Executive produced by Shaggy, this documentary brings in heavy hitters like Sean Paul, Ding Dong, and many more, including Shaggy himself, to tell the story. With never-before-seen archival footage that bridges the journey from Kingston to Brooklyn, this film will delight not just dancehall fans but believers of the power of music to bring people together. The film is an experience that will have you on your feet dancing.
DJ SWB is back at it again with his crazyyyy video mixes, and this time YUNG JOC and LUPE FIASCO lend a helping hand by hosting over 107 minutes of the strongest video blends in the market. With over 40 new video mixes, bonus interviews (including TI, Lupe and Young Joc), and a live performance by the Clipse, "How We Do Vol 6" is action packed from start to finish! This DVD is a must have for any hip-hop fan and a great edition to DJ SWB's always highly anticipated "How We Do" series. And If you don't believe our word, just check out the trailer and see the excitement for yourself!
Недавние сорванцы и отвязные хулиганы со временем превратились в самых крутых парней района. Они разучились доверять друг другу. Бандитские связи и шальные деньги развратили их души, сделали каменными сердца. Теперь эти парни живут по особым правилам и соблюдают только свои законы. И когда им, объятым пламенем уличной войны, придется выбирать между жизнью и смертью, чистой совестью и предательством — каждый из них покажет свое истинное лицо.