Kellie Waymire

Kellie Waymire

Рождение : 1967-07-27, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Смерть : 2003-11-13


Kellie Suzanne Waymire (July 27, 1967 - November 13, 2003) was an American stage, television, and film actress. She was born in Columbus, Ohio to Jack and Vickie Waymire. She had two siblings, Tony and Rebecca. The family moved frequently, living in Lake Tahoe, Nevada; Denver, Colorado; Tampa, Florida; and Houston, Texas. While living in Houston, Waymire attended Lamar High School where she became interested in acting and served as the drama club's president. Upon graduation, she attended Southern Methodist University where she won the Greer Garson Award. Waymire completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater at SMU, later earning a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of California, San Diego in 1993. Two of her highest-profile roles were on Six Feet Under and on Star Trek: Enterprise.


Kellie Waymire


The Vest
When a third-grader wears a homemade vest to school and gets teased for it, her reaction surprises even herself and leaves her with a lot of explaining to do (or not do) back at home.
Beth Windsor
Two serial killers meet and fall in love in an asylum for the criminally insane. Upon escaping their corrupt captors, they flee to the country to try and lead a happy, normal life. Unfortunately, "normal" turns out to be a state of elusive state of mind.
Buddy Boy
An introvert relieves the tedium of caring for his invalid mother by spying on his neighbor.
Превратности любви
Есть чудо, покоряющее пространство и время, дающее жизнь и заставляющее трепетать душу, приносящее счастье и ломающее судьбы. Великая тайна, которой подвластны все возрасты, может открыться каждому.Это чувство, облагораживающее бедняков и свергающее власть имущих, - любовь. Так пускай же меткие стрелы шутливого амура разят своих счастливых жертв, оставляя глубокие раны в их сердцах.