the opportunity of turning their fortune around after they come into possession of a precious stolen relic, the tongue of St. Anthony of Padua.
A con-man and a wannabe professional magician team up with a waitress and an old professional on their way to Vegas.
The Missing
Monsignor Tommaso
When her child is missing an Australian mother calls for an priest from Italy she has not seen in years.
Prof. Mori
Начало ХХ века, Рим. Профессор Мори нанимает для своего новорожденного сына кормилицу, молодую деревенскую женщину Аннетт. Она заботится о малыше, как о родном, но ее присутствие в доме вызывает у матери ребенка, Виктории, смутное беспокойство, постепенно перерастающее в панику. И тогда она ставит мужа перед выбором: "Или я, или кормилица". Чувственная мелодрама без модного истерического монтажа и примитивных супергероев, но с проработанным сюжетом, глубокими психологическими портретами персонажей, сильным внутренним драматизмом, тщательно продуманными деталями. Такой фильм сегодня — редчайшее событие...
A Donatello award nominated short drama about a wandering family, including a lady about to give birth, who get caught up in a the filming of a scene from a movie.
A Donatello award nominated short drama about a wandering family, including a lady about to give birth, who get caught up in a the filming of a scene from a movie.
A Donatello award nominated short drama about a wandering family, including a lady about to give birth, who get caught up in a the filming of a scene from a movie.
Вечность и один день
The Poet
Знаменитый писатель узнает, что тяжело болен и проживет лишь один день. Он встречает мальчика-албанца и решает посвятить маленькому нелегалу этот день — то время, что ему отпущено.
Del perduto amore
Notes of Love
A woman suffering from compulsive-type psychological problems falls for an older divorced neighbour. Will her love be returned? A slow story of confusion and loneliness.
Le acrobate
A chemical analyst and a supermarket clerk strike up a friendship after they are brought together by the death of an elderly woman.
An Eyewitness Account
Piero Nava
Пьянезе Нунцио: 14 лет в мае
Don Lorenzo Borrelli
Отец Борелли, чистосердечный итальянской католический священник в Неаполе, пытается защитить свою притесняемую паству от насилия и коррупции со стороны местной мафии. Но тем временем он влюбляется, и это как раз то, чего ждали его противники из мафии, чтобы уничтожить его. Его героические, выдающиеся проповеди против нее, скомпрометированы его отношениями с 13-летним мальчиком - алтарным служкой, которого он подобрал на улице. Священника обвиняют в совращении малолетних, его репутация уничтожена...
Избирательное сродство
Карлотта и Эдуардо в юности были влюблены друг в друга, но расстались. А встретившись два десятилетия спустя, поняли, что тогда совершили ошибку. Они поженились и уже год живут на укромной вилле – в радости, счастье и покое. Но приезд Оттоне, лучшего друга хозяина, и Оттилии, крестницы Карлотты, разрушит эту идиллию навсегда…
The Real Thing
Alfredo Donati
Their plan was simple...Get the Cash. As Rupert, an ex-con, tries to go straight, his younger brother James pursues a life of delinquency. Days after being released from jail, James is gunned down and lies waiting in a hospital for a liver transplant. In a desperate attempt to save his brother's life, Rupert decides to execute a heist at a downtown club on New Year's Eve that will give him the money he needs. Rupert assembles an eclectic crew of ex-cons, including his best friend and his ex-girlfriend. Rupert and his gang converge on the nightclub for a climax that spins out of control. New Year's Eve has never been so explosive!
La scuola
prof. Sperone
In a high school in the outskirts of Rome, it's the last day before the summer holidays. A literature teacher reminisces the past year and wonders what will become of the students he cared for as if they were his children.
Un eroe borghese
Giorgio Ambrosoli
An intriguing look at a sinister web of power,linking politics and the mafia in modern day Italy.
Like Two Crocodiles
A successful Italian man living in Paris returns to Italy to exact financial revenge upon his cruel half-brothers in this Italian-French drama. Gabriele now runs a successful antique appraisal company in Paris. He lives in a fine, automated apartment which his lover Claire compares to an impenetrable box. Gabriele is haunted by his troubled youth, which is presented through flashbacks. He and his baby brother Martino were bastards. Their father was the wealthy Giancarlo Giannini who already had a family. After Gabriele's feisty and independent mother died, he and his brother were taken into their father's home. Though living in luxury's lap, the now adolescent Gabriele was mistreated by his two hateful half-brothers. He eventually ran away from that house. This is the motive behind his revenge. But to get it he must return home and therefore, must face his past.
A Soul Split in Two
Pietro Di Leo
Store security guard Pietro spends his days catching shoplifters, his weekends visiting his children who are in custody of his ex-wife, and his nights thinking about new ways to flirt with the store's makeup consultant. His malaise psychosomatically manifests itself in nosebleeds, outbursts of anger, visions, etc. One day, he sees a young Gypsy girl steal something from the store and lets it slide: he can't explain why, but she caught his eye. Pietro and Pabe – that's her name – warily start to hang out, knowing each other more and more, until something begins to blossom in them. Could their shared dream for a new, more compassionate life finally be at their fingertips?
La fine è nota
Bernardo Manni
A young lawyer returns home and discovers that a man has committed suicide jumping through a window of his house. His wife, Maria, says that she let the unknown man enter because he said the lawyer was the only one who could help him. Bernardo start to investigate about the man and about the reasons of his suicide.
Puerto Escondido
Mario (uncredited)
Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, ordinary bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drag him into a series of misadventures that'll make him revaluate his place in the world.
Americano rosso
Vittorio Benvegnù
The Peaceful Air of the West
Set in Milan in the summer of 1989 against the backdrop of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the film follows four frustrated individuals whose lives intertwine because of the loss of a planner.
Two stage actors leave on a tournée, but there's a matter to be settled: one has become the lover of the other's girlfriend and since they are very good friends, cannot bring himself to tell him.
Two stage actors leave on a tournée, but there's a matter to be settled: one has become the lover of the other's girlfriend and since they are very good friends, cannot bring himself to tell him.
Federico Lolli
Two stage actors leave on a tournée, but there's a matter to be settled: one has become the lover of the other's girlfriend and since they are very good friends, cannot bring himself to tell him.
Italia Germania 4-3
Апартаменты ноль
Carlos Sanchez-Verne
Вследствие ощутимой нехватки финансов одинокий социопат Эдриан вынужден сдавать комнату. Так он знакомится с новым жильцом - неким Джеком Кэрни. Поначалу Джек выглядит вполне нормальным, но по мере развития их отношений, Эдриан начинает убеждаться в том, что его новый сосед что-то скрывает. Кто знает, может быть он и есть тот серийный убийца, который давно терроризирует город?
Marrakech Express
After a mysterious girl tells Marco her boyfriend (and estranged longtime friend of his) Rudy has been arrested in Morocco, he and four other friends leave for Marrakech with a large sum of money to get him out of jail.
Raul Echegarraya
What is the shady affair in which the woman is involved, and what is her role? Is or isn't the man a marquis? Who is the young man played by Fabrizio Bentivoglio, and why does he own that car? Does Basque nationalism have to do anything with the story? Everybody has something to hide, everybody seems guilty.
Via Montenapoleone
Via Montenapoleone in Milan is the ritziest street in the city and here the destinies of several characters, playboys, models and gays cross and diverge.
John the Baptist, the prophet of Israel, is imprisoned by Herod, governor of Judea for protesting Herod's marriage to his brother's wife. Jealousies rage and Herod's step-daughter and niece Salome seduces Herod by means of a torrid dance to give her the head of the prophet - but then tries to save the life of the man she has thus condemned. Updated to a WWII setting
Woman of Wonders
In a straightforward yet unexceptional rendering of the life and loves of Alberto (Ben Gazzara), a writer/director approaching the hill though not yet over it, director Alberto Bevilacqua has used his own experiences to fashion a conventional tale about a search for the "perfect woman." His mettlesome neighbor Luisa (Lina Sastri) just will not leave him alone; she was the reason why he ended his marriage to Maura (Claudia Cardinale), but Alberto considers their affair dead and buried. Recently, an anonymous "dream woman" has been calling him for some seductive phone exchanges. As he searches out the identity of the mystery caller he is also distracted by Luisa who starts to insinuate herself back into his affections. Sooner or later, Alberto will just have to decide how to handle his love life, which in the end may only be mesmerizing to himself alone.
Death in the Vatican
Padre Bruno Martello
A hermit who has had contact with terrorists is planning to kill the Pope by poisoning.
Дама с камелиями
Dumas son
История девушки Альфонсины Плессис, проданной отцом его богатому соседу. Окунувшись в светское общество, Альфонсина не сразу принимает правила игры, однако вскоре учится обращаться с аристократическими господами. Из простой проститутки она становится популярной куртизанкой, и каждый встреченный мужчина по-своему меняет судьбу девушки, оставляя шрамы на ее душе…
Aurora Rumelin is happy because the noble writer Leopold Sacher-Masoch has asked for her hand. Little by little the marriage goes into crisis mainly because Leopold asks his wife to beat him before sexual relations and to treat him like a slave. Both spouses have lovers and, in the end, the marriage ends in divorce.
The Blue-Eyed Bandit
An office employee, pretending to be weak and crippled, reveals himself as a ruthless criminal.