Kōji Yada
Рождение : 1933-04-15, Tokyo, Japan
Смерть : 2014-05-01
Chandana (voice)
A spin-off of Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still
Ginrei and Tetsugyu take a wild west trip into the desert to find something that is at least semi-serious.
Huang Zhong (voice)
Third movie of the Sangokushi animated film trilogy. The movie covers the longest time span of the three films, from Liu Bei's expedition to Shu in 211 CE to the death of Kongming in 234 CE.
Dr. Gero (voice)
Альтернативные события, связанные с андроидами доктора Геро. После расправы над доктором Геро Семнадцатый и Восемнадцатый покидают лабораторию. Однако компьютер продолжил свою работу и активировал андроидов под номерами 13, 14 и 15, цель которых — убить Сон Гоку.
Kyus Rotar (voice)
Keith, George, Edward, Yang and Shaw are Platoon #801, the five-man team formed to protect their homeworld in the Inferious galaxy from alien invasion. Gazaria's evil emperor Vince conquers the neighbor worlds of Kal and Granad, and suddenly only Platoon #801, also known as Condition Green, stands between him and the conquest of Emerald Earth.
Nobuko's Father (voice)
Hiroshima, summer of 1945. A young girl named Nobuko saves a starving kitten from crows. She wants to keep the kitten, but her parents dismiss the idea. Nobuko eventually convinces them to let her keep it. She and her brother Makoto name the cat Kuro. Kuro quickly brings joy and laughter to the family. As World War II takes its toll on Japan, it becomes harder for Nobuko and her family to care for Kuro. One August morning, Kuro begins acting strangely...
Dr. Kochin (voice)
Благодаря Драконьему Жемчугу доктор Кочин освобождает из оков льда лабораторию, в которой когда-то оказался заточён злобный доктор Уиллоу. Теперь эти безумные учёные замышляют захватить мир с помощью своей страшной биотехнологии. Однако доктор Уиллоу существует лишь в виде мозга, и ему требуется новое, самое сильное тело.
The Jailer (voice)
Mike is a penguin soldier who returns home after being injured during combat. Estranged from his family and friends, he leaves his hometown and starts to roam adrift through the country.
Yoshio's Father (voice)
Many years after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the survivors (called hibakusha in Japanese) are still physically and emotionally devastated by the event. Kuroi Ame ni Utarete tells the interlocking stories of a group of survivors who frequent Stand Akauma, a bar: Takeshi, who lost his entire family; Tomoko, a prostitute horribly burned in the bombing; her younger brother Junji, who scrabbles on the fringes of society; Eiko, a pregnant young woman whom he loves; and Yuri, another prostitute who is determined to secure a brighter future for her blind son.
Greedle (voice)
В наследство от умирающего Линзмэна Kimball Kinnison «обычный» фермер, получает удивительное устройство — Линзу, а также злобных Эддориан, которые за ней охотятся. Вынужденный бежать от погони он становится свидетелем гибели родной планеты и горячо любимого отца. Битва Добра со Злом началась. ..
Moor A (voice)
This cartoon, based on a popular manga, centers on an 11-year-old boy who goes to Africa with his father in 1941. Because he is Japanese, the father is detained by the British. The boy joins up with a beautiful native girl, and the adventure begins, a sort of Young Indy Jones meets Tarzan. Written by Rob Richardson
Heck Ben (voice)
Some time ago, Shunsaku Ban witnessed his friend’s murder during a random robbery attempt, and decided to become a guardian for the man’s infant son, Yuno. The child instantly bonded with a mysterious green cat that was carried by the gang, but Shunsaku was convinced that there’s something nefarious about the feline. Now, in the present, his long lost child surfaces in the news as a rich and powerful man who’s having the best luck at the casinos - and somehow, the green cat is still alive and at his side. Determined to save Yuno from the clutches of this evil creature, Shunsaku begins to investigate the truth of what’s really going on...
Mr. Matsuzawa is a novelist who lives in Chiba Prefecture. Only his daughter Kazuko knows that the family dog, Don Matsugorou, can talk. Don is wounded in a fight with the neighbors' dog, King, a nouveau-riche mongrel with ideas above his station. At the vet, however, he falls in love with a little patchwork puppy called Chotaro. (Source: The Anime Encyclopedia)
Lloyd (voice)
Американский ученый конструирует лазерный спутник, надеясь таким образом предотвратить ядерные конфликты, но вместо этого провоцирует новый виток гонки вооружений.
Chancellor (voice)
In the Andromeda galaxy there's a planet of a highly developed human civilisation. The gentle Prince Itaka and another kingdom's beautiful Princess Lilia are about to enter a love-marriage and take over the throne, when they discover a strange object on the nightsky. Later it lands on the planet, and an alien, mechanic civilization invades King Itaka's peaceful country making nearly everybody their slave. On a fateful night Queen Lilia gives birth to twins, and to avoid misfortune, the nanny Tarama takes one of the babies away, and entrusts it to the gladiator Balga. They still don't know, that the children were born with strong powers, and hold the key to the fight against the enemy that's searching to destroy every human civilisation on the planet... (from myanimelist)
Illumidas Officer
С чего началась история Харлока – человека, ставшего вольным пиратом на просторах бескрайнего космоса? С возвращения на Землю капитаном военного корабля, перевозящего беженцев. Была война, и земляне потерпели поражение. Сопротивление ушло в подполье, и только радиовещание на пиратской волне – «Голос свободной Аркадии» - напоминает о том, что земляне продолжают бороться. Отказавшись служить захватчикам и получив нелестную характеристику от капитулировавшего премьер-министра, Харлок становится гражданским и получает продовольственную карточку. Делать нечего: ни оружия, ни корабля у бывшего капитана больше нет, как и средств к существованию, единственный способ не умереть с голоду – использовать карточку, и Харлок отправляется в местную столовую, где знакомится с опустившимся военным – механиком Тотиро...
Tome (voice)
Retired samurai Kumosuke lives quietly, not to say idly, in Edo (old Tokyo) with his wife and two children, a young boy named Shinnosuke and an infant girl, Ohana. While he nominally runs a courier business to earn a living, he seems to spend most of his time smoking his pipe, drinking sake, and chasing women. The arrival of a Shinsengumi squad led by a young swordswman, Ichimonji Hyougo, disrupts this peaceful routine, forcing Kumosuke to defend himself.
Tokiwa was the apartment complex where a group of stellar artists lived in 1953. Hiro Terada, Motoo Abiko and Hiroshi Fujimoto, Shotaro Ishinomori and Fujio Akatsuka shared the trials and tribulations of being struggling young artists and writers with no money and no luck with editors or girls, with a spirit of insane youthful enthusiasm that enabled them to survive the lean years and emerge as stars of the manga firmament.
Professor (voice)
A club of young men who live by logic find themselves in love, and their lives fall apart as they try to cope with the emotions their romance strikes on them.
God 4 (voice)
Unico the Unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he meets happy. Whether it's because of his personality or the powers of his horn, no one knows. However, the gods become jealous of Unico, thinking that only they should be able to decide or allow people to be happy. Unico is banished to the Hill of Oblivion, and the West Wind is ordered to take him there. She can't stand giving this fate to Unico, so Unico's adventures begin, as the West Wind takes him from one place and time to the next, in a neverending journey to escape the wrath of the gods.
This little-known and poorly documented Leiji Matsumoto TV movie, tells the story of the revolution of the people of the ocean which are being invaded by the humans from the surface.
Captain (voice)
Ремейки двадцать второй серий «Галактического экспресса 999» о встречах Тэцуро Хошино с королевой пиратов Эмеральдас, транслировался в промежутке между 71-й и 72-й сериями.
Officer (voice)
Спецвыпуск "Ты можешь жить как воин?!" создан на основе ТВ серии "Галактического экспресса 999" "Воитель камней" и повествует о приключениях Тэцуро и Мэйтел на окаменевшей планете. Несмотря на то, что во многом этот спешл повторяет содержание сериала, в нём было добавлено множество новых событий. Прежде всего это касается отношений воина Юлиуса и его невесты Лидии, в ходе которых перед зрителем предстаёт подлинная трагедия воина, чтущего бусидо, поставленного волей судьбы перед нелёгким выбором: спасти любимую девушку, потеряв при этом честь воина, либо же во имя чести потерять всё остальное?
Skunk Kusai (voice)
The plot of Marine Express can be described in two parts. The first part focuses on the people boarding the train and the problems they encounter on it. The second part takes place after the train has stopped at its half-way point, an island that used to be home to an ancient civilization millennia ago and has its fair share of secrets.
Captain Future and friends compete in a galactic race and end up defending themselves against aggressive competitors and evil villains out to destroy them.
Gabura (voice)
A trio of renegade demons fight their evil brothers in a theatrical release of the first episode of the TV series.
Dr. Nossori/Iron Mask
Mazinger Z vs. Devilman is a 1973 animated movie that crossed over two then-popular Anime series, both of which were created by Manga artist Go Nagai. While fighting with some of his enemies Mazinger Z inadvertently knocks them into a volcano, where they crash into the prison of the Satan race and release Phoenix Jenny! Dr. Hell, learning of this, frees the rest of the Satan race and teams up with them to defeat Mazinger Z, and their ability to fly proves to be too much for our hero. Meanwhile, Devilman is also individually fighting the members of the Satan race, but their combined power is too much for him as well; can Mazinger and Devilman put aside their differences and team up to defeat Dr. Hell and the Satan race?