Peter Ellis

Рождение : 1936-05-30, Bristol, England, UK


The Toybox
The Vicar
It all began so innocently for two children growing up in the deepest countryside, their imaginations set ablaze by a book on local myths and legends. Berenice convinces her younger brother Brian that she is the reincarnation of a witch with the powers to put everything right. As they grow up Brian becomes emotionally dependent on his sister, so that when she returns to the family home for Christmas with her new boyfriend he feels totally betrayed. At the same time a man strongly resembling the mythical Jake the Mid-Folker is closing in. An overwhelming sense of impending horror surrounds the house, but is the enemy outside - or is the enemy within?
The Bill: Target
Ch. Supt. Brownlow
Feature length episode of the popular TV series. WPC Ackland finds herself the target of an assassin's bullet.
Knockback: 2
Whitehall PPS
Alan and Sylvia fall in love and Alan gains a renewed sense of purpose. He begins to hope for an eventual release on licence. However both he and Sylvia have to face the fact that, for the foreseeable future, they cannot enjoy any physical intimacy. They decide to treat their affair as a long Victorian courtship.
A group of Devonport-based Royal Navy ratings, due to sail to America for a six-month NATO exercise, go out on the town on their last night in port, hitting Plymouth's notorious Union Street district, with violent results.
Американский оборотень в Лондоне
Bobby in Trafalgar Square
Есть в старушке Англии лихие, жуткие места, путешествовать по которым чрезвычайно опасно… И наших героев, двух беззаботных американских туристов, об этом предупредили. Но веселые заокеанские парни не вняли предостережениям местных жителей и в глухой ночи, освещаемой мертвым светом луны, сошли с дороги. Здесь, во мраке, их ждал неописуемый кошмар, после которого одному из американцев было суждено стать ужасным призраком, а другому — кровожадным оборотнем!
A play with music by Victoria Wood. Julie (Julie Walters) is a young woman seeking escape, with the help of her frumpish friend Maureen (Wood) she prepares for her singing debut at a seedy Manchester club's talent show
The Spongers
Left Wing Councillor
In the days leading up the Queen's Silver Jubilee, Pauline, a recently separated single mother, receives a visit from a bailiff and is given 15 days to address her overdue rent payments. Meanwhile, the local council is under pressure to cut expenditure, and their decisions result in Pauline's mentally handicapped daughter Paula being transferred from a care home for special needs children to an old people's home, where she is all alone.
Racconti romani di una ex-novizia
A girl who entered the convent pushed by devotion is depraved, marries, betrays her husband and becomes a courtesan.
In Two Minds
Kate, a young girl under psychiatric examination, suffers from a lack of confidence, self-esteem and self-control – telling of the “bad Kate” who commits immoral acts. Could the hypocrisy, selfishness and weakness of those around her have led to this state of mind or can Kate simply be diagnosed and dismissed as a schizophrenic?
Lord Jeff
Ned Saunders
Spoiled child Geoffrey Bramer teams up with a pair of small time crooks to pose as an aristocrat and steal jewelry from exclusive shops. During a a caper, Geoffrey is caught and is sentenced to a reformatory where young men are trained to be sailors. He is befriended by model in-mate Terry O'Mulvaney but soon starts to get them both in trouble.