Ann Tyrrell

Ann Tyrrell


Ann Tyrrell


Take Me to Town
Louise Pickett
Saloon entertainer Vermilion O'Toole and her former partner in crime Newt Cole escape from a train ride to prison and hide out in logging town Timberline. Meanwhile, the three sons of widower Will Hall come to town in search of a wife for their dad. Vermilion needs to lay low to escape the marshal, so she accepts the boys' offer to visit pioneer community Pine Grove. Once there, she annoys local Mrs. Grundys but eventually starts to fit in.
Юлий Цезарь
Citizen of Rome
Исключительная адаптация шекспировской трагедии о чести, героизме, верности и страхе тирании.
The Girl in White
Nurse Bigley
The first female doctor in New York City comes up against prejudice from male counterparts who feel threatened by her skills. Eventually, though, they come to respect her and romance blossoms between her and the head doctor.
Bedtime for Bonzo
Telephone Operator
College prof Peter Boyd tries to salvage his professional and personal reputation by using a lab chimp to prove that environment trumps heredity in behavioral development.
My True Story
Ann Martin (Helen Walker) is serving time as a jewel thief. She is paroled and determined to stay clean. She quickly finds out that she was paroled by an old, vicious boss that has picked her for a job. It is dangerous for her to say yes or no.
Cry Danger
Woman in 201 (uncredited)
After serving five years of a life sentence, Rocky Mulloy hopes to clear his friend who's still in prison for the same crime.
Gasoline Alley
Miss Ent (uncredited)
A young man tries to get rich by opening a diner. Comedy based on the popular comic strip.
Father's Wild Game
The fourth entry in Monogram's "Father" series. Henry Latham decides he'll save money by hunting for his meat rather than buying it from the store.
The Glass Menagerie
An aging Southern Belle makes life horrible for her ambitious son and crippled daughter because of her dreams of what life should be.
Bunco Squad
Miss Dilby (uncredited)
Police sergeants Johnson and McManus take on Los Angeles confidence tricksters. Con man Tony Wells, lining up rich widow Jessica Royce as his latest mark, sets up a false paranormal society with other charlatans to convince the credulous Jessica that her late son is speaking to her through their sham seances. When the plan leads to murder, Johnson and McManus must bring the group down before they kill again.
Распрощайся с завтрашним днем
Miss Staines (uncredited)
Безжалостный гангстер Ральф Коттер совершает дерзкий побег из тюрьмы.
Выхода нет
Nurse (uncredited)
Братья Биддл ранены в ноги при ограблении бензоколонки. После ареста их доставляют в тюремное отделение окружной больницы. Рей Биддл, бешеный расист, не желает получать медицинскую помощь от чернокожего доктора Лютера Брукса. При оказании помощи брат Джон умирает. Рей обвиняет Брукса в преднамеренном убийстве, и охваченный местью, грозит отомстить ему и всему негритянскому кварталу. Но в городе кроме белого расизма, существует черный, и создавшаяся ситуация быстро скатывается к насилию.
Once a Thief
Dr. Borden
A down-on-her-luck San Francisco woman, turning in desperation to jewel robbery, barely escapes getting nabbed in a heist and moves to Los Angeles where she gets an honest job as a waitress. Her troubles start again, however, when she falls madly in love, blind to the fact that her boyfriend is a four-flushing, small-time con man.
В клетке
Edna (uncredited)
Захватывающая драма о женской тюрьме. Наивную 19-летнюю Мари Аллен отправляют в тюрьму штата Иллинойс за сообщничество в вооружённом ограблении, где ее соседями становятся бесчувственные преступницы и охранницы-садисты.
Свидание с опасностью
Postmaster's Secretary
Правительственные агенты выслеживают убийц почтового инспектора и предотвращают похищение миллиона долларов. Лэдд хорош в роли крутого, немногословного инспектора, ведущего это дело. Хорошая игра Филлис Кэлверт в роли монахини. Расследуя убийство, инспектор раскрывает заговор, в результате которого похищаются большие суммы наличных денег при перевозке по железной дороге. Он представляется полицейским, которого можно подкупить, и вымогает деньги у банды, угрожая сорвать план ограбления.
Bride for Sale
Miss Swanson
Nora Shelley is a tax expert for the accounting company which is led by Paul Martin. She thinks she can find a suitable husband by inspecting their clients' tax documents. Martin finds out and tries to dissuade her from this approach, later enlisting the help of his friend Steve Adams, who tries to woo Shelley.