Harry Landis

Harry Landis

Рождение : 1931-11-25, Stepney, East London, England


Harry Landis is a British actor with a long career in British television and film. He began acting with London's politically minded Unity Theatre and was elected as President of Equity, the British actors' union, in July 2002. He is best known for films such as A Hill in Korea, Dunkirk, Bitter Victory, and Edge of Tomorrow, and numerous TV credits including EastEnders and Friday Night Dinner.


Harry Landis


Грань будущего
Old Man 3
В недалёком будущем раса инопланетян вторгается на Землю. Никакая армия в мире не может противостоять им. Майор Уильям Кейдж умирает в бою, но случается невозможное - он оказывается во временной петле. Раз за разом он попадает в один и тот же бой, сражается и умирает... снова и снова. И каждое повторяющееся сражение приближает его к разгадке того, как победить врага.
Wall of Silence
Moishe Smelker
A corpse is fished out of a north London canal with stab wounds through the eyes. The victim was a prominent member of the Hasidic Jewish community, and the cause of death one reserved by the Hasidim to punish "moysers" or informers.
A Wall of Silence
Moishe Smelker
A woman would rather forget her husband's forced disappearance at the hands of the government.
Journey of No Return
A woman with ‘no name and no country’ in search of a sense of belonging. Asked to write a script about her own experience, she constructs an ‘autobiography’ which is partly fiction. A photographer – who has never touched a camera. A peep-show girl who has never worked in one. A screenwriter who has never written dialogue. Meanwhile, her unsent letters to her father echo the questions every migrant is asked: ‘Why are you here?’ and ‘When are you going back?’ The film is a critique of certain aspects of British culture & addresses crises of identity.
The Grass Arena
The Grass Arena is based on the autobiography of John Healy. Raised in an strongly religious family, with an abusive father, John soon learns that he has to defend himself. Growing into adulthood he takes up boxing, but soon falls victim to alcoholism. His boxing career over, John takes to the Grass Arena (the park) where he lives with other alcoholics. Prison time introduces him to a new and unexpected path.
One Last Chance
Nick, a Greek Cypriot living in London, hits on the idea of marriage to raise some cash - the bride, according to custom, coming complete with dowry. He is forced to enlist the help of a childhood adversary, Maria. Soon realising she is giving him the runaround, Nick retaliates by wooing her.
На грани безумия
Вольная экранизация повести Роберта Луиса Стивенсона «Доктор Джекилл и мистер Хайд». Режиссер, как почти все его предшественники, обращавшиеся к известной книге Стивенсона, поручил одному и тому же актеру двойную главную роль — и Энтони Перкинс сыграл то, что от него требовалось. Самое любопытное, пожалуй, то, что патологическим извращенцем в его интерпретации стал не только Джек Хайд, убийца проституток, но и доктор Генри Джекилл, вполне респектабельный гражданин общества.
The Caucasian Chalk Circle
Alleko/Governor/Farmer 1/Peasant Husband/Peasant Neighbour
The hardships faced by a woman trying to survive a bloody civil war while caring for the abandoned child of the deposed former ruler.
Law & Order
Four-part drama serial about the British juicidal system, dealing with an investigation presented from the perspectives of the police force, the criminal, the solicitor and the prison system.
The Mayor's Charity
Jourdemayne Griffiths
Olive Major is determined that her year of office as Mayor will be a happy and successful one. But her appointment of Ex-Warrant Officer Higham as Attendant and Mace-bearer causes the storm-clouds to gather over Medburgh Town Hall.
Oy Vay Maria
Jewish boy loves Catholic girl - will love triumph over family objections?
Bar Mitzvah Boy
On the eve of his Bar Mitzvah, young Elliot finds that all the grown men in his life are somewhat wanting.
Lookout Pilot
Мартин Шеперд со своими сообщниками проникает в резиденцию посольства Великобритании и берет в заложники персонал. Бандиты требуют освободить из английских тюрем своих товарищей. В это время в аэропорту отряд террористов под командованием Рэя Петри захватывает в воздухе авиалайнер с пассажирами, чтобы вылететь из страны, взяв на борт бывших заключенных. Однако при посадке самолет терпит аварию. Преступники вынуждены ждать окончания ремонта. Теперь время работает против них. Тем более, что за переговоры сними берется полковник Нильс Тальвик.
Go for a Take
Two inept gamblers on the run from their debts and a gang of crooks find refuge in a film studio.
The Villa Maroc
Inspector Fazil
A stolid British family from Bishops Stortford are adventurous and book a holiday in a villa in Morocco, where things befall them.
Man on Train (uncredited)
Молодой английский клерк Билли — патологический лжец. Вернее он живет в своих мечтах, в стране Амброзия, где он король, генерал и великий любовник. В результате в реальном мире его ждут одни проблемы. Во-первых, под угрозой оказывается его главная надежда — стать сценаристом. Во-вторых он запутался в отношениях с девушками: с двумя он уже помолвлен, а в третью — влюблен.
Doctor in Distress
Man in Cafe (uncredited)
"Doctor in Distress" is the fifth of the seven films in the "Doctor" series, and focuses on Sir Lancelot Spratt, Simon Sparrow's old teacher and sometimes nemesis. When the eternal bachelor Sir Lancelot injures his back and falls in love with his physiotherapist Iris Marchant, he becomes very distressed and turns to Simon for help. Simon, who now is a senior doctor at fictional Hampden Cross Hospital and hopelessly in love with aspiring actress Delia, sends him to a nature cure clinic in a vain attempt to help him lose weight, but Sir Lancelot can't get Iris off his mind and has her followed, first by a private investigator and eventually by himself. When he finally proposes, she rejects him and marries an old army major, which distresses Sir Lancelot even more.
Calculated Risk
After spending a long time in prison, Kip is still willing to pull off one more big job
The Small World of Sammy Lee
Lucky Dave's Clumsy Barman
The compère of a seedy strip club struggles to keep one step ahead of the bookies to whom he owes money.
Самый длинный день
British Soldier (uncredited)
Картина повествует о знаменитой высадке в Нормандии, легендарном дне «Д» — 6 июня 1944 года. Ранним утром того дня армада из 5 тысяч судов армии союзников, сосредоточенных на Британских островах, пересекла Ла-Манш и начала высадку экспедиционных сил на побережье Нормандии. Как для союзников, так и для немцев это был самый долгий день…
Operation Bullshine
Gunner Wilkinson
During World War II, a Royal Artillery officer is assigned to an anti-aircraft battery that is filled with female soldiers of the Auxiliary Territorial Service. His wife who has enlisted is mistakenly posted to the battery in violation of regulations of husbands and wives serving together in the same formation. She becomes jealous of what she perceives as him paying too much attention to the other Auxiliary Territorial Service women.
Desert Mice
German Soldier (uncredited)
A World War II farce that follows the antics of an ENSA (Entertainment National Service Association) group. Fresh from the music halls, they bumble their way from army camp to camp.
Further Up the Creek
The sequel to 'Up The Creek' sees David Tomlinson return as bumbling navy boffin Lieutenant Humphrey Fairweather. This time he is skipper of the ship Aristotle and, together with his second-in-command, Fairweather wreaks havoc when he is ordered to deliver the Aristotle to its new owners in a mythical Middle-Eastern country.
Dr. Levy
Две истории в одной: беззаботный британский капрал, находящийся во Франции, узнаёт, что он оказался ответственным за жизни своих людей после гибели их офицера. И он должен найти способ вернуть их в Англию. Тем временем британские гражданские лица оказываются втянутыми в войну при помощи операции «Динамо», целью которой было вернуть французские и британские войска на побережье Дюнкерка. Есть и те, кто готов прийти на помощь, и те, кто действует не столь охотно.
Bitter Victory
Private Browning
During the second world war, two British officers, Brand and Leith, who have never seen combat are assigned a vital mission. Their relationship and the operation are complicated by the arrival of Brand's wife, who had a tryst with Leith years earlier.
A Hill in Korea
Pvt. Rabin
Based on real events, A Hill in Korea charts the fortunes of a small group of British soldiers serving in the Korean War. Out on a routine patrol, the soldiers find that Chinese troop movements have cut them off from their own lines. They try to fight their way back to safety but with the enemy surrounding them on all sides, the prospects look bleak. Facing almost insurmountable odds, they decide to stand a fight.