San Francisco becomes a target for waves of destructive meteors after a rogue comet orbits around the earth... For astronomer, Michelle Young, what was meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event, soon turns into her worst nightmare as thousands of meteors break the surface of the atmosphere and bombard the city of San Francisco.
A young woman, seemingly good but still psychologically disturbed from being kidnapped as a little girl, becomes the obvious suspect in a murder.
In order to solve the mystery of her best friend's murder, Darcy decides to date each one of her friend's on-line pals to see which one of them might have something to do with it.
Five astronauts make the first manned trip to Mars in the second decade of the 21st century. They must battle and overcome inferior computer components, corporate greed and indifference, and their own personal problems, as well as the surprises that the Red Planet has in store for them.
A number of slaves risk their lives to escape their masters with their only help coming from the famous secret slave escape network.
Ted is an entrepreneur whose hopes of selling 10,000 automatized ashtrays are scattered away after his buyer died. The story revolves around dozen of people whose lives are intertwined around Ted's Sisyphean attempts to return the money of a loan shark whose services he had to seek for.