Christos Stergioglou

Christos Stergioglou

Рождение : 1951-12-31, Didymoteicho, Grecia


Christos Stergioglou was born in 1952 in Didymoteicho, Thrace, Greece. He is an actor and producer, known for Dogtooth (2009), The Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas (2013) and Unfair World (2011).


Christos Stergioglou
Christos Stergioglou


It is the early 20th century on a dystopian Greek island. Hadoula, a widow who lost her husband, loannis Fragkos, at a young age, is a woman who has learned how to survive in a male-dominated and extremely patriarchal society. Hadoula carries a difficult burden within her. Like a baton passed on to her from her mother, and the generations before her, she is meant to accept the belittling and degradation of women. Hadoula reacts. Her personal, internal revolution soon comes forth. The victims of her outburst are the little girls of the island, whom she sets free from the social and economic burden that their existence entails by taking their lives. Her actions will bring her face to face with the law. She leaves her home and escapes to her refuge, nature. But as much as her faith and morals dictate that she did the right thing, her trans-generational trauma follows her everywhere. And the end comes as redemption.
Aristeidis Stergiadis
Древний греческий город Смирна был веками оккупирован османами, но при этом оставался многонациональным городом, в котором в мире жили греки, турки, армяне, евреи и другие народы. В 1922 году греческая армия, получившая по условиям послевоенного договора контроль над Смирной (ныне турецкий город Измир), потерпела сокрушительное поражение от турок и была вынуждена отступить. В городе началось безжалостное уничтожения греков и армян.
A La Carte
The Minister of Health is invited to a radio show, in order to hide a scandal he’s involved in. On air, they are walking on a tightrope, that gets even tighter by the listeners’ reactions and the pressure by the pharmaceutical companies and the government.
Греция, 2015 год: экономика в руинах, страна на грани банкротства. Новое правительство восстает против жесткого правления Евросоюза, вдохновляя миллионы европейцев. По мотивам политических мемуаров Яниса Варуфакиса - бывшего министра финансов Греции.
A solitary dinner for two in a dehumanized society that has a craving for itself.
Maneki Neko
The unexpected encounter of two strangers and their agreement while waiting for a cab to share the cost of the ride, becomes the motive for the anatomy of a relationship.
Сын Софии
Antonis Paraskevas
Когда-то давно люди и монстры мирно сосуществовали, но люди всё испортили, и теперь монстрам приходится скрываться. Маленькому и наивному монстрику, наследнику трона монстров, предстоит столкнуться с Королём Демонов и предотвратить войну.
Deli owner
The post-it messages of a stranger push Anna to her limits, shattering her mental health. A tragicomic glance at the life of a young woman, viewed through a distorted perception of reality.
В афинском театре идёт современная адаптация классической греческой трагедии Эсхила «Орестея». Зрители, как обычно, сидят на своих местах. Внезапно на сцену выходит группа молодых людей, одетых в чёрное, с оружием в руках. Они извиняются за вмешательство и приглашают людей из зала принять участие в пьесе. Спектакль возобновляется, но с одним отличием: теперь жизнь подражает искусству, а не наоборот.
Runaway Day
Maria and Loukas decide at the same time and for no apparent reason to respectively run away from their homes. Each of them has to deal with their personal problems: Maria is stuck in a wealthy marriage with Dimitris while raising their two children. Loukas is unemployed and full of debts. Both of them run away from their personal issues, both of them begin wandering in modern day Athens. They come across a series of controversial events and meet with strange characters. Furthermore, various people seem to be on their track; Maria is followed by two policemen. Loukas is followed by a weird stranger dressed in black, Joseph, who desperately wants something from him.
The death of a pet prompts the unraveling of a woman.
Set entirely in the rural frontier area between Greece and Bulgaria, it is an austere story of a Greek man who wants to buy a baby across the border.
Вечное возвращение Антониса Параскеваса
Antonis Paraskevas
Антонис Параскевас является национальной фигурой: 20 лет он находится у руля самого популярного в Греции утреннего телевизионного шоу. Однако никто не застрахован от падения рейтингов, долгов и личных проблем…
Unfair World
Sotiris is a police investigator in Athens who lives by a strict moral code. An honest man, he carries himself as though held down by the weight of the world. Dora is a cleaning lady, struggling to get by any way she can. Dealt a rough hand in life, she has developed a rich layer of cynicism and mistrust that informs her every action. When a man Sotiris believes is innocent is arrested for a brutal crime, his attempt to uncover the truth results in a grave mistake. Finding himself on the other side of the law for the first time, he places his fate in Dora, the only witness to his malfeasance and the only person who can help him, for better or for worse.
Journey to Mytilene
After 20 years in Paris, an inheritance brings Kostas back to his hometown Mytilini. Thats where he will meet again with a young girl who he firstly met in France, and his relatives bringing back memories of his childhood.
В доме на окраине города живут мать, отец и трое детей. Дом окружён высоким забором, за который дети никогда не выходили. Они растут, развлекаются, учатся и играют так, как считают нужным их родители, не испытывая никакого влияния со стороны. Они верят, что самолёты, пролетающие над ними, игрушечные, а «зомби» – это название желтого цветочка. Войти в дом из внешнего мира может только Кристина. В компании главы семейства она работает охранником. Её приглашают для того, чтобы сын с её помощью удовлетворял свои сексуальные потребности. Взрослые дети знают главный закон семьи: «нельзя покинуть дом, до тех пор, пока у тебя не выпадет правый клык».
False Alarm
Summer in an Athenian neighborhood, the alarm of a car does not leave their neighbors in peace. But every one has its own problems. Infidelity, robbery, jealousy, flirtation, and family reconciliation on corpses, all pour forth into five intertwined stories
Λίστα Γάμου
Chariton's Choir
Chariton Ulianov has one great love: Life! That particular love affair however does not hamper him in his pursuit of enjoyment of her simpler pleasures. For him every woman is beautiful, every wine is superior when shared with good company and every situation an opportunity for good humor. His position as School Master in a small provincial town on the island of Corfu gives him the opportunity to disseminate his own unique philosophy especially to the students that participate in his greatest passion: the choir.
Сон собаки
История одной волшебной ночи в Афинах. Человек возвращаясь домой вспоминает сон о странном ограблении и девушке с красными волосами, а войдя в собственную квартиру обнаруживает, что его самого обчистили, вынеся все до последней вещи. Полицейский, озабоченный странной болезнью своей дочери и обладающий сверхъестественным собачьим чутьем, берется отыскать награбленное. А пострадавший предпринимает попытку разыскать девушку с красными волосами, припоминая, что во сне он сам был кем-то другим. А тот, кем он был во сне, сталкивается в приемной потомственной ясновидящей с полицейским, расследующим ограбление, и затем, выслушав предсказания гадалки тоже пускается в поиски женщины своей жизни...
Μηδέν Θετικό
Playing Parts
A group of friends decide to marry
Hard Goodbyes: My Father
Elias is a 10 year old boy living in Athens with his family in 1969 and has an interest in Jules Verne's stories and in astronomy. His father, with whom Elias has a strong relationship, is a travelling salesman and his absence affects the whole family. On the eve of his departure for a long business trip he promises his son that he'll be back in time to watch the moon landing on TV together, but he is killed in a car accident. While Elias' mother and his elder brother deal with the loss in their own way, Elias refuses to accept his father's death. He creates an imaginary world, in which his father is alive. He shares fictitious stories with his friends, he sends letters to his grandmother on behalf of his father and he dreams of places like he did with him. Elias' mother and his godfather, who do everything to bring him back to reality, take him to a summer house. On the night of the moon landing Elias meets his father in his own way and comes to terms with his loss.
Think it Over
All indications were that Maraki was made for great things, for honor and distinctions. And yet contrary to all expectations our heroine cops out. She refuses to take the university entrance exams is left behind in the country town selling fruit tarts. No one can figure out how come that whiz kid got left behind. Neither can anyone understand why Maraki isn't mad at fate for having wronged her so flagrantly. How does she manage to be so creative and optimistic, ready to do battle with the everyday injustices of life wherever the may appear? She appears to understand something that all the others ignore.
Anna's Summer
Real estate agent
A widow reminisces on her life after returning to her family home in Greece.
Μαύρο Γάλα
Alekos is a young writer, who faces a creative block, can not find any meaning and redemption in his reality, wasting himself among adventurous romances and dangerous friendships.
Three characters attempt to reproduce, comprehend and uncover details of their stories through senseless actions. Three external landscapes depict three internal thought processes. The experience is not a reflection of reality but a quirky distortion.