Martin Boddey

Martin Boddey

Рождение : 1907-04-16, Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK

Смерть : 1975-10-24


Martin Boddey
Martin Boddey


Голый чиновник
Биографический фильм о жизни Квентина Криспа – человека, сломавшего ханжескую мораль консервативной Британии, открыто признавшегося, что он гей, и заставившего в судебном порядке оправдать его. Только после этого прецедента в послевоенной Англии было упразднено уголовное преследование за гомосексуализм.
Mr. O'Brien
Eleanor seems normal enough to her parents and teachers. Why then has she disappeared?
Dark Places
Sgt. Riley
A scheming couple plot to conceal a hidden cache of stolen money from its rightful owner. The only problem is that the house they plan to hide it in is haunted.
A gang of young people call themselves the Living Dead. They terrorize the population from their small town. After an agreement with the devil, if they kill themselves firmly believing in it, they will survive and gain eternal life. Following their leader, they commit suicide one after the other, but things don't necessarily turn out as expected...
Байки из склепа
Пятеро туристов на экскурсии по катакомбам случайно сбиваются с пути и забредают в странную комнату, где встречают странного человека, который рассказывает им истории об их смерти.
O Fat White Woman
Sgt. Wall
The wife of a public school head becomes gradually aware that her husband has been physically abusing his pupils. Written by the master of late-middle-age morality plays, William Trevor.
The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer
Major Mathieson
Fresh-faced young Michael Rimmer worms his way into an opinion poll company and is soon running the place. He uses this as a springboard to get into politics and in the mini-skirted flared-trousered world of 1970 Britain starts to rise through the Tory ranks.
Ослеплённый желаниями
Cardinal (uncredited)
Скромный и закомплексованный повар из бара Стенли Мун безумно влюбляется в официантку и находится на грани самоубийства. Его спасает вмешательство вполне обыкновенного Джорджа Спиготта, который на самом деле ни кто иной, как дьявол собственной персоной. Он предлагает Стенли договор. В обмен на его душу, он гарантирует ему покорение красотки путем исполнения семи желаний. Но на самом деле каждое выполненное желание оборачивается катастрофой…
Человек на все времена
Governor of Tower
События, исторически достоверно воспроизведенные на экране, происходят в Англии XVI века, во времена правления короля Генриха VIII. В основе сюжета — конфликт между королем и лордом-канцлером Томасом Мором, великим гуманистом, государственным деятелем, выдающимися юристом и философом.
The Man Who Finally Died
Policeman with Dog (uncredited)
Joe Newman, a naturalised Briton, is telephoned by his German father, whom he believed long dead, at the same time as a funeral is taking place in Bavaria - with his father's name on the coffin. His investigation in Bavaria reveals startling facts and the obstruction he meets makes him suspect foul play.
Girl in the Headlines
Called in to investigate the murder of a model, Chief Inspector Birkett and Sergeant Saunders soon discover that the victim had been leading somewhat of an immoral life.
The Wrong Arm of the Law
Superintendent J.S. Forest
The crooks in London know how it works. No one carries guns and no one resists the police. Then a new gang appears that go one better. They dress as police and steal from the crooks. This upset's the natural order of the police/criminal relationship and the police and the crooks join forces to catch the IPOs (Impersonating Police Officers), including an armoured car robbery in which the police must help the gangs to set a trap.
The Kitchen
In the business end of a kitchen, a polyglot staff strives to cope with a superhuman task. A microcosm of the world, the kitchen looms around and encloses its workers; they include Peter, the German cook, who is in love with waitress Monica, and constantly asks her to leave her husband. The pressure of the day becomes unendurable, and when Peter realises that Monica does not mean to divorce her husband his grief and pain cause him to run berserk!
Too Hot to Handle
Mr. Arpels
A French reporter working on a steamy story about the secret strip joints found in London's Soho district becomes involved in the lives of the owner and star of a famous club.
Oscar Wilde
Inspector Richards
England, 1891. Ascending writer Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) meets Lord Alfred Douglas, a young nobleman. Over the years, they will maintain an intimate relationship that will be openly criticized by Alfred's father, the Marquis of Queensberry, in such a harsh way that Wilde, instigated by Alfred, decides to sue Queensberry in 1895, accusing him of defamation.
Moment of Danger
Sir John Middleburgh
Having been coerced unto helping a criminal pull off a jewellery theft, a locksmith is double crossed by the crook and heads off to Spain with an eye to getting even.
Killers of Kilimanjaro
An American engineer reaches Mombasa to finish the works of an African railroad and to find his predecessor, who has mysteriously disappeared. While the work continues, will have to face several obstacles, especially violent local tribes, Arabs slave traders and wild animals.
The Siege of Pinchgut
An escaped prisoner is trying to clear his name.
The Two-Headed Spy
Gen. Optiz
Wartime thriller with film noir elements based on a true story as written in A.P. Scotland's autobiography "The London Cage". The plot has greatly exaggerated the actual events of A.P. Scotland's experiences, including the addition of a fictional love interest.
Chain of Events
Bus Inspector
When a clerk tries to dodge paying a bus fare, it sparks a series of unforseen consequences
Милый сэр
Анна Кальман — известная актриса, которая оставила надежду найти мужчину своей мечты. Но однажды она встречает очаровательного и умного Филипа Адамса и понимает, что, возможно, он — именно тот, кого она так долго ждала.
Нет времени умирать
SS Colonel
1942 год, Северная Африка. Даниэль Тэтчер - американский сержант, служит в британских танковых войсках. Во время сражения он и член экипажа его танка попадают в плен, их перевозят в итальянский лагерь для военнопленных. Там немцы выясняют, что Тэтчер - это тот человек, который однажды пытался убить нацистского бонзу Йозефа Геббельса. Жена Тэтчера погибла в концлагере, а сам он теперь настоящий приз для нацистов. Но Тэтчер и его товарищи-танкисты не мирятся с судьбой пленников и готовятся совершить побег...
The Duke Wore Jeans
A cockney lad pretends to be a Lord in order to woo a South American princess
Not Wanted on Voyage
the scheming Albert Higgins and his dim witted mate Cecil Hollebone, set out on a ocean voyage under the exasperated Chief Steward. Along for the trip are the wealthy Mrs. Borough and her secretary Pat. Soon Mrs. Boroughs’ Jewels are stolen…
Cat Girl
A psychiatrist treats a woman who is convinced that she turns into a killer leopard because of a family curse.
These Dangerous Years
Police Sergeant
A Liverpool gang member wins a singing contest is then called up for National Service where he clashes with another soldier.
Escape in the Sun
Michael O'Dell
The Silken Affair
An accountant who is creative with his firm's books uses the money to fund a romantic spree.
Железная нижняя юбка
Капитан КГБ, летчица Винка Коваленко приезжает в Лондон по заданию коммунистической партии. Она стройна и красива, но слишком уж одержима коммунистическим идеями. В Лондоне Винка знакомится с британским капитаном контрразведки, элегантным и обаятельным Чаком Локвудом. Молодые люди полюбили друг друга, а Чаку удалось убедить Винку в преимуществах «западного» мира.
Police Sgt.
When she has a fight, with her husband, Lucy runs out of the house, and into a night of terror. She heads for the local cinema, and in doing so, becomes the only eyewitness to a couple of crooks, who are robbing the cinema's safe. In her haste to escape the thieves, she is knocked down by a passing bus, and is taken to the local hospital. The two crooks follow, and wait for a chance to finish her off, and thus eliminate the only person who can tie them to the robbery.
The Last Man to Hang
Detective Sgt. Horne
A man is tried for the murder of his neurotic wife by means of a sedative overdose.
You Can't Escape
Inspector Crane
Novelist Peter Darwin is engaged to heiress Kay March. When he accidentally kills Claire, his former mistress, during a quarrel, he persuades a reluctant Kay to help him bury the body in a wood. When the body is found and with the truth close to being uncovered, Darwin resorts to desperate actions to cover his crime.
Secret Venture
Squire Marlowe, the Wrestler
An American is visiting Britain and finds himself in possession of a briefcase full of secret documents that the spies of many different countries seem determined to get.
Mad About Men
Marco (uncredited)
Flirtatious mermaid Miranda swaps places with a schoolteacher who has gone on holiday. All is well until she falls in love with a human.
A man hypnotizes a young woman into being an opera singer.
Forbidden Cargo
Sub-Director Holt
Kenyon is a narcotics agent who, with the aid of a titled bird-watcher attempts to trap a brother and sister drug smuggling team.
Doctor in the House
Demonstrator at Pedal Machine
The first of the seven "Doctor" films, based on Richard Gordon's novels and released between 1954 and 1970. Simon Sparrow is a newly arrived medical student at St Swithin's hospital in London. Falling in with three longer-serving hopefuls he is soon immersed in the wooing, imbibing and fast sports-car driving that constitute 1950s medical training. There is, however, always the looming and formidable figure of chief surgeon Sir Lancelot Spratt to remind them of their real purpose.
Face the Music
Insp. Mulrooney
A famed trumpet player is suspected of murdering a blues singer. Using only two minor clues, he narrows the suspects to four people, but only after surviving poison placed on the mouthpiece of his trumpet!
Personal Affair
Police Inspector Fred Garland (uncredited)
A British girl disappears for three days after a frank talk with the wife of a Latin teacher she loves.
Top Secret
Russian Security Officer
A British Sanitary Engineer, goes on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians. The Russians find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent. And then discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying...
Venetian Bird
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
Оставшийся в тени
Sitter in Bath Studio
Фильм посвящен трагической судьбе изобретателя первой в мире кинокамеры Уильяма Фриз-Грина. Свою деятельность Фриз-Грин начал в одной из фотостудий Бристоля и вскоре завоевал признание своими талантливыми снимками. Но ему хочется воспроизвести жизнь в движении. После долгих усилий ему удалось создать необходимый аппарат, но им никто не заинтересовался и бедность не покидала семейство Фриз-Гринов. Он похоронил первую жену, а вторая ушла, не вынеся постоянной нужды. Сыновья вступили в армию во время Первой мировой войны, и Фриз-Грин умер в полной неизвестности, одиноким, без всяких средств к существованию.
Appointment with Venus
Sgt. Vogel
At the outbreak of WWII the British realise they can't prevent the invasion of the Channel Islands. However, someone realises that a prize cow is on the islands and the Nazis mustn't get hold of her. This is the intrepid story of the cow-napping from under the noses of the Nazis.
Valley of the Eagles
Chief of the Lost Valley
A Norwegian scientist builds a device that can convert sound waves into electrical energy. However, the machine is stolen by the scientist's wife and assistant, who head across the frozen tundra towards Russia. A police inspector and a local girl team up with the scientist to help recover the device.
Смех в раю
Store Shopwalker
После смерти известного мистификатора Генри Расселла осталось письмо, в котором он завещал своим родственникам каждому по 50,000 фунтов стерлингов. Однако они не сразу могли получить эти деньги. В письме говорилось, что каждый наследник может получить означенную сумму лишь после того, как выполнит определенное условие. Эти условия были настолько необычны, что родственники были озадачены, но никто не хотел лишиться такой суммы, поэтому все как один приступили к выполнению условий.
Fortune in Diamonds
Chief Engineer
As the Boer War ends a South African soldier hides a cache of diamonds he finds on a body. He returns to the town he left three years earlier where his girl has married a disgraced English officer. Needing funds to get back to pick up the diamonds the Boer enlists the help of a fellow soldier as well as the Englishman and a local hotel keeper. This ill-assorted bunch set off into the bush intent on finding their fortune.
The Franchise Affair
Inspector Hallam
An English country lawyer weighs the case of a schoolgirl who claims she was kidnapped by two women.
Cage of Gold
A young woman, Judith Moray, deserts her prospective fiance, the nice doctor Alan Kearn, for an old flame, the dashing but roguish former wing commander Bill Glennan. Glennan makes her pregnant and marries her, but leaves her on the morning after the wedding when he learns that her father can't offer him financial support. Two years later she - having been told that Glennan is dead - has married Kearn and borne him a son. But then Glennan suddenly reappears and begins to blackmail her.
Национальная тайна
Посетив Англию, американский хирург доктор Джон Марлоу приглашается в среднеевропейскую страну Воснию. Он соглашается. Во время операции он осознаёт, что его пациент — сам генерал Нива, диктатор страны, который должен быть переизбран на свой пост через несколько дней. Известие о его болезни скрывали от народа. Когда последний умирает, его заменяет двойник, но затем Марлоу становится объектом жестокого преследования со стороны тайной полиции Воснии, поскольку жизненно важно, чтобы о смерти диктатора не стало известно. Спасаясь бегством, он ищет помощи у актрисы Лизы Робинсон, и их обоих преследуют в сельской местности.
The Dancing Years
Minor Role (uncredited)
The episodic story of a composer of operettas, Rudi Kleiber, in in old Viennese days, and the two women in his life; Maria Zeitler, his sweetheart, later mistress, lost love, an operetta star, and his first patron, and the mother of a son he did not know he had; and of Greta, his first love and companion in later years
Cairo Road
Maj. Ahmed Mustafa
A police chief stationed in Egypt sets out to crack down on drug traffickers along the frontiers. With his assistant, he attempts to block the smugglers' passage along the notorious Cairo Road route into the country.
A Song for Tomorrow
Derek Wardwell (Shaun Noble) is struck with amnesia, and the last thing he remembers is the beautiful voice of opera singer Helen Maxwell (Evelyn Maccabe). When he regains consciousness, Wardwell thinks he's in love with her. After his amnesia is cured, Wardwell returns to his fiancee while Helen begins a romance with his doctor.