Harry James

Harry James

Рождение : 1916-03-15, Albany, Georgia, USA

Смерть : 1983-07-05


Harry James was born in a rundown hotel next to the city jail in Albany, Georgia. His mother and father were members of a circus - she as a trapeze artist and he a band leader - with the Mighty Haag Circus. At seven, they settled in Beaumont, Texas where Harry learned yo play drums. By twelve, he was playing trumpet in the Christy Brothers circus band. In 1936 James joined Ben Pollack's band, soon leaving to lead the brass section of Benny Goodman's band. He even once applied to Lawrence Welk's band but was turned down because they said he played too loud and it was not Welk's style. After three years with Goodman, he wanted to leave, and with Goodman's backing, he formed the Music Makers. In 1943 he married pinup queen Betty Grable, his second of four wives. He had earlier married and divorced Louise Tobin, a singer. Grable kept appearing in movies and Harry kept playing while they raised horses. He made his debut in Philadelphia at the Ben Franklin Hotel and soon was a nationwide favorite of dance lovers and jazz addicts, rocking the rafters at the Hollywood Paladium, Chicago's famous College Inn at the Hotel Sherman, Frank Dailey's Meadowbrook in Cedar Cove, NJ, and then onto New York City. It was the Lincoln Hotel in NYC that the Music Makers called home, but James also starred at the Paramount Theater in the spring of 1943, with thousands of teenagers flocking to see him. His version of You Made Me Love You was a big hit and a favorite of many through the war years. James was a great discoverer of talent, finding Frank Sinatra working as a waiter in a New Jersey restaurant and giving him a job singing in his band. Dick Haymes, Kitty Kallen, Connie Haines and Helen Forrest can all thank James for giving them their first real break. In 1963 his band was featured at Disneyland, still known as the Music Makers. He played his last gig at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles on June 26, 1983, just a few days before dying of lymphatic cancer.


Harry James


This Is Bob Hope...
Self (archive footage)
During his career, Bob Hope was the only performer to achieve top-rated success in every form of mass entertainment. American Masters explores the entertainer’s life through his personal archives and clips from his classic films.
That's Entertainment! III
(archive footage)
Some of MGM'S musical stars review the studios history of musicals. From The Hollywood Revue of 1929 to Brigadoon, from the first musical talkies to Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain.
Афера 2
Band Leader
Для банды обаятельных и харизматичных мошенников времен Великой Депрессии под предводительством Фарго Гондорффа афера — это не только способ неплохо заработать, но и поиграть в увлекательную игру в кошки-мышки со своими злейшими врагами Дойлом Лоннегэном и Гасом Макалински. Эти бедолаги, почитающие себя акулами криминального мира, ещё даже представить себе не могут, как легко они попадутся в хитроумную ловушку Фарго…
Showbiz Goes to War
Archive Footage
While a few Hollywood celebrities such as James Stewart and Clark Gable saw combat during World War II, the majority used their talents to rally the American public through bond sales, morale-boosting USO tours, patriotic war dramas and escapist film fare. Comedian David Steinberg plays host for this star-studded, 90-minute documentary, which looks at the way Tinseltown helped the United States' war effort.
Frank Sinatra: The First 40 Years
Gala tribute to the Chairman of the Board.
Вот это развлечение! Часть 2
(archive footage)
Золотые моменты из фильмотеки MGM, что включает как комедии и драмы, так и классические музыкальные номера.
The Ladies Man
Harry James
After his girl leaves him for someone else, Herbert gets really depressed and starts searching for a job. He finally finds one in a big house which is inhabited by many, many women. Can he live in the same home with all these females?
Outlaw Queen
Rick Mason
Christina, the daughter of a Greek-immigrant family who does not share their belief that a woman's place is with her husband at the fireside, is a trick-shot artist. With her Uncle Jim, a strolling troubadour, and his sidekick Andy, a mandolin player, heads west to make her fortune.
The Opposite Sex
Harry James
Former radio singer Kay learns from her gossipy friends that her husband, Steve, has had an affair with chorus girl Crystal. Devastated, Kay tries to ignore the information, but when Crystal performs one of her musical numbers at a charity benefit, she breaks down and goes to Reno to file for divorce. However, when she hears that gold-digging Crystal is making Steve unhappy, Kay resolves to get her husband back. The Opposite Sex is a remake of the 1939 comedy The Women.
История Бенни Гудмана
Фильм-биография «Короля свинга» — Бенни Гудмена и его группы, от истоков становления до концерта оркестра Гудмена в Карнеги-холле, в Нью-Йорке, в 1938 году.
Как выйти замуж за миллионера
Radio Trumpeter (uncredited)
Нью-Йорк слезам не верит. Традиционная ситуация: три модели ищут мужей-миллионеров. Для осуществления своих планов девушки снимают шикарную квартиру в элитном районе и начинают осуществлять задуманное. Проходят три месяца — из квартиры продана последняя мебель, а на горизонте — ни одной подходящей партии. К финалу картины страсти накаляются, у двух подруг возникает дилемма: деньги или любовь? Лишь у третьей, на первый взгляд, все складывается хорошо. Но это лишь — на первый взгляд.
I'll Get By
Harry James
I'll Get By is an updated remake of the 1940 20th Century-Fox musical Tin Pan Alley. William Lundigan and Dennis Day play William Spencer and Freddie Lee respectively, successful song publishers who make hits out of such numbers as "I Got a Gal in Kalamazoo", "Deep in the Heart of Texas", "You Make Me Feel So Young", "There Will Never Be Another You", and other favorites (the rights to all of these songs were conveniently held by 20th Century-Fox). The partnership has some hard times, especially during the feud between ASCAP and the radio networks, when only public-domain songs like "I Dream of Jeannie" were permitted to be broadcast.
Music Consultant
После смерти родителей 9-летний Рик Мартин переезжает жить к сестре, но той нет дела до брата. Нет у него и друзей, поэтому в поисках спасения от одиночества он обращается к музыке. Рик становится учеником чернокожего трубача-виртуоза Арта Хаззарда и вырастает в настоящего мастера своего дела. Его взрослая жизнь в качестве участника оркестра сводит его с пианистом Дымком Уиллоуби и певицей Джо Джордан, которые становятся ему хорошими друзьями. Однако Рик по-прежнему замкнут и по-настоящему может доверять лишь своей трубе. К тому же его желание играть по-своему и импровизировать приводят к столкновению с руководителем оркестра.
Наш свадебный путь
Harry James
Фильм представляет собой альманах из трёх новелл. Оливер Пис работает в известной газете обычным служащим, но своей жене Марте не решается открыть истинное положение вещей, уверяя её, что он вполне уважаемый репортёр. Оливер не подозревает, что Марта уже давно знает всю правду. Желая хоть как-то ускорить карьерный рост мужа, Марта предлагает Оливеру провести на улицах Нью-Йорка опрос случайно встреченных людей на тему: «Какое влияние ребёнок оказал на вашу жизнь?» и рассказанные истории опубликовать в газете. По мнению Марты подобная публикация может иметь успех у читателей, а следовательно поможет карьере Оливера. И вот Оливер, как взаправдашний журналист, начинает интервьюировать каждого, кого встречает на пути. Среди услышанных историй выделяются три: друзей-музыкантов, звезды и иллюзиониста.
Carnegie Hall
Harry James
A young Irishwoman comes to the United States to live and work with her mother as a cleaning lady at Carnegie Hall. She becomes attached to the place as the people she meets there gradually shape her life. The film also includes a variety of performances from some of the foremost musical artists of the times: conductors Bruno Walter & Leopold Stokowski, solists Arthur Rubinstein & Jascha Haifetz, singers Lily Pons & Jan Peerce and bandleader Vaughn Monroe among many others.
If I'm Lucky
Earl Gordon
Out of work swing band maneuvers a gig working for a political campaign, by drawing in and entertaining prospective voters at rallies. The candidate is really a stooge for a corrupt political machine, which discovers the band's handsome and appealing singer would make a better stooge. Meanwhile, romance blossoms between the band's singers. When election day approaches, the band's singer wants out of the campaign, but the machine threatens to smear him and his pals in the band if he quits.
Do You Love Me
Barry Clayton
Katharine Hilliard, mousy dean of a stuffy music school, meets and is insulted by swing band leader Barry Clayton on a train. To "show" him she takes a friend's advice, removes her glasses, and puts on a designer gown. Naturally, she becomes gorgeous. Soon, both Barry and crooner Jimmy Hale are after her, and she finds herself in the midst of triangles and misunderstandings.
The All-Star Bond Rally
Inspirational documentary short film featuring Hollywood stars promoting the sales of War Bonds through songs and skits.
Прекрасная купальщица
Harry James
По рассказам Кеннет Эрл, М.М. Массельмэн, Кертис Кенион. Композитор Стив Эллиот (Ред Скелтон) влюблён в прекрасную Кэролин Брукс (Эстер Уильямс). Их свадьбу расстраивает коварный импресарио Джордж Адамс (Бэзил Рэтбоун), который боится, что Стив перестанет сочинять ему песни. Кэролин в слезах возвращается на прежнее место работы - колледж. Стив, горя желанием вернуть свою возлюбленную, решает туда поступить, но, проблема в том, что этот колледж - для девушек...
Две девушки и моряк
Harry James
Сестры Пэтси и Джин Дэйо с детства выступают на сцене. По вечерам, после выступлений, они приглашают желающих военных в открытую у них дома "солдатскую столовую" и мечтают снять помещение побольше. Их знакомый военный моряк Джон, скрывая о них, что он миллионер, анонимно покупает для них заброшенный склад и они превращают его в настоящий театр для солдат. Джон влюбляется в Джин, а сам он нравится обеим сестрам...
The Shining Future
Documentary short film intended to drum up support for the Fifth War Loan Campaign. It shows a happy family in the future of 1960 enjoying the prosperity and advantages made possible by the successful prosecution of the war, and how the sacrifices of 1944 have made the world a better place.
Swing Fever
Harry James (uncredited)
Comedy about a bandleader with hypnotic powers.
Swing Fever
Harry James
Comedy about a bandleader with hypnotic powers.
Best Foot Forward
Bud Hooper, a cadet at Winsocki Military Academy, sends an invitation to movie star Lucille Ball to come to Winsocki's big dance. Ball's publicity-hungry agent convinces her to go in order to boost her career. Complications arise when Bud's girlfriend Helen Schlesinger unexpectedly shows up, too.
Springtime in the Rockies
Harry James
Broadway partners Vicky Lane and Dan Christy have a tiff over Christy's womanizing. Jealous Vicky takes up with her old flame and former dance partner, Victor Price, and Dan's career takes a nosedive. In hopes of rekindling their romance and getting Vicky back on the boards with him, Dan follows her to a ritzy resort in the Canadian Rockies, where she and Victor are about to open their new act. But things get complicated when Dan wakes after a bender to find that he's hired an outlandish Latin secretary, Rosita Murphy, which makes Vicky think he's just up to his old tricks again.
Private Buckaroo
Harry James
The film tells the story of army recruits following basic training, with the Andrew Sisters attending USO dances. The film is a mixture of comedy and songs.
Harry James
A young trumpeter rises through the jazz world and finds love.
Too Many Girls
Orchestra Leader
Mr. Casey's daughter, Connie, wants to go to Pottawatomie College and without her knowledge, he sends four football players as her bodyguards. The college is in financial trouble and her bodyguards use their salary to help the college. The football players join the college team, and the team becomes one of the best. One of the football players, Clint, falls in love with Connie, but when she discovers he is her bodyguard, she decides to go back East. The bodyguards follow her, leaving the team in the lurch.
Hollywood Hotel
Benny Goodman Trumpeter (uncredited)
After losing a coveted role in an upcoming film to another actress, screen queen Mona Marshall (Lola Lane) protests by refusing to appear at her current movie's premiere. Her agent discovers struggling actress Virginia Stanton (Rosemary Lane) -- an exact match for Mona -- and sends her to the premiere instead, with young musician Ronnie Bowers (Dick Powell). After various mishaps, including a case of mistaken identity, Ronnie and Virginia struggle to find success in Hollywood.
L'empreinte rouge
Le maire