Tony Pitts

Tony Pitts

Рождение : 1962-10-10, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England


Tony Pitts is an actor, screenwriter and playwright. Born in Sheffield, Pitts originally intended to become a physician but ended up working as a car mechanic in his early career. During his time at Stannington College, Sheffield Barry Hines paid a visit looking for extras for his upcoming drama Looks and Smiles. Pitts was cast and soon upgraded to a bigger role in the production. He decided to follow his ambition to become an actor in 1983, landing the role of Archie Brooks in the long running ITV soap Emmerdale. He remained in the show for a total of ten years, when the character was killed off in the infamous plane crash episode of 30th December 1993. Since then, Pitts has worked in TV, film, radio and theatre including War Horse, Lilyhammer and Peaky Blinders. In 2018, Pitts wrote, produced and starred in the film Funny Cow - the story of a female stand up comedian (played by his friend Maxine Peake) on the northern club circuit in the 1970s. In 2021, Pitts and actress Katherine Kelly set up the production company Make Me Films. They released their first short, Let Her Go. In 2022. It was written by Pitts and marked his directorial debut.


Tony Pitts


Let Her Go
Insde the frozen hell of children's parties and American cultural imperialism. A comedy short from Make Me Films.
Let Her Go
Insde the frozen hell of children's parties and American cultural imperialism. A comedy short from Make Me Films.
The Colour Room
Jack Walker
A pioneering ceramic artist Clarice Cliff roares to prominence in the 1920s while working in Britain’s Stoke-on-Trent pottery industry.
Clumsy romantic Sunny is infatuated with glitzy but deadbeat, Francophile bingo-caller Pauline Dupondt and forgets the important things in life, like his 80 year old Grandmother Dot's birthday.
Funny Cow
Executive Producer
A comedian uses her troubled past as material for her stand-up routine, trying to rise up through the comedy circuit by playing Northern England's working men's clubs.
Funny Cow
A comedian uses her troubled past as material for her stand-up routine, trying to rise up through the comedy circuit by playing Northern England's working men's clubs.
Funny Cow
A comedian uses her troubled past as material for her stand-up routine, trying to rise up through the comedy circuit by playing Northern England's working men's clubs.
Боксер Мэтти Бертон во время боя получает тяжелую травму головы. Это ведет к серьезным последствиям, которые влияют на его личную и профессиональную жизнь.
Изгой-один: Звёздные войны. Истории
Captain Pterro
Фильм рассказывает о событиях, которые предшествовали четвёртому эпизоду «Звёздных Войн». Узнав о том, что Империя построила самую совершенную боевую станцию, способную уничтожать целые планеты, Альянс Повстанцев собирает особый отряд под руководством бывшей преступницы Джин Эрсо, целью которого является чертежи совершенного оружия Империи. Несмотря на то, что миссия кажется самоубийственной, отряд готов рискнуть всем ради победы. Однако расстановка сил резко меняется, когда Император посылает за ними своего самого страшного и могущественного приспешника — Дарта Вейдера, чьё присутствие гарантирует как минимум одно — отряду повстанцев не суждено вернуться со своей миссии живыми.
Покидая Блэкпул
Вдовец Джозеф приезжает в прибрежный городок Блэкпул. Здесь он вместе с женой пережил счастливейшие моменты в своей жизни, и здесь же он собирается свести с этой жизнью счёты. Риа — сирота, у которой сложные отношения с ее бойфрендом Дексом: когда-то он спас её от улицы, но теперь стал излишне склонен к рукоприкладству. Случайное знакомство Джозефа и Риа внесет коррективы в жизни обоих.
Три девятки
Major Crimes Detective
«999» - код опасности американских полицейских, который подразумевает намеренное убийство стража порядка. Сюжет разворачивается вокруг компании коррумпированных копов, решившихся на крупное ограбление. Но ради того, чтобы выйти сухими из воды, им необходимо убить кого-то из своих.
Быть хорошим полицейским не означает делать все по учебнику. Но, когда преступная деятельность в Лондоне идет на пользу албанцам и туркам, как выжить «хорошему» полицейскому?
Когда гаснет свет
Hilary Barnes
Муж, жена и девочка-подросток переезжают в новый дом, где их начинают преследовать призраки. .. кто они и чего они хотят? Сможет ли призрак развратного монаха заполучить их дочь?
Боевой конь
Sgt. Martin
История невероятной дружбы мальчика Альберта и коня Джоуи. Когда начинается Первая мировая, и Джоуи отправляют вместе с кавалерийским полком на поля сражений Франции, Альберт, несмотря на слишком юный для военной службы возраст, все равно уходит на фронт, чтобы найти и спасти друга.
Кровавый округ: 1983
John Nolan
Таинственный маньяк, похищавший и убивавший детей в Йоркшире, вновь дает о себе знать, в то время как коррумпированные полицейские, убежденные в своей безнаказанности, арестовывают, пытают и убивают ни в чем не повинных людей.
Кровавый округ: 1980
John Nolan
1980 год. Вот уже 6 лет в Йоркшире свирепствует маньяк, убивающий молодых женщин. Жители напуганы, в то время как полиция, практически бездействуя, ни на шаг не приблизилась к поимке «Йоркширского Потрошителя». Для проведения тайного расследования действий полиции Йоркшира приглашен помощник начальника полиции Манчестера Питер Хантер. По мере продвижения следствия Хантер все больше убеждается в том, что все это как-то связано с убийствами в клубе «Карачи» в 1974 году...
Johnny Vegas: Who's Ready for Ice Cream?
Johnny Vegas has crawled his way to the top of the showbiz ladder. Fame, wealth and awards are his but there's a problem...he's lost his edge. He's no longer funny and the fans have begun to take notice... The solution? Return Vegas to his stand-up roots - The Edinburgh Fringe Festival. How? Kidnap Johnny and surround him with a mad lifestyle manager, a meglomaniac sponsor and his obsessive comic flatmate who should've been sectioned years ago. Then just sit back, watch his world fall apart and hope his new found misery means he can reclaim his place amongst stand-up comedy's finest with hilarious results! Succeed or fail, one question must be answered...Who's Ready For Ice Cream?
Johnny Vegas: Who's Ready for Ice Cream?
Kai Rydell
Johnny Vegas has crawled his way to the top of the showbiz ladder. Fame, wealth and awards are his but there's a problem...he's lost his edge. He's no longer funny and the fans have begun to take notice... The solution? Return Vegas to his stand-up roots - The Edinburgh Fringe Festival. How? Kidnap Johnny and surround him with a mad lifestyle manager, a meglomaniac sponsor and his obsessive comic flatmate who should've been sectioned years ago. Then just sit back, watch his world fall apart and hope his new found misery means he can reclaim his place amongst stand-up comedy's finest with hilarious results! Succeed or fail, one question must be answered...Who's Ready For Ice Cream?
The Fix
Peter Swan
The story of the British betting scandal of 1964, uncovered by journalist Mike Gabbert which saw a number of British professional footballers were jailed and banned from football for life for conspiring to fix the results of matches. Prominent among those jailed and banned were the Sheffield Wednesday F.C. stars Peter Swan, Tony Kay and David Layne.
PC in Control Box
Drama based on the real life events of April 1989, when ninety-six Liverpool supporters were crushed to death during an F.A. Cup Semi-Final match against Nottingham Forest at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough Stadium. This movie follows three Liverpudlian families before the match, during the tragedy and at the ensuing court battles which tried to decide who was to blame and what went wrong.
On the Palm
Evil Mick
Fledge needs a job. He'll take anything. And when Dawlish gives him strange errands to run, for cash in hand, strictly 'on the palm', it's a welcome change from the dole. Until he finds himself digging dirt on an old friend....
Rainy Day Women
Roy Bates
In 1940, during World War II, an officer is sent to investigate rumours of German spies in a sleepy village where various people are the victims of war hysteria.
Looks and Smiles
Alan Wright
Thatcherism and the Irish troubles provide the backdrop for this study of Mick, a well-meaning youth in Sheffield, who has, unlike Dickens' Pip, no expectations. Mick lives with his parents, works on his motorbike, looks for work, and every two weeks gets his check from the dole. There are no jobs. His best mate Alan joins the army to fix tanks and is sent to Belfast to quell Catholics. At a disco, Mick meets Karen, who works at a shoe shop and lives with her recently-separated mom. Karen misses her dad. She offers Mick emotional stability and a route to adulthood; Alan pitches the army. Does Mick have a future?