Robert Ito

Robert Ito

Рождение : 1931-07-02, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Robert Ito (born July 2, 1931) is a Canadian-born voice, television, and movie actor of Japanese descent who is perhaps best known to television viewers for his roles as Sam Fujiyama on the NBC-TV series Quincy, M.E. and Lawrence 'Larry' Mishima on the CBS-TV night time soap opera series Falcon Crest. Description above from the Wikipedia Robert Ito licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Robert Ito
Robert Ito
Robert Ito


Токио Мэтр
Ito-San (voice)
Мэтр буксирует один автомобиль в Японию, где волею случая становится участником гонки против Кабуто, гонщика-дрифтёра. Молния поможет не только избавить Мэтра от ниндзей Кабуто, но и догнать Кабуто. В одном из эпизодов серии, в кафе, куда случайно заносит Мэтра, можно заметить героев мультфильма «Корпорация монстров» Салли и Майка в виде машинок. Вся серия является пародией на фильм «Тройной форсаж: Токийский дрифт».
Cars Toon Mater's Tall Tales
Ito San
Mater the tow truck travels from country to country as he retells his infamous but unbelievable stories.
Юные Титаны: Происшествие в Токио
Mayor / Bookseller (voice)
America's coolest heroes, the Teen Titans, go to Tokyo to track down the mysterious Japanese criminal Brushogun.
Код «Омега»
Shimoro Lin Che
In this spiritual thriller, an ancient prophecy is about to be fulfilled as a secret code brings the world to the edge of Apocalypse. Gillen Lane (Casper Van Dien) is a expert on theology and mythology who has gained international fame as a motivational speaker.
Lima: Breaking the Silence
President Fujimoro
An intense drama based on the true story of Peruvian rebels who in 1997 kidnapped several hundred high-ranking diplomats and government officials in an attempt to force the release of 400 political prisoners.
Once a Thief: Family Business
Tang Godfather
When thieves turned undercover agents Mac (Ivan Sergei) and Li Ann (Sandrine Holt) must get inside access to an organized crime family, they discover the family's "godfather" -- a teenage girl -- is a deadly force to be reckoned with. This feature-length martial arts thriller is a reedited compilation of two episodes from the "Once a Thief" television series. Victoria Pratt, Nicholas Lea and Jennifer Dale also star.
Once a Thief: Brother Against Brother
Tang Godfather
Trained thieves (Ivan Sergei, Sandrine Holt) investigate a hit man and a power struggle within their former crime family.
The Best Bad Thing
Mr. Tsujimura
After her husband's death, Mrs. Hata desperately needs help on her cucumber farm. Rinko' mother wants her to spend the summer helping Mrs. Hata, her life-long friend. But 12-year-old Rinko sees Mrs. Hata's traditional Japanese ways as being backward and "crazy." When she gives in to her mother's request, she discovers Mrs. Hata is kind and courageous, fighting to save her farm. Before summer ends, RInko comes to appreciate and defend "crazy" Mrs. Hata.
Блуждающая пуля
Shin Chan
Агент ФБР Диана Норвуд и агент отдела по борьбе с наркотиками Макс Пэриш охотятся за Ливингстоном, главой итало-русско-китайской мафии, которому необходимо переправить огромную сумму наличных в оффшорные банки. Тот, кто произведет арест, сможет употребить конфискованные деньги на нужды своей конторы, поэтому охота превращается в жестокую конкуренцию!
Рожденный вором
The Godfather
Set in Hong Kong and Vancouver, the story follows Mac Ramsey and Li Ann Tsei, lovers and professional thieves who are separated while fleeing the powerful Hong Kong underworld crime lord who raised and trained them. After being imprisoned in Hong Kong, Mac is forcefully recruited into a clandestine international crime-fighting unit by a hard-nosed, menacing Director. He is teamed in Vancouver with Li Ann, who thought Mac was dead, and her new fiancé Victor Mansfield, an ex-cop who is attracted to the unorthodox methods of the agency. Conflict flares between Mac and Victor as the trio take on their assignment. They soon learn that their principal target is their foster brother Michael Tang, who had been given Li Ann as his future wife and who has vowed to hunt down the pair for their disloyalty to the "family".
Jonny Quest vs. the Cyber Insects
The evil Dr. Zin has genetically modified household pests into disturbingly large insects that he calls assassinoids, fearless and devoted warriors that will carry out his plan for world domination. Team Quest, headed by internationally respected scientist Benton Quest, is Earth's only hope. When the good doctor becomes Zin's captive, the stakes - and the action quotient - grow higher. Enter Jonny Quest, Dr. Quest's bright, excitable, imaginative and heroic young son, ex-special agent Race Bannon, Jonny's child genius pals Hadji and Jessie (Race's daughter), their robotic pal 4-DAC and bulldog Bandit to complete the job of vermin extermination before it's too late. Your quest for colorful animated excitement ends here with this high-tech feature-length adventure based on the beloved Hanna-Barbera series.
Jonny Quest vs. the Cyber Insects
The evil Dr. Zin has genetically modified household pests into disturbingly large insects that he calls assassinoids, fearless and devoted warriors that will carry out his plan for world domination. Team Quest, headed by internationally respected scientist Benton Quest, is Earth's only hope. When the good doctor becomes Zin's captive, the stakes - and the action quotient - grow higher. Enter Jonny Quest, Dr. Quest's bright, excitable, imaginative and heroic young son, ex-special agent Race Bannon, Jonny's child genius pals Hadji and Jessie (Race's daughter), their robotic pal 4-DAC and bulldog Bandit to complete the job of vermin extermination before it's too late. Your quest for colorful animated excitement ends here with this high-tech feature-length adventure based on the beloved Hanna-Barbera series.
Trial at Fortitude Bay
Defence attorney Gina Antonelli is sent to an Arctic village to defend 19 year-old Pauloosie, accused of committing a violent crime. Her rival, prosecutor Daniel Metz seeks the maximum sentence possible under Canadian law, but Gina comes to understand the reasons why the Inuits own justice system has worked for thousands of years. Pauloosie is caught between two rivaling justice systems, and his acceptance of guilt according to the Inuit system, will lead to imprisonment according to the Canadian system.
Who Shrunk Saturday Morning?
Miyagi Yakuga (voice)
A prime-time special previewing NBC's 1989-90 Saturday morning lineup, hosted by the cast members of NBC's "Saved by the Bell."
Лето Алоха
Ted Tanaka
На дворе шестидесятые и толпа безбашенных подростков встречается на Гавайях во время летних каникул. Они совсем разные, но они объединились и взбудоражили весь остров. Серфинг, танцы, выпивка и любовь. Лето кончается, а друзья не расстаются.
P.I. Private Investigations
A young architect finds himself being stalked by a gang of criminals who believe he knows something that could expose their activities.
American Geisha
Mr. Hashimoto
On a trip to Japan, an American student watches the lives of the Geishas in a tea house.
Моли о смерти
Мастер-ниндзя, тщательно скрывающий свое умение, поселяется в Америке, чтобы спокойно воспитывать детей вместе со своей женой, наполовину американкой. Однако его дом, семья и честь подвергается опасности со стороны местных ганстеров. Приходится перевоплощаться в незнающего жалости ниндзя и расправляться с врагами.
Приключения Бакару Банзая: Через восьмое измерение
Professor Hikita
Главный герой фильма, Бакару Банзай — молодой учёный, нейрохирург, авантюрист и музыкант, который играет в своей рок-группе «The Hong Kong Cavaliers». Он преодолевает барьер восьмого измерения за рулём своей экспериментальной машины и борется за мир со злобными красными Лектроидами с планеты 10.
SST: Death Flight
Flight Engineer Roy Nakamura
On its maiden flight, the crew of America's first supersonic transport learns that it may not be able to land, due to an act of sabotage and a deadly flu onboard.
Special Delivery
Mr. Chu
A gang of thieves plan a daring bank robbery, making their escape across the rooftops of Los Angeles. The police are quickly called in, however, and only one of the robbers, Murdock, makes a clean getaway. Unfortunately, in order to do so, he is forced to dump the stolen cash into a mailbox, which he then finds is locked until midnight, forcing him to wait until the mailman makes his late night pickup. As he waits, he discovers that his hiding place has been observed by several other people, all of whom want a share of the loot.
Cmdr. Minoru Genda
Вторая Мировая война. Крупнейшее сражение войск США и Японии у атолла Мидуэй.
Helter Skelter
Drees Darrin
The investigation of two horrific mass murders leads to the capture and trial of the psychotic pseudo-hippie Charles Manson and his "family".
Пародия на фильмы о частных детективах 40-х годов, поставленная по книге Кита Лаумера «Упавший замертво». Майкл Константин нанимает сыщика, чтобы найти его давно пропавшую дочь: она должна унаследовать его деньги. Тот берется за дело, но ему постоянно мешают профессиональные убийцы. Поиски приводят сыщика в странную семейку прикованной к кровати матери, дочерей, дяди и слуги. Это семейство тут же ужасно запутывает расследование…
Death Scream
Hospital Intern
Loosely based on the true story of the killing of Kitty Genovese: A young woman's murder is witnessed by fifteen of her neighbors who do nothing to help and refuse to cooperate with the police.
Strategy Coach for Houston Team
2018 год. Нет больше войн и преступлений, корпорации правят миром и властвуют над умами людей. Игра роллербол - жестокая и кровавая - стала самым популярным видом спорта во всем мире. Чемпион Джонатан И., атлет с десятилетним стажем, становится кумиром миллионов людей. И этот факт очень тревожит руководителей корпораций. Они настаивают на уходе Джонатана из большого спорта, но получают категорический отказ. И тогда в игре резко меняются правила.
Passenger (uncredited)
Небольшой частный самолет, неожиданно потерявший управление, на полном ходу врезается в «Боинг» Колумбийских авиалиний, выполняющий рейс № 409 Вашингтон — Лос-Анджелес. Второй пилот и бортинженер авиалайнера погибают, а капитан корабля теряет зрение. Радиосвязь с землей утеряна. Стюардесса Нэнси Прайор, пытающаяся успокоить пассажиров, понимает, что только счастливый случай может спасти несущийся над бездной самолет…
Masai Ikeda
An American submarine leaves Tierra Del Fuego, and one of its crew has secretly brought aboard a container full of poisonous snakes which escape storage and bite key personnel on the submarine, causing an accident that cripples the vehicle so that it drops to the bottom of the Southern Ocean. Worse still, the snakes are still at large on the submarine and complicate the efforts of the crew to escape the sunken vessel.
Aloha Means Goodbye
A young woman who is battling a rare blood disease must also fight against a greedy doctor who needs a heart-transplant donor, and has her in mind.
Человек, несущий смерть
Гарри Бенсон, молодой талантливый программист с очень высоким IQ, страдает эпилепсией. У него случаются припадки, после которых он приходит в себя в незнакомых местах и не помнит, что с ним творилось. Из-за этого он становится кандидатом на проведение операции, известной как «Стадия № 3», которая заключается в имплантации электродов в мозг пациента и их подсоединении к компьютеру, позволяющему ими управлять. Однако Джанет Росс, психиатр Бенсона, опасается, что после операции у него начнётся ещё более серьёзный психоз: программист ненавидит компьютеры, и она боится, что слияние его человеческой личности с «машинной» спровоцирует сильный психологический кризис…
Men of the Dragon
Two men and a woman, all friends and martial arts experts, visit Hong Kong, where they grew up. When the woman disappears, the men find out that she has been kidnapped by white slavers, and find themselves battling a gang of kung-fu killers in an attempt to rescue their friend.
The Naked Ape
Samurai Warrior
Somewhat based on Desmond Morris's fascinating book of pop anthropology, this partially animated satirical docudrama produced by Playboy Magazine publisher Hugh Hefner, traces the evolution of human kind and offers insight into the reasons why we behave the way we do. Though often dealing with sexuality, nothing in the film is terribly offensive or graphic. A prime example of mainstream experimental film-making from the early 70's featuring a young and breathtakingly lovely Victoria Principal.
Зеленый сойлент
Shoe Seller (uncredited)
2022 год. Земля перенаселена, в одном только Нью-Йорке проживает более 40 миллионов человек. Загрязнение окружающей среды привело к парниковому эффекту, в результате чего исчезли большая часть водных ресурсов, животные и растительность. Дабы хоть как-то накормить людей, корпорация «Сойлент» производит некий питательный продукт в виде разноцветных брикетов. Расследование неожиданного убийства члена правления корпорации приводит полицейского детектива Торна на фабрику, где он узнаёт страшную тайну «зелёного сойлента»…
North Korean Negotiator
Dramatization showing the 1968 seizure of the spy ship, Pueblo, by the North Koreans and the treatment of the Pueblo's crew during their year of captivity through flashbacks during the 1969 investigation of the affair.
Kung Fu: The Way of the Tiger, the Sign of the Dragon
After avenging the death of his teacher, a Shaolin monk flees China to the American West and helps people while being pursued by bounty hunters.
What's a Nice Girl Like You...?
Police Pathologist
A Bronx working girl is drawn into an elaborate extortion plot after being kidnapped by a gang of sophisticated con men who force her, because of her remarkable resemblance, to impersonate a wealthy socialite. Based on E.V. Cunningham's (Howard Fast's) novel, "Shirley."
Some Kind of a Nut
George Toyota
A New York City bank teller becomes a media celebrity when he refuses to comply with his employer's demands that he shave his beard.
Пятое измерение
Агент американской разведки совместно с китайской коллегой и с помощью пояса, позволяющего путешествовать во времени, пытается помешать китайскому преступному клану импортировать в Лос-Анджелес материалы для создания атомной бомбы.
Women of the Prehistoric Planet
A space ship crash lands on the third planet of a distant solar system, killing all hands except for a young boy named Tang. The rescue ship arrives some 20 years later. One of the crew, a girl named Linda meets Tang and falls in love with him. They are attacked by the native humanoids of the planet and many of them are killed off. Also, the crew encounters many strange beasts on this strange, but somewhat familiar world.