Dermot Kelly

Рождение : 1917-05-15, County Laois, Irish Republic

Смерть : 1980-02-18


Педантичный, ответственный Харри и обаятельный разгильдяй Чарли — уже 30 лет дружат и занимаются бизнесом: у них своя парикмахерская. Несмотря на возникающие иногда разногласия и недоразумения, все в их жизни складывается вполне гармонично. Привычное течение однообразных дней внезапно нарушает неожиданное известие от дочери Чарли: она собирается навестить отца…
Headline Hunters
Children decide to keep the local newspaper running while their father is ill.
Gold Is Where You Find It
Mad Mike
A millionaire returns to Ireland and loses his gold nuggets before disappearing and sparking a gold rush.
The Plank
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
Cup Fever
The children of Barton United are trying to win the cup in their local football (soccer) league. Nasty councillor Mr Bates doesn't like them and wants the team his son plays for to win instead so he makes life as difficult as he can for them. But Barton United are offered help by the local professional team that just happens to be Manchester United with boss man Matt Busby.
Желтый Роллс-Ройс
Marquess of Frinton's Jockey (uncredited)
Три новеллы о любви и разлуке. Объединяет их «Роллс-Ройс»- именно он служит пристанищем для влюбленных. Увы, их первое свидание в силу разных обстоятельств обычно оказывается и последним, после чего владелец машины предпочитает избавиться от нее, но, похоже, этот «Роллс-Ройс» заколдован — с каждым следующим покупателем происходит то же самое….
The Quare Fellow
Thomas Crimmins is a new warder, or guard, in an Irish prison. He is young, naive, and idealistic, determined to serve his country by his part in meting out justice to criminals. His superior, Regan, however, realizes that even prisoners are human beings, and Regan is sick of the eye-for-an-eye attitude that leads the state to execute condemned men, or "quare fellows." Crimmins begins to see that not all is black and white in his new world, and when he becomes involved with Kathleen, the wife of one of the condemned men, his attitude begins to change. When new evidence arises to suggest that Kathleen's husband may not deserve his fate, Crimmins is torn between his duty and his humanity.
Crooks Anonymous
A former burglar trying to go straight joins a rehabilitation scheme using much the same methods as AA. Through the process, he takes work as a department store Santa, where the endless parade of goods and money, not to mention the pretty young shop hands have him like a moth to a flame in no time flat.
Devil's Bait
Mr. Alfred Love
The police, with the help of a baker, try to find the owner a loaf of bread accidentally poisoned with potassium cyanide.
Cover Girl Killer
A madman is on the loose... killing fashion models that appear on the cover of magazines. The police start a manhunt in an attempt to capture the killer.
A local government official leads a double life when organising a breakout from a prison.
The Criminals
Fred Ellis
A small construction company's new year's eve party is taken over by a crook who has intricate knowledge of the men's private lives, forcing them into an incredible bank robbery plot.
Malta Story
British Soldier at Airport
In 1942 Britain was clinging to the island of Malta since it was critical to keeping Allied supply lines open. The Axis also wanted it for their own supply lines. Plenty of realistic reenactments and archival combat footage as the British are beseiged and try to fight off the Luftwaffe. Against this background, a RAF reconnaissance photographer's romance with a local girl is endangered as he tries to plot enemy movements.
Another Shore
Her Nephew
A young Irishman comes up with an unusual plan to get the money to emigrate to Tahiti. One of the Ealing comedies.