Oliver Maguire

Oliver Maguire

Смерть : 2012-01-10


Oliver Maguire was an actor.


Oliver Maguire


Love & Rage
Hotel Manager
Agnes MacDonnell, a strong and self-confident Englishwoman, owns a large estate on an island off the west coast of Ireland. When she begins a passionate but dangerous affair with her new estate manager, Agnes wages a desperate struggle to dominate this charismatic but destructive man.
Прах Анджелы
Confession Priest
В 1935 году многочисленное семейство Маккуртов, не найдя счастья в Америке, возвращается в Ирландию, где их тоже никто не ждет. Поселившись в тесной, сырой квартирке, они пытаются выжить. Анджела, на чьих плечах все домашние хлопоты, выбивается из сил, постепенно теряя веру в мужа. Всевышний словно забыл о них. И 6-летний Фрэнки на первом причастии вынужден признаться, что грешен. С этой ношей он и вступает во взрослую жизнь. Он еще не знает, что очень скоро взвалит бремя забот на себя. А пока у него есть еще немного времени на учебу, шалости и кино. И зыбкая надежда увидеть статую Свободы снова…
Vicious Circle
Criminal Martin Cahill gets in trouble when a major robbery succeeds. He aims for more trouble when he tries to do a large art robbery
Harbour Bar Drunk
Виктор — гангстер и беспощадный убийца, его называют «Человек со шрамом» 90-х. Он главарь банды киллеров. Журналист по имени Рин стремится раскрыть тайну о так называемом «Воскресшем человеке», рискуя собственной жизнью.
Her Own Rules
Constable Carter
Melissa Gilbert stars as Marygold/Meredith. A sad and lonely writer returning to her home town in England for the first time since she was about 6 or 7 years old,after being adopted and raised in America. While there she decides to look for her mother's grave,and finds out her memories are not exactly what she thought they were,her mother is alive. She then sets out to find her mother and some answers and finds both. She also falls in love, of course, but has a problem with long term commitments...
Bogwoman charts the experiences of a woman who moves to the city from Donegal in 1958. Down the years she copes with various personal and familiy pressures against the background of the emerging civil unrest and the redeployment of British troops into the area.
Some Mother's Son
Frank Maguire
Based on the true story of the 1981 hunger strike in a British prison, in which IRA prisoner Bobby Sands led a protest against the treatment of IRA prisoners as criminals rather than as prisoners of war. The film focuses on the mothers of two of the strikers, and their struggle to save the lives of their sons.
Во имя отца
Эта драма основана на реальных событиях — истории "Гилфордской четверки". В 1975 году молодой ирландец Джерри Конлон был приговорен английским правосудием к пожизненному заключению за покушение, которое он не совершал. Трое его друзей, его отец, тетя, племянница и племянник также осуждены за соучастие. Адвокат Гэрит Перси пытается добиться пересмотра дела.
Тайный план
Supt. Fraser
Фильм рассказывает о расследовании убийства американского правозащитника, произошедшего в Северной Ирландии. В процессе дознания раскрывается информация о секретной операции ЦРУ по оказанию влияния на британские парламентские выборы.
Навстречу любви
Dr. ONeill
Пожилая учительница католической школы не нашла общего языка с новым священником. Она решила уйти с работы и уехать в Ирландию, где живет ее старый друг по переписке.
The Lilac Bus
The lives of seven friends who share a bus from their village to Dublin every day get complicated as the reasons for their discontent are revealed.
Dick Francis: Twice Shy
Patrick Donovan
A fool-proof formula for picking winning horses on a computer disc is the Maguffin sought by Cleveland and others.
The Rockingham Shoot
Rigid nationalist Reilly’s frustration at the last remains of British rule draws him to the Rockingham Shoot, where a violent incident occurs.
The Price
Geoffrey Carr is a wealthy, key player in Britain's emerging computer industry, and newly married to Frances , a much younger woman, with wilful daughter Clare from a previous marriage. He'll do anything to make them happy, including stretching his finances to buy a Georgian estate in County Wicklow, where Frances grew up. Frank Crossan is an Irish Republican hitman on the run from British authorities. Seeking refuge with old girlfriend Kate, he creates a plan to kidnap a wealthy Brit for a ransom to fund a major arms deal. Their two worlds collide when Frances and Clare are brutally snatched away to a bleak hideaway and taken hostage. Geoffrey initially wants to cave in to the kidnapper's demands “ but nothing is simple when a personal crisis plays out against the forces of political intrigue, high finance and with the eyes of the media on them.
The Cry
Ulster 1959. A young journalist visiting his quiet hometown is awakened by a scream in the night. He catches sight of a youth being beaten up and dragged away. When he investigates, witnesses seem to melt away, and life-long friends reveal a sinister indifference. Or is it fear?
Воспитание Риты
Любящий выпить профессор-филолог средних лет дает уроки замужней парикмахерше, типичной кокни, которая во что бы то ни стало хочет получить статус светской дамы.
Iris in the Traffic, Ruby in the Rain
Two women navigate the challenges of life on a wintry day in 1980s Belfast. While Ruby has a cold and gets caught in the rain, Iris is job-hunting but feels lost in the traffic.
Звёздные войны: Эпизод 5 - Империя наносит ответный удар
Борьба за Галактику обостряется в пятом эпизоде космической саги. Войска Императора начинают массированную атаку на повстанцев и их союзников. Хан Соло и принцесса Лейя укрываются в Заоблачном Городе, в котором их и захватывает Дарт Вейдер, в то время как Люк Скайуокер находится на таинственной планете джунглей Дагоба. Там Мастер Джедай Йода обучает молодого рыцаря навыкам обретения Силы. Люк даже не предполагает, как скоро ему придётся воспользоваться знаниями старого Мастера: впереди битва с превосходящими силами Императора и смертельный поединок с Дартом Вейдером.
Chance of a Lifetime
Stephen Gallagher
School leaver Gordon Saville (Martyn Hesford) joins the army.
Тридцать девять ступеней
Молодой канадец Ричард Ханней, путешествуя по Англии, оказывается ложно обвиненным в убийстве. За ним начинают охотиться Скотленд Ярд и шпионская организация.
Nasty Habits
First Policeman
In a Philadelphia convent, two nuns battle it out to be elected to the position of head abbess, and neither is about to let anything stand in the way of getting what she wants.
Former Irish Republican Army member Niall Hennessy lives in Belfast, Ireland, with his wife and daughter amid the ongoing Irish-British conflict. Though he still knows people in the IRA, including fugitive leader Tobin, Niall has given up his violent ways. One day his family is caught in a chaotic street shootout and killed by British forces. Overwhelmed with rage and hunted by a Scotland Yard inspector, Niall heads to London to exact his deadly revenge.
The Ash Tree
Man of leisure Sir Richard receives notification that his Uncle has died, bequeathing him his stately country manor and all its lands. On his return to England he immediately sets about taking stock of all legal matters concerning his new property, but during these dealings Sir Richard seems to be more than a little distracted, he hears strange noises from the ash tree outside his bedroom window.
According to the Rules
Brian Menton
When an aging ex-IRA man is found dead, a Garda inspector suspects the involvement of his old comrade, now a powerful politician and industrialist. But pursuing the case is likely to have consequences for both the policeman and his family.
Butley is set in Queen Mary’s College, London and focuses on two English instructors, Ben Butley, a middle-aged former T. S. Eliot expert whose life is now in a shambles, and his protégé, Joey, a homosexual. With both Joey and his wife leaving, Butley faces a life alone, fighting back with wit, obscenity and booze.
A War of Children
A Protestant and a Catholic family's friendship is threatened by the sectarian violence in Belfast. When the daughter of the Catholic family falls in love a British soldier the situation worsens ...
Carson Country
Major Crawford
Play set in Northern Ireland about Carson and the setting up of the Stormont Government of 1918-1920, after strong protests by the Northern Irish Protestants against Home Rule and separation from Great Britain.