Claudio Luca


The Long Winter
In 1838, Francois-Xavier Bouchard (Francis Reddy) fights beside his Quebec countrymen and the English minority.
Margaret's Museum
In a town where half the men die down the coalpit, Margaret MacNeil is quite happy being single in her small Cape Breton island town. Until she meets Neil Currie, a charming and sincere bagpipe-playing, Gaelic-speaking dishwasher. But no matter what you do, you can't avoid the spectre of the pit forever.
The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later
Fifteen years after the events of The Boys of St. Vincent took place, the various boys involved are brought in to testify against the brothers, now finally standing trial, who assaulted them when they were children.
The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later
Executive Producer
Fifteen years after the events of The Boys of St. Vincent took place, the various boys involved are brought in to testify against the brothers, now finally standing trial, who assaulted them when they were children.
Мальчики святого Винсента
Действие происходит в 2 временных периода: первая половина фильма - середина 1970-х годов: католический приют для сирот, которым руководит брат Питер Лэйвин, который совершенно не заботится о мальчиках, он использует их чтобы удовлетворять свои сексуальные желания. И так поступает не он один, а целая группа священников. Далее действие переносится в 1990 год, когда один из выросших мальчиков -Кевин Рини - возвращается, чтобы обвинить Лэйвина и встретиться с ним в суде. Но Лэйвин теперь женат, отец двух детей - и церковь продолжает отрицать, что факты совращения детей имели место. Рини в первой части был сексуально совращен, несмотря на свои попытки избежать контакта с Лэйвином и даже сбежать из приюта. В отличие от многих фильмов, где педофилы показаны ужасными людьми, Питер Лэйвин - главный герой и главный обвиняемый фильма - симпатичный и харизматичный мужчина, вызывающий даже симпатию. Фактически, фильм дает возможность понять точку зрения Лэйвина, что конечно шокирует.
An Imaginary Tale
In this tragicomedy, Toni is the director of a staged rendition of Othello in Montreal. It is a pet project of his, financed by his loving mafia uncle. Unbeknownst to him, the audiences are also rounded up (and paid) by the same uncle. Some of them have seen every performance of this tragic play, and are understandably bored, so when the backstage romantic shenanigans of the actors result in absurd situations onstage, the audience is delighted. There are a huge number of romantic situations going on in this film at the same time. One of them involves Gaston a somewhat world-weary jazz musician, and Florence, a glamorous middle-aged woman who has been pining for him for years. Another involves to members of the musician's jazz trio. Yet another involves the play's Desdemona, Soledad, the girlfriend of the man playing Othello, who can't keep his hands off his (female) dresser.
Human Sex
Executive Producer
Canadas contemporary dance group La La La Human Steps performs Édouard Lock's "Human Sex" .
Act of the Heart
Assistant Camera
A woman's peculiar religious convictions lead her on a self-destructive path.