Explore new, fascinating data gathered by military, government, and private organizations in key geopolitical countries, leading many to believe that a unified human effort should be undertaken to study extraterrestrial phenomena.
Wind power... It's green... It's good... It reduces our dependency on foreign oil... That's what the people of Meredith, in upstate New York first thought when a wind developer looked to supplement this farm town's failing economy with a farm of their own — that of 40 industrial wind turbines. Attracted at first to the financial incentives, residents grow increasingly alarmed as they discover side effects they never dreamed of, as well as the potential for disturbing financial scams. With wind development growing rapidly at 39% annually in the US, WINDFALL is an eye-opener for anyone concerned about the future of renewable energy.
A documentary about the events that led to the rise of Darfur's Arab-dominated government and the international community's "legacy of failure" to respond to the genocide carried out in the country.
Верховный Судья Роберт Уэйкфилд получает лично от президента США задание возглавить массированную войну против торговцев наркотиками, как саранча ползущих через южную границу. Наркобароны и коррумпированные полицейские, частные детективы и безобидные на первый взгляд домохозяйки выстраиваются в запутанную схему. В конце концов судья обнаруживает, что его собственная семнадцатилетняя дочь сидит на героине. Но карты уже сданы, распоряжения сделаны, и никто не отмоется!..