Selwyn Ward

Selwyn Ward


Selwyn Ward


Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Legendary Battle
T.J. Johnson / Blue Space Ranger
Heroic teens Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia, and Jake have defended our planet countless times as the newest generation of Power Rangers. But when evil Emperor Mavro launches his entire alien Armada in a final strike against Earth, these five best friends are called back into action! To defeat the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen, the Megaforce will reunite with their alien friend Orion, and fight alongside over a hundred Rangers from the past - including Tommy, the original Mighty Morphin Green Ranger - in the most legendary battle in Power Ranger history!
The Historian Paradox
A time-traveling Historian falls for a woman he learns is destined to become a victim of a series of terrorist bombings.
A Simple Promise
A struggling young artist meets a talented, and undiscovered songstress. Desperately seeking success, they both must face hard truths and contend with sacrifice on their individual paths to fame and along the way they find a love that teaches them what success is really all about.
The Expendables
A group of female convicts volunteers for a mission to rescue a woman from a Cuban prison.
Power Rangers: In Space
TJ Johnson/ Blue Space Ranger
In this feature television film, the Space Rangers face their greatest foes yet — the Psycho Rangers. A re-edited version of Rangers Gone Psycho (#31) A Rift in the Rangers (#33) Five of a Kind (#34) Silence is Golden (#35) The Enemy Within (#36) to fit a feature-length format.
Американская история Х
Student Leaving Bathroom (uncredited)
Лидер местной банды скинхэдов Дерек Виньярд прочно удерживает авторитет в своем районе. Убежденный в своей правоте, он беспощадно расправляется с теми, кто имеет не белый цвет кожи. Независимость и смелость Дерека вызывают восхищение у его младшего брата Дэнни, который уже тоже сделал свой выбор. Но зверское убийство двух чернокожих парней, совершенное Дереком, разделяет дороги братьев: Дерек оказывается в тюрьме, где существует свой расклад сил, а Дэнни на свободе успешно продолжает дело брата. До тех пор, пока их пути не пересеклись вновь...