Jonathan Hogan

Jonathan Hogan

Рождение : 1951-06-13, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Jonathan Hogan was born on June 13, 1951 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He is an actor and composer, known for A Rainy Day in New York (2019), American Playhouse (1980) and Getting to Know You (1999).


Jonathan Hogan


A Picture of Autumn
Sir Charles Denham
A PICTURE OF AUTUMN, by N.C. Hunter, is a sensitive, intelligent and comic depiction of one family’s attempt to grow old gracefully. AUTUMN tells the story of Charles and Margaret Denham, living in disarray in the decaying ancestral home with ancient Uncle Harry and senile Nanny. Their son Robert returns to England after several years abroad and finds that both the house and its occupants have faded from past glory. When an opportunity to sell the burdensome property arises, Robert leaps at the chance to help his parents downsize.
Дождливый день в Нью-Йорке
Mr. Welles
Он — из состоятельной семьи Нью-Йорка, она — из небольшого городка в Аризоне. Выросший на Манхэттене юноша мечтает показать ей свой любимый город. Судьба дает ему шанс, когда девушку отправляют взять интервью у известного режиссера. Однако этот дождливый день изменит их жизнь навсегда. В проливной суете мегаполиса он встретит свою давнюю подругу, а девушку затянет в мир звездной богемы…
Hindle Wakes
Nathaniel Jeffcote
It’s “Wakes Week” in Hindle; the mill is closed and the workers are idle. Fanny Hawthorn is relaxing at the seashore with a girlfriend when she runs into Alan Jeffcote, the mill owner’s son. Alan takes Fanny to an hotel in Wales for a few days of fun, but the fun stops when their parents find out.
Revolution #9
Dr. Phil Karlson
A handsome and successful young man with a lovely fiancée, James Jackson seems to have everything going for him, but his life begins to unravel when he develops an acute sense of paranoia. At first, he notices little things at his office that he takes as signs that people are out to get him, but soon things escalate, with Jackson convinced that a perfume ad on television holds sinister messages aimed at him. Is Jackson losing his mind, or are the threats real?
Рыба в ванне
Eldon Krantz
Споры долгосрочной супружеской пары заходят слишком далеко, когда Молли просит Сэма избавиться от карпа, которого он держит в ванной. Сэм сообщает Молли, что если ей не нравится рыба, она может уехать. Молли соглашается на его предложение, переезжая со своим сыном Джоэлом. Вскоре после этого она начинает встречаться со старым другом Лу.
Saul of Tarsus
Spy (voice)
Saul of Tarsus is one of the most dramatic stories of repentance found in the Bible. Rabbi Gamaliel is unable to convince his friend Saul, the arch-enemy and persecutor of Christians, to mend his ways. Saul is changed forever when the resurrected Lord miraculously appears to him on the Road to Damascus. Saul becomes reborn as Paul, one of the greatest missionaries and apostles ever for Jesus Christ’s gospel.
The Righteous Judge
Spy (voice)
The Righteous Judge recreates the events that surround Jesus in teaching the principles of love, forgiveness and righteous judgment. In the story of the adulteress Jesus confronts the Pharisees with the simple phrase, “let him without sin cast the first stone,” and thereby teaches us of God’s immense mercy and grace. Caiaphas, who unrighteously judges a blind man sinful, is contrasted against the gratitude of the blind man when Jesus freely heals him.
В стране
Юная Саманта Хьюз, живет со своим дядей Эмметом, ветераном вьетнамской войны, в небольшом городке в штате Кентукки. Девушка одержима мыслями об отце, которого она никогда не знала, и о войне, которая отняла его у нее, войне, которую никто не хочет вспоминать…
Дом на Кэрролл-стрит
Действие разворачивается в США 1950-х годов, в эпоху маккартизма. Молодая коммунистка Эмили Крейн потеряла место редактора в журнале «Life» за «подрывную деятельность». В поисках работы, она нанимается на службу к пожилой женщине. Находясь в доме старой леди, Эмили случайно становится свидетельницей спора, разгоревшегося у соседей и, таким образом, случайно узнаёт важную тайну. Она посвящает в свой секрет влюблённого в неё агента ФБР, ещё не зная, что над ней самой нависла смертельная угроза.
Living Proof: The Hank Williams, Jr. Story
TV movie based on the singer's life, under his mother's thumb, competing with the ghost of one of the most famous singers in C&W music history, and aspiring to rise above it all.
Fifth Of July
Ken Talley is 32, strong, goodlooking and a Vietnam vet with both legs shot off seven years earlier. He is somewhat cynical. His lover Jed is bigger and stronger, a gardner, a good listener. On Independence Day 1977 Ken's home in Lebanon Missouri is visted by the others. Much of their past relationships, pre- and post-Vietnam, must be pulled up and examined before any of them can decide their future.
Fifth Of July
John Landis
Ken Talley is 32, strong, goodlooking and a Vietnam vet with both legs shot off seven years earlier. He is somewhat cynical. His lover Jed is bigger and stronger, a gardner, a good listener. On Independence Day 1977 Ken's home in Lebanon Missouri is visted by the others. Much of their past relationships, pre- and post-Vietnam, must be pulled up and examined before any of them can decide their future.