Semi Chellas


Темные времена настали в королевстве. Правитель мертв, а его трон занял самозванец и убийца. Гамлет, законный наследник престола, клянется отомстить за отца. Сердце принца способна смягчить лишь прекрасная Офелия. Ради него она готова оставить двор и пойти против тирана. Но cмогут ли их чувства преодолеть саму смерть?
Темные времена настали в королевстве. Правитель мертв, а его трон занял самозванец и убийца. Гамлет, законный наследник престола, клянется отомстить за отца. Сердце принца способна смягчить лишь прекрасная Офелия. Ради него она готова оставить двор и пойти против тирана. Но cмогут ли их чувства преодолеть саму смерть?
Фильм сфокусирован на девушке Дженни, которая вовлечена в похищении наследницы Паулины.
Фильм сфокусирован на девушке Дженни, которая вовлечена в похищении наследницы Паулины.
Фильм сфокусирован на девушке Дженни, которая вовлечена в похищении наследницы Паулины.
Murder on Her Mind
Executive Producer
Inspired by the true story in the book by Linda Spaulding. Twenty years ago, Sally Linden sat on a jury in the trial of Theresa Nichol, a young woman accused of murder. They were close in age, and perhaps because of that, Sally saw the mistakes of her own life reflected in Theresa’s plight. She became convinced that the case against Theresa was not being proved beyond reasonable doubt. Twenty-some years later, Sally finds the notebook she kept throughout the trial. She's again at a crisis in her life where she feels she cannot keep running away: from herself, from her family, from her marriage, from her past. She searches for Theresa, and finds her still in prison. Seeking at first only to atone, Sally develops an intense bond with Theresa, writing about her and gradually becoming convinced that an outrageous miscarriage of justice has taken place.
Murder on Her Mind
Inspired by the true story in the book by Linda Spaulding. Twenty years ago, Sally Linden sat on a jury in the trial of Theresa Nichol, a young woman accused of murder. They were close in age, and perhaps because of that, Sally saw the mistakes of her own life reflected in Theresa’s plight. She became convinced that the case against Theresa was not being proved beyond reasonable doubt. Twenty-some years later, Sally finds the notebook she kept throughout the trial. She's again at a crisis in her life where she feels she cannot keep running away: from herself, from her family, from her marriage, from her past. She searches for Theresa, and finds her still in prison. Seeking at first only to atone, Sally develops an intense bond with Theresa, writing about her and gradually becoming convinced that an outrageous miscarriage of justice has taken place.
Green Door
Story Editor
Shane Bradley, who is fixated on ideas of luck and destiny, tries to win the girl of his dreams. After their relationship falters, Shane begins to think he might be unlucky and turns to gambling as an outlet for his obsession.
Убийство в чужом городе
Лихо распрощавшись с прошлым, Клэр покидает Монреаль, надеясь обрести счастье в Торонто. Совершенно не зная английского, растерянная искательница приключений не догадывается, что с первых же минут в новом, чужом городе она невольно стала главным героем безумной аферы с бриллиантами и жестокими убийцами-контрабандистами. Вездесущей полиции и безжалостной мафии очень не нравится загадочная Клэр, и они заставят ее отвечать за чужие грехи, если она срочно не возьмет ситуацию в свои руки.
Three Stories From The End Of Everything
Three short stories cover ground ranging from heartbreaking family drama to pitch-black comedy.
The Life Before This
Associate Producer
Several innocent persons are hurt after two robbers, fleeing from the police, run into a neighborhood cafe.
The Life Before This
Several innocent persons are hurt after two robbers, fleeing from the police, run into a neighborhood cafe.
The Life Before This
Several innocent persons are hurt after two robbers, fleeing from the police, run into a neighborhood cafe.
Restless Spirits
A young girl, who struggles with her pilot father's death in a plane crash years before, visits her grandmother in Newfoundland. While there, she encounters the ghosts of two pilots, who are condemned to Earth to constantly re-live their own crash that occurred in 1927. The girl decides to help the pair by helping them re-build their airplane and complete their flight so they may be released and, in turn, deal with her own emotional bondage.
Joe's So Mean to Josephine
Girl in Bar
Josephine has her eye on Joe, a hot-headed, petty criminal who taps phones for a living. When she finally worms her way into his heart she realises it's not a nice place to be. But is it too late?