Lloyd McGuire

Lloyd McGuire

Рождение : 1947-09-02, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK


Lloyd McGuire is an English actor who has appeared in film and TV for over 35 years.


Lloyd McGuire


Bad Night for the Blues
Master of Ceremonies
Blues rinses, portraits of the queen and stand up bingo. Chris Shepherd delves into his past and recalls the world of his Aunty Glad and her local Conservative Club. The hues of blue that make up the Tory heartland are more than just a party - they are a state of mind.
Midlands Rep
Майк Бассет возглавляет сборную Англии по футболу. Проблема лишь в том, что он абсолютно посредственный тренер, который получил работу благодаря совершенно нелепому стечению обстоятельств.
Killing Me Softly
Sara Thornton was sentenced to life imprisonment after being convicted of the 1989 murder of her violent and alcoholic husband. Thornton never denied the killing, but claimed it had been an accident during an argument.
Out Of My Head
A teenager who's fed up with his uneventful life of social isolation decides to try drugs to get some excitement. He sets out to learn about their effects.
Кровавый круцифер
P.C. Hopkins
Экранизация пьесы Пола Джованни, написанной по мотивам повести Артура Конана Дойла «Знак четырех». Шерлок Холмс занимается расследованием истории, связанной с некогда украденными в Индии сокровищами, на которых лежало древнее страшное проклятие.
Dear Sarah
Warder #5
Giuseppe Conlon and his son Gerry are convicted of an IRA bombing as part of the Maguire Seven in 1976. Giuseppe diligently writes his wife Sarah as she works to free her family members from prison.
Love Birds
Barbara and Naseem are in the same hospital, having babies. They make friends. But the celebrations of their husbands, Kenny and Quereshi, 'Jimmy', lead to a headlong chase, with crazy mix-ups, collisions and brushes with the law
Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future
While trying to expose corruption and greed, television reporter Edison Carter discovers that his employer, Network 23, has created a new form of subliminal advertising (termed "blip-verts") that can be fatal to certain viewers.
The World Cup: A Captain's Tale
Tom Gill
The true story of the First world football competition, won by a team comprised of miners from Durham.
Police Sergeant
Компания, в которой много лет трудился архитектор Стивен Буккер, внезапно разорилась. Огромные кредиты выплачивать нечем, жена только что затеяла новый бизнес, потребовавший немалых средств, дети учатся в дорогих частных школах… Откуда взять столько денег ставшему в одночасье нищим Буккеру? Загнанный в угол, он соглашается на предложение Майка Дэниелса, вора с внешностью английского аристократа, участвовать в хитроумном ограблении самого большого и надежного лондонского банка. Казалось, преступники предусмотрели всё, но во время проведения операции они сталкиваются с совершенно неожиданными препятствиями... Увлекательный детектив с нестандартным сюжетом, нетипичными героями и абсолютно непредсказуемым финалом.
Birmingham Vice Squad
The tale of two women: Sandra, an ambitious but naive Birmingham working girl who moves to London with the hope of securing wealthier patrons, and Louise, her social worker friend, who is fighting to change the antiquated and hypocritical prostitution laws. As both strive to achieve their goals, a cold dose of reality dashes their hopes, and the built-in biases against women in society are unmasked.
Law & Order
PO Jordan
Four-part drama serial about the British juicidal system, dealing with an investigation presented from the perspectives of the police force, the criminal, the solicitor and the prison system.
Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
The Doctor arrives on a planet where two tribes, the savage Sevateem and the technically brilliant Tesh, are at war. He meets Leela, an exile from the Sevateem, and discovers that the tribes' god of evil is apparently himself...
Love on a Gunboat
Jazz enthusiast
In 1956 Britain staggers through crises in Suez and Cyprus while Leslie Potter pursues and marries Monica Dobbs. Twenty years later the nation has still not recovered. Neither has Leslie.
Well Thank You, Thursday
Miss Shepherd of the registry office is getting a new desk, but things don't go entirely as expected.