Kenyu Horiuchi

Kenyu Horiuchi

Рождение : 1957-07-30, Gotemba, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan


Kenyu Horiuchi is a Japanese voice actor. In 2002 he founded his own voice acting management office, Kenyu Office.


Kenyu Horiuchi


Kaina of the Great Snow Sea: Star Sage
Haresora (voice)
Kaina returns to the icy Canopy, unsure of what he should do next. He and Ririha have brought peace to Atland and Valghia through an alliance. Now supplies run low, and the people need answers. Kaina, Ririha, and their small party set out to cross the snow in search of the great orbital spire tree. This is the first step to saving their people. Join Kaina on an expedition to save mankind!
Pokémon: Las crónicas de Arceus
Психопаспорт 3: Первый инспектор
Serizawa Junichi (voice)
Инспекторы первого отдела Бюро Общественной Безопасности Арата Синдо и Кэй Михаил Игнатов продолжают расследовать деятельность таинственной организации «Биврёст» и всё ближе подбираются к раскрытию тайны загадочной смерти своих родных. Однако члены «Биврёста» не собираются останавливаться и начинают финальный раунд своей безжалостной игры. Теперь под удар попадает само Бюро, а его сотрудникам предстоит пройти через смертельные испытания. Смогут ли они остановить преступников и остаться верными своим принципам, когда на кону жизни их товарищей?
The World's First Love: Proposal
Takafumi Yokozawa (voice)
When Ritsu Onodera changes jobs, looking for a fresh start, he's not exactly thrilled when his new boss turns out to be his old flame. Ritsu's determined to leave all that in the past—but how can he when his boss is just as determined that they have a future? Tired of accusations that family connections got him his current position, Ritsu Onodera quits his job as an editor at his father's company and transfers to Marukawa Publishing. Once there, he is assigned to the shojo manga editorial department—something he has no interest in and no experience with! Having sworn he'd never fall in love again, the last thing he wants to do is work on love stories. To make matters worse, it turns out that his overbearing boss, Masamune Takano, is actually his first love from high school!
Годзилла: Пожирающий планету
Unberto Mori (voice)
Совместными усилиями две цивилизации людей всё-таки одолели самого большого Годзиллу, но он не умер, а погрузился в глубокий сон. В рядах выживших нарастает отчаяние, что гигантский ящер никогда не будет побеждён. Этим решает воспользоваться Мемфис и убеждает людей провести обряд поклонения некоему могущественному Богу, который может одолеть Годзиллу.
Usuzumizakura: Garo
Fujiwara no Michanaga (voice)
Set during the Heian Period, Kyo is a beautiful city that is proud of its glory. Two beautiful onmyouji meet, and the sad and short-lived beautiful cherry blossom starts to stir after 1000 years.
ONIHEI: That Man, Heizo Hasegawa
Hasegawa Heizou (voice)
Edo period, Heizo Hasegawa was feared by thieves and villains as "Heizo the Oni". A young man inspects Heizo's surroundings to find out more about him, visiting Kumehachi, Hikoju, and Omasa. Heizo's true colors as a person start to become apparent.
Garo: Divine Flame
German "Roberto" Luis (voice)
Leon, who has succeeded the name of Golden Knight "GARO," devotes himself to train a young Makai Knight for the next generation, together with Prince Alfonso of the Valiante Kingdom. Then, they receive an order to exterminate the most beautiful Horror in the world which resides in a neighboring country "Vazelia." At the same time, a young Makai Knight for the next generation is kidnapped by an unknown person. Leon desperately follows them, only to find that he is surrounded by his enemies at a dead end. Then, a Makai Knight Dario who was supposed to be missing for some time suddenly appears and rescues him. Under his guidance, Leon is led to the town where he meets up a totally unexpected person.
Stitch and the Planet of Sand
To confront a planetary war at the sand planet of Katūna, Stitch must leave Yūna and Earth behind.
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Movie
Yokozawa Takafumi (voice)
Yokozawa meets a man (Kirishima) and his life is turned around. Kirishima starts to blackmail and tease Yokozawa, but Kirishima might actually be trying to help him recover from an emotional period of his life in the process.
Black Jack: Final
Contains 2 separate stories. In Part 1, Black Jack's latest patient holds a link to Pinoko's past. Pinoko begins experiencing heart attack-like pain periodically, and detailed medical examinations fail to find any abnormalities. During this time, Black Jack receives an urgent request from a past patient whose identity shocks him: Yurie SAIONJI, whose Teratogenous Cystoma was constructed into Pinoko by Black Jack 10 years ago. In Part 2, Black Jack is kidnapped by the government of a war-torn country.
Suite Precure♪ The Movie: Take It Back! The Miraculous Melody That Connects Hearts!
Music is disappearing from Majorland. Rumors say that the one who's deleting the music is actually Aphrodite-sama. If that's the case, the Melody of the heart, the exploding Rhythm and the beating Beat will also disappear.
Alice in the Country of Hearts: Wonderful Wonder World
Mary Gowland the Duke (voice)
The girly but bloody otome game re-imagining of Lewis Carroll's classic fantasy novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with bishounen characters and added romance. A parody of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland where Alice is smart and non-doormatlike. In this story, Alice is not all what she seems. She is practical, strong, yet darkly cynical. Instead of the tradition story, Alice is kidnapped unwillingly by a mysterious (yet somewhat bishie-looking) man with bunny ears into a place call Heartland. Stuck in Heartland due to a trick by the mysterious bunny eared man, she meets the residents of this world. Along the way, Alice meets Blood, handsome mafia leader; Ace, the psycho yet charming knight and more…What should Alice do in such a world!? (Source: Manga Updates)
Crayon Shin-chan: Fierceness That Invites Storm! Operation Golden Spy
A girl named Lemon arrives with a message for Shinnosuke, and he starts training as an action spy. But can he foil double agents and secret plots?
Красная черта
Titan (voice)
Самая опасная и адреналиновая гонка на спортивных автомобилях во вселенной проводится раз в пять лет. И это случится сегодня. JP, гонщик-сорвиголова, занял свою позицию на старте. Гонщица Соноши, в которую тайно влюблен JP, тоже здесь в эту ночь. В этой гонке разрешено абсолютно все, а машины оборудованы современным оружием.
Pikachu's Ice Adventure
Under the shining sun and clear blue sky, Pikachu and friends visits a beach to play! Excited, Piplup and Buizel start to test their speed in the ocean. Meanwhile, Meowth and its team bring the surf board saying "We are going to catch the Big Wave and become the Legend!" Trying to scramble for the play space, all the Pokemon get into a big fight! All of the sudden, a huge snowstorm blows everyone away from the play space. After the incident, Pikachu and friends wake up in a world of ice! Pikachu, Piplup and Meowth found themselves separated away from everyone by the snow storm. What was the cause of the storm? Can Pikachu and everybody come back to where they came from safely? Pikachu and friends' adventure begins in a world of ice!
Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel
Raiden (voice)
The renowned Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty comic book series by Ashley Wood and Alex Garner comes to life in this motion comic, complete with stylized animation, thrilling music, explosive sound effects and full voice acting. A retelling of Hideo Kojima's video game of the same name.
Fist of the North Star: The Legend of Toki
Fourth part of the new Fist of the North Star movie pentalogy presenting the story from Toki's perspective, leading up to Toki's imprisonment in Cassandra and eventually his duel with Raoh.
Детектив Конан 11
Jouji Iwanaga (voice)
Разгадав усилиями Конана головоломку из "Ежедневной газеты", Мори Когоро с Ран, Соноко и Молодыми Детективами отправляется отдыхать на тропический остров. Казалось бы их ждет солнце, пляж и безмятежный отдых от детективных дел, но судьба злодейка преподносит очередной сюрприз, очередную загадку бог весть из насколько далекого прошлого. Героям предстоит пройти множество испытаний, поймать преступников и пролить свет на тайну пиратского клада, чтобы в конце узнать, что за сокровище на самом деле было оставлено Анной Бонни для Мари Рид.
Fist of the North Star: The Legend of Yuria
Second part of the new Fist of the North Star movie pentalogy presenting the story from Yuria's perspective, spanning from her childhood, including the day she first met Kenshiro.
Мобильный воин ГАНДАМ: Апокалипсис 0079
Werner Holbein
Да, это действительно апокалипсис. Апофеоз войны, разрушения, гибели солдат и беспомощности командиров. В этом аниме все это возведено на какой-то больший уровень...Это удивительная вещь, повествование в которой ведется со стороны Зеоновцев. Это уже стоит того, чтобы каждый любитель Гандамов посмотрел сию ОВУ. Весьма заметный штрих к истории Универсального столетия, проливающий свет на некоторые аспекты Однолетней войны.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Existence
Raikov (voice)
A three and a half hour cut of Metal Gear Solid 3's cinematics featuring remastered sound. This is a version of the story presented as a film.
Уличный боец Альфа: Поколения
Young Gouken
Когда Рю возвращается в места своего обучения, дабы отдать последнюю дань своему учителю Гоукену, его начинают мучить страшные воспоминания об убийце учителя. Стремясь стать истинным мастером боевых искусств, Рю начинает совершенствоваться в навыках уличного боя и пытается избавиться от ужасающего наследия Темной Хадоу. Но главной проверкой его вновь обретенных навыков станет судьбоносное столкновение с его заклятым противником, Гоуки.
Рыцари Зодиака: Фильм пятый
Libra Dohko (voice)
Сюжетная линия японских анимационных фильмов по мотивам древнегреческой мифологии продолжается! Действие происходит после боя против Аида, в котором Сейя был ранен. Он находится под опекой Саори до тех пор, пока не появляются несколько вражеских ангелов во главе с Артемидой.
The Siamese: First Mission
Shiro (voice)
June and Naomi, by day they're Radio DJs, by night they're the crime fighting Siamese Cats.
The Siamese: First Mission
Jirō (voice)
June and Naomi, by day they're Radio DJs, by night they're the crime fighting Siamese Cats.
Kindaichi Case Files Movie 2: Deep Blue Massacre
Suguru Aizawa (voice)
Kindaichi, Miyuki and Fumi are invited to the resort of the Deep Blue Island by their senpai Akane, the daughter of the president of the Aizawa Group. A group of criminals infiltrate the hotel diguised as waiters to kill the members of the Aizawa Group. The criminals don't know their boss in person, and they don't know either that he's in the hotel with the members of the Aizawa Group.
Боевой доспех
Jean Luc Skinner
В 2100 году недавно построенный мегаполис Бэйсайд Сити, служащий главными морскими воротами Японии, является ареной ожесточённой борьбы правительственных служб с мощной индустрией контрабанды оружия и особенно — мобильных боевых доспехов типа Landmate, на которые существует огромный спрос среди террористов и бандитов по всему миру. Мэр города, раздражённый нерасторопностью и коррумпированностью полиции и сил безопасности, санкционирует создание спецподразделения «Оружие ангелов», состоящего из пяти девушек и оснащённого суперсовременными боевыми доспехами.
Song of Raiyantsuuri, Song of Liang Chu Li
An indentured Chinese laborer, brought to Japan to work in a coal mine during WWII, manages to escape his captors. He hides out in the Japanese countryside, so far from human habitation that he does not realize when the war ends, with ultimately tragic results.
The Gigolo: Dochinpira
Suzuhata (voice)
Jin is a twenty-two year old stud, with good looks. He's challenged by sexy Ai Mizushima to make her orgasm - it's a wager he can't refuse especially when the prize is a brand new sports car.
Eternal Filena
The story is centered around Filena, a princess who was raised as a boy after her kingdom was conquered.
Delinquent in Drag
Tochinta Tomoe
Does being the only guy in an all girl school sound like paradise? It might be, if the girls knew you were a guy, but to stay in school teenage pervert Banji can't let can't let anyone find out his chromosomes don't match. Banji's status conscious parents want him to go to a good school, but not enough to spend the money on a good co-ed school. Now, in addition to studying math and science, Banji has to learn how to put on a bra and makeup. His life has become a living hell. Not only is he at the bottom of the social pecking order, he must also got to conceal his inner-masculinity from the pretty classmate girl who's stolen his heart while avoiding the female bullies who threaten to expose his less-than-feminine charms in the locker room.
Meisou-Ou Border
Kubota (voice)
Featuring a modern-day odd couple, the naive virgin Kubota and the handsome charmer Hachisuka, who meet up by accident in a Middle Eastern desert and return to Japan to hustle their way through life. They start by getting involved in shady TV dealings, where they get jobs making fake documentaries.
Yokohama Meibutsu Otoko Katayama Gumi!
When a number of biker gangs ranging from small to large started to appear in Yokohama, Hiromi Katayama united them at the risk of his own life. Set in the present, this OAV tells the story of Toshi Ikeda, a young rookie who returns to Yokohama to join Katayama's group. There, he will encounter an old friend and things will turn violent when the yakuza gang Mad Emperor attacks them.
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water - The Motion Picture
Three years after the defeat of Gargoyle and Neo-Atlantis, a new threat has surfaced bent on bringing the world under his control. Geiger, using advanced robot technology, is attempting to begin a world war, and take control of the devistated world after the destruction has stopped. Once again, Nadia and Jean must fight to save the world, only this time from itself.
Eguchi's Hisashi's Kotobuki Goro Show
Elegant Son (voice)
Based on the gag manga by Hisashi Eguchi. Originally released as a feature part of Studio Pierrot's video magazine show Anime V Comic Rentaman (アニメ・V・コミック レンタマン) along with Abashiri Ikka, Yumemakura Baku Twilight Gekijou and Akai Hayate.
Violence Jack: Hell's Wind
The survivors of Kanto's Hell Earthquake built a new city and christened it "Hope Town". However, this peaceful town becomes a nightmare when it's raided by the motorcycle gang, "Hell's Wind". They abduct the women while the remaining townsfolk are left helpless against them. Meanwhile, a boy, Saburo, meets Jun. Jun's lover was previously murdered, and the duo help one another to fight against Hell's Wind. The battles are getting more and more difficult, but with the appearance of Violence Jack, the citizens seem to gain the upper hand against Hell's Wind.
Ajin Senshi
In the year 2200 an interstellar war is held where the weapons most frequently used are the psychic capacities. The hero, Zero, son of an earthling and an extraterrestrial, the prince and last survivor of a clan of magicians. He will fight against the army of the Manjidara empire, whose forces are such as its head ambition to control the whole universe.
I am THE Shiratori Reiko!
Tetsuya Akimoto (voice)
19-year old Reiko is a rich, arrogant, material girl, who refuses to admit her feelings for classmate Tetsuya Akimoto before it's almost too late.
Dirty Pair: Flight 005 Conspiracy
Danny (voice)
Kei and Yuri are called in to solve the mystery of a vanishing starship.
The Enemy's the Pirates!: The Cats' Banquet
Apulo (a cat-like space alien with the ability to lock a human's emotions) and Latell work for the Division of Space Piracy (or DSP for short). The two of them are extremely destructive in their solving of DSP cases. They are attempting to stop Youmei the space pirate from exploiting Computer Aided Thinking for his own nefarious plans.
Blue Flames
Ryuuichi Kaizu (voice)
Ryuuichi is a high-school student tired of living in a small town with small people. He's determined to claw his way to the top of Tokyo, and he'll use any woman he can to do it.
Йома: Посланцы царства тьмы
Hikage (voice)
Ниндзя-воин Хикагэ одинок. Ему приходиться проникнуть в истинный земной ад, чтобы предотвратить пришествие страшенных порождений темного царства под названием Йомы. В период жесточайшей гражданской войны, в то время как дела смертных проявляются более страшно, нежели козни демонов, именно он принимается защищать людей. Его жизнь не знает покоя и любви. Он занят только вечной гонкой за бывшим своим товарищем Маару, который из простого человека перевоплотился в одержимого посланца темного царства. Также он занят противостоянием нечисти, которая сумела прорваться в наш мир. Но как будут развиваться события, если Хикагэ доведется с противником повстречаться лицом к лицу. Получиться ли у него противостоять искушению бессмертием или властью?
Chôjin densetsu 3: Kanketsu jigoku hen
Люпен III: Похищение статуи Свободы
Computer (voice)
На сей раз знаменитый аферист Арсен Люпен Третий и его друзья будут искать самый большой алмаз в мире - «Супер Яйцо», называемый так из-за своей яйцеобразной формы. Спрятан он где-то в статуе Свободы. Люпену предстоит не только найти алмаз, но и понять, как он связан с самой мощной компьютерной программой, способной управлять всеми компьютерами мира. Как всегда, не обойдётся без злодеев, погонь, очаровательных женщин и «Папаши» Дзэнигаты.
Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend
Yoriichi Ozaki (voice)
Legend has it that the human race is not the only dominant civilization living on Earth. Two other races exist in this world: the Makai (a demon race) and the Juujinkai (a half-man, half-beast race). Once every 3,000 years, a supreme being known as the "Choujin" (Overfiend) will emerge and bring balance to all three realms on Earth. In present-day Japan, after 300 years of endless searching, a Jujinkai named Amano Jyaku has discovered the presence of the Choujin inside high school slacker Tatsuo Nagumo. But now, Amanoùalong with his sister Megumi and their sidekick Kurokoùmust protect Nagumo and his new girlfriend Akemi Ito from the Makai, who believe that Nagumo is not the Choujin, but an evil entity bent on destroying all living beings on Earth.
Violence Jack: Evil Town
Blue Kid
After disasters have all but destroyed the Earth, leaving entire cities buried, one man named Violence Jack tries to avert a civil war brewing among the wretched inhabitants of a subterranean metropolis called Evil Town. The known world is now a nightmare after a series of natural disasters. Survivors struggle to survive the harsh conditions. Evil Town is divided into three warring factions each fighting for supremacy.
The Tokyo Project
Announcer (voice)
Akira, Junpei, Keiko and Kumiko are members of the Rutz Detective Agency, and are always ready for a good case. When a mysterious murder places a top secret floppy disk in the hands of Junpei, the gang suddenly has a conspiracy on their hands of grandiose proportions. Not only have they made an enemy of politicians and shady characters, but also the munitions manufacturer company Yotsuboshi itself! With murder attempts, rampaging machinery and kidnappers to handle, the group must race against the clock to foil the evil scheme before it's too late!
Ловцы сенсаций
В 22-м веке городской репортер Шамбалы Юко, которая работает в газете «Частные глаза», и ее парень-андроид, телохранитель и оператор Пит охотятся на загадочного преступника мистера X. Их поиск приводит их к Башне Радуги в парке развлечений TechnoLand где Юко взяли в заложники, а Пит должен сразиться, чтобы спасти ее, уничтожив программу центрального компьютера башни, чтобы предотвратить побег мистера X.
Curtain of the Pink
Satoru Okuyama
Okuyama is a stocker at the supermarket who has no luck with women. His life is thrown upside down when his sister Noriko unexpectedly moves into his house. Okuyama is overcome with lustful thoughts for her, but she regards him simply as a brother.
Cream Lemon DARK
Neil (voice)
Neil, a painting student, and Ned, a young minister-to-be, break down in a country road called the Devil's Forest during a storm. Helped by an old-fashioned carriage passing by, they are guided to an old castle in the forest. The two are welcomed by Maria, the master of a doll-like beautiful girl who lives in an old-fashioned castle filled with dolls, and Beth, a maid.
Roots Search
Buzz (voice)
When a research crew in deep space discovers the desolate ship "Green Planet" that warps into their area, they encounter Buzz, the commander and sole surivor of the ship. Being too incapacitated to make them aware of the situation of his ship, the research team will soon discover that they have found something far, far worse...
Love City
Mister J
In a dystopic and futuristic Tokyo, humanity’s genetic code has gone awry. At the forefront of the technology is Fraud, an organization conducting experiments on people such as Kei and Ai – two escaped “headmeters” with hefty psychokinetic powers. The sinister Mr. Lee wants nothing more to retrieve Ai back to his clutches, as she seemingly holds the key to immense power; Kei wants simply to keep Ai safe; and the evil Lai Lo Ching has his own master plan. Along with the help of the amnesiac headmeter K2 and a trusty sidekick, Kei must fight to protect Ai from the evils of Mr. Lee, Lai Lo Ching, and the state of the world itself!
Сага об Амоне
Amon (voice)
Set in a world of fantasy and adventure, Amon is a young warrior embarking on a quest to avenge the death of his mother. When the hunt leads him ultimately to the kingdom of Valhiss, Amon enlists in the ranks of the Emperor's army in order to gain an opportunity to exact his revenge. However, a chance encounter with the Princess Lichia, being held captive by the Emperor in an effort to ransom a map away from his main rival, King Darai-Sem, Amon must decide whether to follow his path of revenge or to help rescue the Princess in an effort to save a lost kingdom.
The Legend of Lyon: Flare
Zeke (voice)
An army of invading aliens attack the peaceful land of Lyon with lust and carnage on their minds. Only the combined forces of Swordsman Zeke, Swordswoman Neris and the psychic Flare stand between the sadistic Glode and his total subjugation of the people of Lyon. In Flare 2, the forest of Lyon becomes host to a malevolent force that consumes all who trespass its borders. When Lady Neris and her brother Eo disappear while investigating, it is up to Flare to discover what new evil lurks in the heart of Lyon...
Superdimensional Romanesque Samy: Missing 99
Romus (voice)
A young schoolgirl Samy sees some bikers hurt some other girls and that makes the bikers come after Samy. While fleeing she gets the help of a boy and her dog, but she still ends up in a different world along with her dog. In there she helps a witch who has lost her glass eye. But bad demons search for her as well and soon she ends up in the fight between gods and demons because she holds a great power within.
Pelican Road Club Culture
Shigeru Tagawa
Kenichi Watanabe, a high school student nuts about his MBX50. He and his friends set up a bike club called Culture, and this story chronicles their adventures on the journey towards adult life.
Dream Hunter Rem
Doctor / Naoto
Rem can't sleep - ever - but she can enter the world of dreams just the same, so she decides to use her unusual powers ti make a living as a private investigator in the dreamworld. Lieutenant Sakaki doesn't think it's a good idea... This is the original, 1-part hentai version of the OVA, later remade into a less-explicit version with 2 additional episodes.
Lid Kyle
To succeed to his father, Lid Kyle sets out a journey to defeat the incarnation of the evil that seems to dominate the world. Longn and Mimau also began to journey to achieve his father’s will. On their way, Key and Bagda join them. They overcome some difficulties, and finally they met Vaii, the evil. They managed to beat Vaii, but it still doesn't solve their problem....
Little Love Story: Chitchi and Sally, Four Seasons of First Love
Drama teacher
Ogawa Chiiko (Chitchi to her friends) is a vertically-challenged high school student. She's only 132 cm tall (4' 4"), and she's frequently teased by her classmates, except for her loyal friend Tonko. Chitchi's problems are compounded when she falls hopelessly in love with one of the most popular boys in her school, the 6-foot-tall Murakami Satoshi (Sally to his friends). Chitchi succeeds in becoming Sally's friend - he thinks of her as a kind of mascot - but she aspires to be something more. She follows him to his clubs, arranges similar vacations, and pursues her quest from the opening of school in the spring to spring of the following year. She experiences the joys and agonies of first love, while all too keenly aware that she is stuck, despite Tonko's encouragement and help, in Sally's "friend zone."
Ultraman Zoffy: Ultra Warriors vs. the Giant Monster Army
Ultraman Zoffy explains to the audience about the history of the ultra series alongside Pigmon, while having to fight off with various seijin foes.